Interrogatives for Lethbridge Part 5 Flashcards
The whole batch of what?
What batch?
A.The whole batch ofdough.(G5:9)
What works through the whole batch of dough?
A.A littleyeast(G5:9)
A little yeast works through what?
A.The whole batch ofdough.(G5:9)
Pay what?
A.The penalty(G5:10)
Who will have to pay the penalty?
A.The one who is throwing you into confusion(G5:10)
The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to what?
A.Pay the penalty(G5:10)
The offense of what?
What offense?
A.The offense of thecross.(G5:11)
The offense of the cross has been what?
What has been abolished?
A.The offense of thecross(G5:11)
Emasculate whom?
Serve one another how?
A.Humbly inlove(G5:13)
Humbly what?
A.Serve on another humbly inlove(G5:13)
Do not use your freedom how?
A.To indulge in theflesh.(G5:13)
But do not use your freedom to what?
A.Indulge theflesh.(G5:13)
The entire what?
This one what?
Love your neighbor how?
A.As yourself.(G5:14)
This one command: what?
A.’Love your neighbor as yourself.’(G5:14)
What is fulfilled in keeping this one command?
A.The entirelaw(G5:14)
Keeping what?
A.This one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(G5:14)
What command?
A.This one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(G5:14)
The entire law is fulfilled how?
A.In keeping this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’(G5:14)
The entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: what?
A.’Love your neighbor as yourself.’(G5:14)
Walk by whom?
A.The Spirit.(G5:16)
The desires of what?
Not gratify what?
A.The desires of theflesh(G5:16)
Walk by the Spirit, and you will not what?
A.Gratify the desires of theflesh.(G5:16)
So I say, what?
A.Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of theflesh.(G5:16)
In conflict with what?
And the Spirit what is contrary to what?
The flesh desires what?
A.What is contrary to the Spirit.(G5:17)
For the flesh desires what?
A.What is contrary to theSpirit(G5:17)
They are in conflict with each other, why?
A.So that you are not to do whatever youwant(G5:17)
Not under the law when?
A.If you are led by the Spirit.(G5:18)
If you are led by the Spirit, you are what?
A.Not under thelaw.(G5:18)
But if you are led by the Spirit, you are what?
A.Not under thelaw(G5:18)
The acts of what?
What acts?
A.The acts of theflesh.(G5:19)
What are obvious?
A.The acts of theflesh(G5:19)
Fits of what?
Not inherit what?
A.The kingdomofGod(G5:21)
Who will not inherit the kingdom of God?
A.Those who live likethis(G5:21)
I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not what?
A.Inherit the kingdomofGod(G5:21)
Against such things there is no what?
Passions and what?
Who have crucified the flesh?
A.Those who belong to ChristJesus.(G5:24)
Who have crucified the flesh with it passions and desires?
A.Those who belong to ChristJesus(G5:24)
We live how?
A.By the Spirit.(G5:25)
We live by whom?
A.The Spirit.(G5:25)
Keep in step with whom?
A.The Spirit.(G5:25)
Since we live by the Spirit, let us what?
A.Keep in step with theSpirit(G5:25)
Let us not become what?
Provoking and what?
A.Envying eachother(G5:26)
Provoking and envying whom?
Caught in what?
Restore that person how?
Watch yourselves, or you also may be what?
But watch yourselves, or you also may be what?
But watch yourselves, or what?
A.You also may be tempted.(G6:1)
Who should restore that person gently?
A.You who live by theSpirit(G6:1)
If someone is caught in a sin, what?
A.You who live by the Spirit should restore that persongently.(G6:1)
If someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should what?
A.Restore that persongently(G6:1)
Fulfill the law of whom?
Carry each other’s what?
Whose burdens?
A.Each other’s burdens.(G6:2)
Fulfill the law of Christ how?
A.Carry each other’sburdens(G6:2)
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will what?
A.Fulfill the law ofChrist(G6:2)
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way what?
A.You will fulfill the law ofChrist.(G6:2)
If anyone thinks what?
A.They are something when they arenot.(G6:3)
They deceive themselves when?
A.If anyone thinks they are something when they arenot.(G6:3)
If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they what?
A.Deceive themselves(G6:3)
If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, what?
A.They deceive themselves.(G6:3)
Test what?
A.Their ownactions(G6:4)
Take pride in whom?
Comparing themselves to whom?
Who should test their own actions?
Each one should test what?
A.Their own actions.(G6:4)
Without comparing themselves to whom?
Then they can take pride in whom?
Take pride in themselves alone, without what?
A.Comparing themselves to someoneelse.(G6:4)
Who should carry their own load?
Each one should carry what?
A.Their ownload.(G6:5)
For each one should what?
A.Carry their ownload(G6:5)
Instruction in what?
Receives instruction in what?
Share all good things with whom?
A.Their instructor.(G6:6)
Who should share all good things with their instructor?
A.The one who receives instruction in theword(G6:6)
Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should what?
A.Share all good things with their instructor(G6:6)
Who cannot be mocked?
God cannot be what?
Who reaps what he sows?
A man reaps what?
A.What hesows.(G6:7)
Reap destruction where?
A.From theflesh(G6:8)
Reap eternal life where?
A.From theSpirit(G6:8)
Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap what?
Whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap what?
Who will reap destruction?
A.Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction.(G6:8)
Who will reap eternal life?
A.Whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternallife.(G6:8)