Interrogatives for Lethbridge Part 2 Flashcards
Some false believers had what?
A.Infiltrated ourranks.(G2:4)
To spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and what?
A.To make usslaves.(G2:4)
This matter arose why?
A.Because some false believers had infiltrated our ranks to spy on the freedom we have in Christ Jesus and to make usslaves(G2:4)
What be preserved for you?
A.The truth of thegospel(G2:5)
We did not give in to them for a moment, why?
A.So that the truth of the gospel might be preservedforyou(G2:5)
Who does not show favoritism?
God does not show what?
They added what?
A.Nothing to mymessage(G2:6)
They added nothing to what?
A.My message.(G2:6)
What makes no difference to me?
A.Whatever theywere.(G2:6)
Just as Peter had been to whom?
A.The circumcised(G2:7)
The task of what?
A.Preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised.(G2:7)
What task?
A.The task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised(G2:7)
Entrusted with what?
A.The task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised(G2:7)
They recognized that I had been what?
A.Entrusted with the task of preaching the gospel to the uncircumcised.(G2:7)
Peter as an apostle to whom?
A.The circumcised.(G2:8)
Who was also at work in me as an apostle to the Gentiles?
Who was at work in Peter as an apostle to the circumcised?
They agreed that we should go to whom?
A.The Gentiles.(G2:9)
James, Cephas and John, those esteemed as what?
We should continue to what?
A.Remember thepoor.(G2:10)
All they asked was what?
A.We should continue to remember thepoor(G2:10)
All they asked was that what?
A.We should continue to remember thepoor.(G2:10)
The very thing I had been eager to do all along what?
A.To remember thepoor(G2:10)
Who stood condemned ?
I opposed him to his face why?
A.Because he stood condemned.(G2:11)
When Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, why?
A.Because he stood condemned(G2:11)
Certain men came from whom?
What group?
A.The circumcisiongroup.(G2:12)
He used to eat with whom?
A.The Gentiles.(G2:12)
Draw back and separate himself from whom?
A.The Gentiles(G2:12)
To draw back and what?
A.Separate himself from the Gentiles.(G2:12)
Afraid of whom?
A.Those who belonged to the circumcisiongroup(G2:12)
He began to draw back and what?
A.Separate himself from the Gentiles.(G2:12)
He used to eat with the Gentiles when?
A.Before certain men came fromJames.(G2:12)
Who was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group?
A.He (Cephas).(G2:12)
For before certain men came from James, he used to what?
A.Eat with the Gentiles(G2:12)
He began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles why?
A.Because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcisiongroup(G2:12)
Even Barnabas was what?
Who joined him in his hypocrisy?
A.The otherJews(G2:13)
The other Jews joined him in what?
A.His hypocrisy.(G2:13)
Even Barnabas was led astray how?
A.By their hypocrisy(G2:13)
By their hypocrisy, what?
A.Even Barnabas was ledastray(G2:13)
Jewish what?
What customs?
A.Jewish customs.(G2:14)
You force Gentiles to what?
A.Follow Jewish customs(G2:14)
You force Gentiles to follow what?
A.Jewish customs.(G2:14)
Not acting how?
A.In line with the truth of the gospel.(G2:14)
Not acting in line with what?
A.The truth of the gospel.(G2:14)
Who were not acting in line with the truth of the gospel.
A.They (the otherJews).(G2:14)
Jews by what?
Sinful whom?
Sinful what?
Put our faith in whom?
Not justified how?
A.By works of thelaw(G2:16)
Not justified by what?
A.The works of thelaw.(G2:16)
By the works of the law no one will be what?
No one will be justified how?
A.By the works of thelaw.(G2:16)
A person is not justified how?
A.By the works of thelaw.(G2:16)
Not justified by works of the law, but how?
A.By faith in JesusChrist(G2:16)
Seeking to be what?
A.Justified in Christ.(G2:17)
Rebuild what?
A.What I destroyed(G2:18)
If I rebuild what?
A.What I destroyed.(G2:18)
I really would be a lawbreaker when?
A.If I rebuild what I destroyed.(G2:18)
If I rebuild what I destroyed, then what?
A.I really would be a lawbreaker(G2:18)
If I rebuild what I destroyed, what?
A.Then I really would be a lawbreaker.(G2:18)
I died to the law why?
A.So that I might live forGod.(G2:19)
Christ lives where?
I have been crucified with whom?
I live by faith in whom?
A.The Son ofGod.(G2:20)
I no longer live, but what?
A.Christ livesinme.(G2:20)
Who loved me and gave himself for me?
A.The Son ofGod.(G2:20)
The life I now live in the body, I live how?
A.By faith in the Son ofGod.(G2:20)
Gained how?
A.Through thelaw(G2:21)
If righteousness could be gained through the law what?
A.Christ died for nothing.(G2:21)
Christ died for nothing when?
A.If righteousness could be gained through thelaw.(G2:21)
You foolish whom?
Portrayed as what?
Clearly portrayed as what?
I would like to learn what?
A.Just one thing fromyou(G3:1)
Who was clearly portrayed as crucified?
Before your very eyes what?
A.Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.(G3:1)
I would like to learn what?
A.Just one thing fromyou.(G3:2)
Finish how?
A.By means of theflesh(G3:3)
After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now what?
A.Trying to finish by means of theflesh(G3:3)
Experienced what?
A.So muchinvain(G3:4)
Who believed God?
Credited to him how?
A.As righteousness.(G3:6)
Abraham believed God, and it was what?
A.Credited to him as righteousness.(G3:6)
Those who have faith are what?
A.Children of Abraham.(G3:7)
Understand, then, that those who have faith are what?
A.Children ofAbraham(G3:7)
Justify the Gentiles how?
God would justify the Gentiles how?
Who would justify the Gentiles by faith?
All nations will be what?
A.Blessed throughyou.(G3:8)
Announced the gospel in advance to whom?
Announced the gospel how?
A.In advance to Abraham.(G3:8)
What foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith?
Scripture foresaw what?
A.That God would justify the Gentiles byfaith.(G3:8)
The man of faith whom?