Interrogatives for Lethbridge Part 4 Flashcards
God has made you also an heir why?
A.Since you are hischild.(G4:7)
And since you are his child, God has made you also what?
And since you are his child, God has what?
A.Made you also anheir.(G4:7)
Slaves to whom?
A.Those who by nature are notgods(G4:8)
You were slaves to whom?
A.Those who by nature are notgods.(G4:8)
You were slaves to those who by nature are not gods when?
A.Formerly, when you did not knowGod.(G4:8)
Known by whom?
Weak and miserable what?
Enslaved by them when?
A.All overagain.(G4:9)
Turning back to what?
A.Those weak and miserableforces.(G4:9)
Wasted what?
A.My effortsonyou(G4:11)
I fear for you, why?
A.That somehow I have wasted my effortsonyou(G4:11)
I fear for you, that what?
A.Somehow I have wasted my efforts onyou.(G4:11)
You did me what?
Become like me, why?
A.For I became likeyou(G4:12)
Become like me, for I what?
A.Became likeyou.(G4:12)
I first preached the gospel to you why?
A.Because of an illness(G4:13)
It was because of an illness that I what?
A.First preached the gospeltoyou(G4:13)
My illness was what?
A.A trialtoyou(G4:14)
Torn out what?
Torn out your eyes and what?
A.Given themtome(G4:15)
I can testify that what?
A.If you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given themtome.(G4:15)
Telling you what?
Have I now become your enemy how?
A.By telling you thetruth(G4:16)
Those people are zealous to what?
A.Win youover(G4:17)
Alienate you from us, why?
A.So that you may have zeal forthem(G4:17)
To alienate you from us why?
A.So that you may have zeal forthem.(G4:17)
Those people are what?
A.Zealous to win you over, but for nogood.(G4:17)
Provided what?
A.The purpose isgood.(G4:18)
It is fine to be zealous, provided what?
A.The purpose isgood.(G4:18)
Who is formed in you?
The pains of what?
Change my tone why?
A.Because I am perplexed aboutyou.(G4:20)
How I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, why?
A.Because I am perplexed aboutyou(G4:20)
Are you not aware of what?
A.What the lawsays(G4:21)
A divine what?
The result of what?
A.A divine promise.(G4:23)
The women represent what?
A.Two covenants(G4:23)
Who was born according to the flesh?
A.His son by the slavewoman.(G4:23)
Who was born as the result of a divine promise?
A.His son by the freewoman.(G4:23)
Who represent two covenants?
One covenant is from where?
One covenant is from Mount Sinai and what?
A.Bears children who are to beslaves(G4:24)
Who stands for Mount Sinai?
What city?
A.The present city of Jerusalem.(G4:25)
She is in slavery with whom?
A.Her children.(G4:25)
Hagar stands for what?
A.Mount Sinai in Arabia.(G4:25)
Now Hagar stands for what?
A.Mount Sinai inArabia(G4:25)
Because she is in slavery how?
A.With her children.(G4:25)
Corresponds to the present city of what?
The Jerusalem that is above is what?
The Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is whom?
Cry how?
Barren whom?
Shout for what?
Never bore whom?
Shout for joy and what?
Cry aloud, whom?
A.You who were never inlabor.(G4:27)
Shout for joy and cry aloud, whom?
A.You who were never inlabor(G4:27)
More are the children of the desolate woman than of whom?
A.Her who has a husband(G4:27)
Shout for joy and cry aloud, you who were never in labor; why?
A.Because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband.(G4:27)
Like Isaac, are whom?
A.Children of promise(G4:28)
The son born according to what?
The son born by the power of whom?
A.The Spirit.(G4:29)
The son born according to the flesh persecuted whom?
A.The son born by the power of the Spirit.(G4:29)
Who will never share in the inheritance?
A.The slave woman’sson.(G4:30)
The slave woman’s son will never share in what?
A.The inheritance.(G4:30)
The slave woman’s son will never what?
A.Share in the inheritance with the free woman’sson(G4:30)
The slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with whom?
A.The free woman’sson.(G4:30)
Not children of whom?
A.The slavewoman(G4:31)
Not children of the slave woman, but of whom?
A.The freewoman(G4:31)
A yoke of what?
Who has set us free?
Burdened again by what?
A.A yoke ofslavery(G5:1)
Burdened again how?
A.By a yoke of slavery.(G5:1)
It is for freedom that Christ has what?
It is for freedom that what?
A.Christ has set usfree.(G5:1)
Christ has set us free why?
A.It is for freedom that Christ has set usfree.(G5:1)
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be what?
A.Burdened again by a yoke ofslavery(G5:1)
Mark my what?
I, Paul, tell you what?
A.That if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to youatall(G5:2)
Obligated to what?
A.Obey the wholelaw(G5:3)
Who is obligated to obey the whole law?
A.Every man who lets himself be circumcised(G5:3)
I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that what?
A.He is obligated to obey the wholelaw.(G5:3)
Fallen away from what?
Who have fallen away from grace?
A.You who are trying to be justified by thelaw.(G5:4)
Who have been alienated from Christ?
A.You who are trying to be justified by thelaw.(G5:4)
We eagerly await by faith what?
A.The righteousness for which wehope.(G5:5)
Through the Spirit we eagerly await by faith what?
A.The righteousness for whichwehope(G5:5)
Faith expressing itself how?
Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has what?
The only thing that counts is what?
A.Faith expressing itself throughlove.(G5:6)
Obeying what?
You were running what?
A.A goodrace(G5:7)
Cut in on you to keep you from what?
A.Obeying thetruth(G5:7)
Who cut in on you to keep you from what?
A.Obeying thetruth.(G5:7)
A little yeast works through what?
A.The whole batch ofdough(G5:8)
That kind of persuasion does not come from whom?
A.The one who callsyou(G5:8)
What does not come from the one who calls you?
A.That kind of persuasion.(G5:8)
A little what?