Redemption Flashcards
A sacrament in which the death and resurrection of Jesus are celebrated, using bread and wine
Where Jesus returns to his Father and later at Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, just as Jesus had promised
Being raised from the dead; the event three days after the crucifixion when it is believed that God raised Jesus from the dead
Being accepted by God and therefore being assured of eternal life (heaven)
Human reason making moral decisions with the knowledge we have of what is right and wrong
The People of God/Body of Christ, among whom Christ is beloved to be present and active
What is the Church Architecture Pre 1965?
• Facing east towards Jerusalem, as this is the city where Jesus died and rose again
• In the shape of a cross, as a reminder of the cross on which Jesus died
• With the altar against the east wall; before 1965 the Mass was said by the priest in Latin, who would usually speak very quietly with his back towards the congregation. This meant that people attending Mass did not feel very involved in the service
What is the Church Architecture Post 1965?
• To ensure that as many people as possible can see and join in with the Mass.
• With the altar more towards the centre of the church, and seats for the congregation some or all the way around the altar
Where is Redemption shown in mass?
- Introduction
- Readings
- Eucharist
- Our Father and Communion
- End of Mass
How does the Introduction in mass show Redemption?
Catholics come together to celebrate the mass with the congregation representing the Body of Christ on earth. Furthermore, Catholics apologise to God and each other for their sins which strengthens their relationship with God and each other, as they accept that God has forgiven and redeemed them
How does the Readings in mass show Redemption?
In the readings, Catholics are reminded that God has guided his people through the years. In the Gospel reading, Jesus demonstrates through his words and actions how God loves, heals, restores and forgives all people.
How does the Eucharist in mass show Redemption?
During the Eucharistic Prayer, at the consecration, the words of Jesus at the Last Supper are repeated over the bread and wine: ‘Take this all of you and eat it. This is my body… This is the blood of the new and everlasting covenant which will be poured out for you and all people so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me’.
In these words:
• Jesus was anticipating his death.
• Jesus was showing that his whole being was present, by saying the bread was his Body and the wine his Blood.
Because Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present in the consecrated Bread and Wine, called the Blessed Sacrament, they treat the Eucharist with great reverence and respect. Many Catholics receive Communion on the tongue rather than in the hand. This is to remind themselves that they are not dealing with normal bread.
How does the Our Father and Communion in mass show Redemption?
Through Christ’s redemption, believers are allowed to call God ‘Father’.At this point in the Mass they say the prayer that Christ taught, the ‘Our Father’.
In Communion, believers receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ - everything that he is - in the form of bread and wine. Through this action believers are brought even closer to Christ and they are given power and grace to resist the temptation to sin
How does the End of Mass show Redemption?
After a period of silent prayer reflecting on the gift received in the Eucharist, Catholics go out into the world and, through their daily actions, share the presence of Christ that they received in the Eucharist with everyone that they meet.
What do Christians believe conscience means?
Christians believe conscience is the voice of God in their heart and soul. This means that God,through the Holy Spirit guides each person to make the right choices
Where are the teachings on conscience?
- Catechism of the Catholic Church 2039
- Gaudium et Spes 16
Catechism of the Catholic Church 2039
“Personal conscience and reason should not be set in opposition to the moral law or the Magisterium of the Church.”
Gaudium et Spes 16
“Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God, Whose voice echoes in his depths. In a wonderful manner conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love of God and neighbour.”
What are the main parts of a church?
- Lectern
- Altar
- Crucifix
- Tabernacle
What are the characteristics of a Lectern?
• The lectern is the reading stand, from where Bible readings are given.
• At least two readings are given from the lectern at every Mass.
• Readings from the Old Testament remind Christians how God has guided his people from the beginning, while readings from the New Testament tell Christians about Jesus’ actions and teachings.
• As Jesus is the Word of God made flesh,Christ is truly present when the word of God is proclaimed.
• The lectern should be in a prominent place in the church, so people can see and clearly hear the word of God.
What are the characteristics of an Altar?
• The altar is the place of sacrifice, from where the bread and wine are offered to God at Mass.
• During the consecration this offering joins with Christ’s offering of himself to the Father through his death on the cross, and the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
• Christ is truly present on the altar, offering himself to the Father on behalf of humanity.
• In return, the Father strengthens the lives and faith of believers when they receive the Body and Blood of Christ in Communion.
What are the characteristics of a Crucifix?
• The crucifix is a model or image of a cross with Jesus crucified on it.
• It reminds Christians of the suffering that Jesus went through to save humanity.
• It inspires gratitude
and love for all that Christ has done for humanity, including the forgiveness of their sins.
• This gratitude which is inspired by the crucifix is clearly expressed in the Eucharist.
What are the characteristics of a Tabernacle?
• The tabernacle is a box where the consecrated Bread is kept after the Mass.
• It houses the Real Presence of Christ, so many Catholics like to pray in front it.
• It can inspire a deep sense of peace, as it reminds Catholics that Christ is still caring for them.
• The consecrated Bread that is saved in the tabernacle can be taken to people who can’t get to Mass, such as those who are too ill to leave their homes, so they can still receive Holy Communion.
What are the characteristics of a Table?
. A table is where people eat from.
• Using a table at Mass reminds the congregation that the Mass is a re-enactment of the Last Supper.
• During the Last Supper, Jesus told his disciples to eat his Body and drink his Blood, which will be given up for you:
• By giving himself to his disciples in the form of bread and wine, Jesus was giving his disciples a share in the effects of his sacrifice.
• Using a table at Mass is a reminder of this belief.
What are the characteristics of a Cross?
• A cross without the figure of Christ on it.
• A symbol of Christ’s victory over sin and death:
• Christ ís not on the cross because he has risen.
• Christians who are wary about portraying Jesus through art may prefer to use a cross.
• Emphasises Jesus’ resurrection and the fact that Christians should be people of new life.
What are the characteristics of Risen Christ?
• Focuses on Christ as the risen, glorified Saviour.
• Reminds Catholics that in Holy Communion, they receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of the Risen Christ.
• Like the cross, the Risen Christ emphasises Jesus’ resurrection and how important this was.
When does Salvation take place?
In the past,present and future
How is Salvation shown in the past?
• Jesus’ death and resurrection is essential to humanity’s salvation
• These events defeated the ultimate power of sin and death, and made it possible for people to enter heaven after they die
• Some Christians believe that nothing else is needed for salvation:Jesus’ death and resurrection made salvation complete
How is Salvation shown in the present?
• Salvation is an ongoing process
• While Jesus defeated the ultimate power of sin, this does not mean that sin no longer exists
• Catholics believe that while Jesus’ death and resurrection offered salvation to everyone, people still have to choose to accept it, by resisting the temptation to sin and accepting forgiveness when they do sin
• The Holy Spirit guides people to work towards salvation
How is Salvation shown in the future?
• Salvation will be completed at the end of time
• When the Kingdom of God is fully established (see page 81), the power of sin and death will be completely destroyed
• All believers will be able to share in the glory of Christ and experience the joy of heaven
• This will be the final victory of God’s grace
What did St Anselm talk about for salvation
St Anselm compared Jesus’ death with the idea of paying a ransom in the slave trade
• In the slave trade, a slave could be freed if someone paid a ransom (a sum of money) to their owner
• St Anselm said that after the fall of Adam and Eve, humanity became slaves to sin
• The only way to atone (make up) for this is by showing total obedience to God
• Through his total obedience to God, Jesus ‘paid a ransom’ for the sins of all humans, allowing them to be freed from the effects of sin
What was St Iranaeus idea on Salvation?
• The event that created the need for salvation is when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3).
• The event that helped to bring salvation is Jesus’ death on the cross. St Irenaeus represents this event with the ‘tree’ of the cross.
• St Irenaeus salvation metaphor highlights the parallels between these two events.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil - Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree Adam and Eve’s rejection of God broke humanity’s relationship with God.The tree of the knowledge of good and evil brought death, by separating humans from God
The tree of the cross - Jesus obeyed God by dying on the tree,Jesus’ acceptance of God restored humanity’s relationship with GodThe tree of the cross brought life, by offering the possibility of eternal life in heaven to all people
What are the criticisms on St Anselms idea on salvation?
Reflects the idea that many Christians see themselves as slaves or servants to Christ (now they are no longer slaves to sin)
What are the criticisms on St Iranaeus’ idea on salvation?
It is not clear who the ‘ransom’ is paid to, and some Christians think this implies there is someone greater than God
State the 4 ways Christ is present in the Eucharist
- In the people
- In the world
- In the priest
- In the eucharistic elements
Why did Jesus have to come to Earth?
The Incarnation shows the human relationship to God as he gave his only son Jesus to the world to save humans from sin. Because if you have sin, you will be dead and won’t be able to be with God after death. Jesus comes from God to Earth to save us in Dei Verbum.
What significant events happened through Jesus’ life?
- Death/Crucifixion
- Burial
- Resurrection
- Ascension
What was the role of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his Death/Crucifixion?
Jesus’ death redeemed humanity through his total obedience to God. This means he made up for the sins of humanity so people could be brought back to a relationship with God. He did this through the sacrifice of his death
What was the significance of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his Death/Crucifixion
• Jesus willingly sacrificed himself, there were oppurtunities to get out of it, he chose not to
• The heavens the earth acknowledge the death of Jesus, celestial event
• Shows that Jesus has formed the link between heaven,hell and Earth
• “My God,my God why have you forsaken me?” Hebrew “Eli, Eli, lama azavtani” and shows human suffering showing Jesus is still human
Where does it show redemption in the Bible for Jesus’ Death/Crucifixion?
• Accepting of death
• Eclipse and earthquake
• The temple (“The veil of the temple tears in two “ - Mark 15:38)
• Crying to God
What was the significance of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his Burial?
So the disciples would not steal the body and claim Jesus has risen from the dead
What was the role of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his resurrection?
For Christians, Jesus’ resurrection made life after death possible by destroying the ultimate power of sin and death.
What was the significance of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his resurrection?
• Disciples were in a room with the doors locked and Jesus appears in the middle of the room, this shows Jesus is not human anymore
• He breathes on them and invites them to touch him
• When Jesus meets his disciples he cooks for them and eats and drinks with them. This shows them he is still human
• When he is first recognised he disappears on the road of Emmaus
Where does it show redemption in the Bible for Jesus’ resurrection?
- Locked doors
• Breathing
• Eating and drinking
• Disappearing
(All of these stories happen over 40 days and is known as the resurrection narratives)
What was the role of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his Ascension?
For Christians, the ascension shows that Jesus is with the Father, sharing his glory for all eternity.
What was the significance of Jesus in restoration through sacrifice in his ascension?
Jesus is taken bodily into heaven
Where does it show redemption in the Bible for Jesus’ Ascension?
Jesus going to heaven shows that heaven is open for us to go to and that he has defeated God and completed the cycle
How do Catholics understand the Eucharist?
Catholics believe the Mass is the ‘summit’ of Christian life because:
• the offering of Christ on the cross is the highest form of prayer to God; as the Mass re-enacts Christ’s sacrifice, it is the highest form of prayer for a Christian
• the Mass celebrates and re-enacts the most important event in Christianity.
The Mass is also the ‘source’ of Christian life because:
• Christ’s Body and Blood give life to the soul, just as normal food gives life to the human body
• offering the Mass on Sunday is a perfect way to ‘keep holy the Sabbath day, as it celebrates the day of resurrection every Sunday.
How do Anglican Christians understand the Eucharist?
• Some share the Catholic understanding that the Bread and Wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
• Many believe the Spirit of Christ is received when Communion is given
• Christ is spiritually present but the Bread and Wine do not literally become the Body and Blood of Christ
• Christ is present in the community that shares the Eucharist
How do Quakers understand the Eucharist?
• These groups do not celebrate any form of Eucharist
• Instead they believe that Christ is present through the Spirit, who inspires their prayers and actions They do not practise the sacraments as they believe the whole of life is a sacrament
How do Orthodox Christians understand the Eucharist?
Many have a very similar understanding of the Eucharist to Catholics Like Catholics, they believe Christ is fully present in the consecrated Bread and Wine Differences to Catholicism include the following:
• The Eucharist is always celebrated with the community; a Catholic priest can say Mass on his own
• More emphasis is placed on symbolism and ritual
• The consecration takes place behind the iconostasis - a screen that divides the holy part of the church from the congregation; this is because the consecration is too holy to be seen directly by the congregation
How do Non-Conformist Christians understand the Eucharist?
Supper; this means its purpose is to remember the Last Supper and its importance
• Christ is present in particular in the Bible readings
• Christ enters peoples lives when they receive Communion
Words of Institution
The words of institution are the words that Jesus said at the Last Supper. The priest repeats these in the consecration of the bread and wine.
• When these words are said, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
• The bread and wine look the same but the reality of what they are changes.
• This is shown in the words ‘this is my body’ (rather than this symbolises my body).
• By taking Christ’s Body and Blood, his followers are able to share in the redeeming effects of his death and resurrection.
“Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you. Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my blood, the blood of the new and eternal covenant, which will be poured out for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me.” - Eucharistic Prayer II
The Agnus Dei
The Agnus Dei is the prayer that is said shortly before Communion. It refers to the ‘Lamb of God’ and recalls the Jews’ escape from Egypt.
• The Last Supper was a Passover meal that celebrated the Jews’ escape from Egypt.
This remembered the events in Exodus 12, when God ordered each Jewish household to kill and eat a lamb, marking their front door with some of its blood. This meant nobody in the house would be killed by the Angel of Death. The sacrifice of a lamb saved the Jews.
Jesus is the new Lamb of God, because the sacrifice of his death saved humanity from the ultimate power of sin and death. The Agnus Dei reminds Catholics of this
“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us…Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.” Agnus Dei
Eucharistic Adoration
• Eucharistic adoration refers to adoring or honouring the real presence of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine
• Because Catholics believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ, they treat it with great reverence and respect.
• Some Catholics receive Communion on their tongue rather than in their hand, as this reminds them that they are actually receiving Jesus himself.
Eucharistic adoration is also shown in the service of Benediction. This is a service where the consecrated Bread is put on display in a monstrance (a large holder). The Real Presence of Christ is praised and the congregation are blessed with the Real Presence.