Interrogatives for Lethbridge Part 6 Flashcards
The proper what?
Weary in what?
Reap a harvest if we do not what?
At the proper time we will what?
A.Reap aharvest(G6:9)
We will reap what?
A.A harvest if we do not giveup.(G6:9)
We will reap a harvest if we do not what?
Let us not become weary in doing good, why?
A.For at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not giveup.(G6:9)
The family of whom?
The family of what?
Let us do good to all people when?
A.As we have opportunity(G6:10)
Do good to whom?
A.All people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.(G6:10)
Let us do good to whom?
A.All people, especially those who belong to the family of believers(G6:10)
Let us do good to all people, especially to whom?
A.Those who belong to the family of believers.(G6:10)
Large what?
What letters?
A.Large letters(G6:11)
See what large letters I use as I what?
A.Write to you with my ownhand(G6:11)
To compel you to be what?
Impress people how?
A.By means of theflesh(G6:12)
To avoid being persecuted for what?
A.The cross ofChrist(G6:12)
The only reason they do this is to what?
A.Avoid being persecuted for the cross ofChrist(G6:12)
Boast about what?
A.Your circumcision in theflesh(G6:13)
Not even those who are circumcised what?
A.Keep thelaw(G6:13)
They want you to be circumcised why?
A.That they may boast about your circumcision in theflesh(G6:13)
The world has been what?
The world has been crucified to me, and I to what?
Never boast except how?
A.In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.(G6:14)
May I never boast except how?
A.In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.(G6:14)
May I never boast except in what?
A.The cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to theworld.(G6:14)
What counts is the new what?
To the Israel of whom?
The marks of whom?
The marks of Jesus where?
A.On mybody(G6:17)
I bear on my body what?
A.The marks ofJesus(G6:17)
The faithful in whom?
Every spiritual blessing in whom?
Blessed us where?
A.In the heavenlyrealms(E1:3)
Blessed us in the heavenly realms with what?
A.Every spiritual blessing inChrist(E1:3)
The creation of what?
He chose us in him when?
A.Before the creation of theworld(E1:4)
He predestined us for what?
A.Adoption to sonship.(E1:5)
In love he predestined us for what?
A.Adoption tosonship(E1:5)
He predestined us for adoption to sonship through whom?
Freely given us what?
A.His gloriousgrace(E1:6)
Freely given us in whom?
A.The One heloves(E1:6)
He has freely given us what?
A.His gloriousgrace.(E1:6)
Glorious grace, which he has freely given us in whom?
A.The One heloves(E1:6)
Redemption through what?
He lavished on us what?
A.The riches of God’sgrace(E1:8)
He made known to us what?
A.The mystery of hiswill(E1:9)
His good pleasure , which he purposed in whom?
When the times reach what?
A.Their fulfillment(E1:10)
Put into effect when?
A.When the times reach their fulfillment(E1:10)
To be put into effect when?
A.When the times reach their fulfillment.(E1:10)
To bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under whom?
In conformity with what?
A.The purpose of hiswill(E1:11)
Works out everything how?
A.In conformity with the purpose of hiswill(E1:11)
The plan of whom?
A.Him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of hiswill.(E1:11)
What plan?
A.The plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of hiswill(E1:11)
The first to put our hope in whom?
Included in whom?
The promised what?
What seal?
A.The promised HolySpirit(E1:13)
A seal, whom?
A.The promised HolySpirit(E1:13)
Marked in him how?
A.With a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.(E1:13)
You were marked in him with a seal when?
A.When you believed.(E1:13)
Included in Christ when?
A.When you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation(E1:13)
Whose possession?
Guaranteeing what?
A.Our inheritance(E1:14)
A deposit guaranteeing what?
A.Our inheritance(E1:14)
The redemption of whom?
A.Those who are God’s possession(E1:14)
Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance?
A.The promised Holy Spirit.(E1:14)
Guaranteeing our inheritance until when?
A.The redemption of those who are God’s possession(E1:14)
Guaranteeing our inheritance until what?
A.The redemption of those who are God’s possession.(E1:14)
Remembering you how?
A.In my prayers(E1:16)
I have not stopped what?
A.Giving thanks foryou(E1:16)
May give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, why?
A.So that you may know himbetter(E1:17)
The eyes of what?
The eyes of your heart may be what?
Enlightened why?
A.In order that you may know the hope to which he has calledyou.(E1:18)
His incomparably great what?
Great power for whom?
A.Us who believe(E1:19)
Incomparably great power for whom?
A.Us who believe(E1:19)
His incomparably great power for whom?
A.Us who believe.(E1:19)
He raised Christ from what?
Seated him at his right hand where?
A.In the heavenly realms.(E1:20)
He raised Christ from the dead and seated him where?
A.At his right hand in the heavenlyrealms(E1:20)
All rule and what?
Seated him where?
A.At his right hand in the heavenlyrealms(E1:21)
Every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also what?
A.In the one tocome(E1:21)
Who placed all things under his feet?
God placed all things where?
A.Under hisfeet(E1:22)
Appointed him to be what?
A.Head over everything for thechurch(E1:22)
Who appointed him to be head over everything for the church?
What is his body?
Fills everything how?
A.In everyway(E1:23)
The ruler of what?
A.The kingdom oftheair(E2:2)
Now at work in whom?
A.Those who are disobedient(E2:2)
What ruler?
A.The ruler of the kingdom of theair.(E2:2)
Who is now at work in those who are disobedient?
Deserving of what?