Creation Flashcards
What is the meaning of humans being created in the image of God?
The belief that human beings are uniquely a reflection of God’s image and that we are created in his image
What is the meaning of God being transcendent?
That God exists outside of our worldly constraints and physical laws - he is eternal
What is the meaning of stewardship?
To look after the world of God, as Christians we have a responsibility to look after the world
What is the sanctity of life?
The teaching where human life is sacred and is a gift from God. It is to be respected and protected
What is the meaning of God being omnipotent?
That God is all-powerful - Genesis 1 creation of the world
What are the 3 characteristics of God?
- God is omnipotent
- God is transcendant
- God is the creator
Why is God omnipotent?
- God has the power to do whatever he wants; he can even create things from nothing.
- Genesis 1:31 says everything God made is ‘very good’; God is so powerful he can make everything exactly the way he wants it.
- Belief in God’s omnipotence inspires Christians to trust in God, as they know he has the power to do or change anything.
Why is God transcendent?
• God only needs his own word in order to create; when he says ‘Let there be …,’ that thing immediately comes into being. God is completely above and beyond the created world - he is transcendent.
• The idea of transcendence also means God is beyond human understanding. Christians believe God cannot fully be described in human words, or fully understood by human minds; Gods transendance inspires awe
Why is God a creator?
• God is the only creator, who has created everything.This so significant for Christians because it means they should worship only this one God.
• All of creation is special, because all of it has been created by God. Therefore it should be cared for and looked after
• Genesis 1:27 shows that God created humans in his own image, which means that humans share qualities with God (like love and compassion). These qualities allow humans to have a close relationship with God
What is the Bible?
The word of God, inspired by the holy spirit
What is the structure of the bible?
Into two sections which is the Old Testament and the New testament
What does the Old Testament describe?
The Old Testament describes how God guided the Jews throughout their early history, before the arrival of Jesus. It contains four main sections. Law,history,wisdom and prophecy
What does the New Testament describe?
The New Testament deals with the life and teachings of Jesus and his apostles (Jesus’ closest followers, who became leaders of the early Church). It can be split into four main sections. The gospels, the act of gospels, the epistles, the book of revelation
What are the prophets?
The books of the prophets used inspired words and challenged the people to remain faithful to God and taught them that God is active in the world
What are the Gospels?
Covers the actions and teachings of Jesus
What are the epistles?
Letters that were written by the apostles and discuss how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life
What are the five characteristics of humans?
- Imageo Dei
- Dignity
- Sanctity of life
- Free will
- Stewardship
What does the Catholic church teach about Imago Dei?
The Catholic Church teaches that human beings were created in the likeness and image of God. The exact meaning of this has been debated. However, all Christians accept that it refers to the idea that humans were made to “resemble” God.
This does not mean that humans are like God in appearance, but that they have been given the same mental, moral and social qualities of God. One thing that is made clear is that humans are the only part of creation to have been made in the image of God. Humans are therefore given a higher status.
Why do Catholics use the term ‘Imago Dei?’
Catholics will often use the Latin term ‘imago dei’ to describe this unique relationship between God and humans. It singles out humans as those specially chosen by God
What does the Catholic Church teach about dignity?
From the creation Stories it teaches that we are created in the image and likeness of God. This means all humans are equal as everyone is a part of God’s creation and that we should not be mistreated. This teaching stresses the dignity of each human person.
Another thing the creation stories teach about dignity is that human relationships are important to God, as by having sex between man and woman is a way of expressing their humanity. This is a sacred act which should not be undervalued.
What does the Catholic Church teach about the sanctity of life?
From the creation stories we learn that we must respect the sanctity of life as it is a gift from God, and that all creation is good because it is blessed by God who ‘saw that it was good ‘which applies particuarly to human life as it is sacred : This means every stage of life from conception to death must be treated with care and respect
What should Catholics understand about the Sanctity of life?
Catholics should understand whilst the stories were written centuries ago with different people and understanding,they pass on unchangeable eternal truths about the nature and dignity of human beings. And even though it is presented differently for changing times and tastes, the truth can’t be changed.
What does the Catholic Church teach about Free Will?
Christianity teaches that God gave humans free will. This is the ability for humans to make their own decisions. It means that although God made a world “and it was good”, it is up to humans whether they choose to do good or bad deeds.
What should Catholics do with free will?
Catholics should behave freely with the free will we were given from God though we must have the responsibility to respect your own dignity as well as others as we are all brothers and sisters and we are children of God.
What does the Catholic Church teach about Stewardship?
From the creation stories it shows God is the creator of all things and that us believers have a duty to respect Gods creation and not destroy and undervalue it. We also must ensure we do our duty well and look after and support the world
How should Catholics behave like with stewardship?
Catholics should behave about this about how God told us in genesis 1:28 with the idea of stewardship and that we should care, protect and not misuse creation in any way. It is our responsibility to give the next generation the gift of Gods creation, leaving it as unspoiled as possible
What is natural law?
By looking at the world we can figure out what is right and wrong. St Thomas Aquinas developed these ideas into something called natural law
What is linked with the natural law to beliefs about humans?
That natural law is found within human nature as well as humanity’s search for genuine happiness and fulfilment
Why should Catholics live according to Natural Law?
Helps Catholics on important issues like:
• Sex,marriage and contraception
• Abortion and euthanasia
• Healthcare and education
• Benefits system,Prisons and Governing
• Prayer and worship
The Catholic Church supports the natural law approach to ethical decision-making, because it affirms that God is the creator of all things and therefore everything has a design and purpose.
Humanity was given free will alongside reason, which fulfils God’s purpose for them. By following each of these stages, an individual is following the natural moral law
Why should Catholics not live according to natural law?
There are other moral principles that are also associated with natural law, for example to protect and preserve life. This is related to the idea of the sanctity of life, which teaches that all life is holy and sacred, so it should be protected.
What are the two interpretations of Genesis?
Literal and non-literal
What are the different categories for believing in Genesis?
Literalists, liberals and conservatives
(Literalists are literal and liberals and conservatives are non-literal)
What are literalist christians?
Some Christians are literalists. This means they believe the Bible is the actual word of God. They also believe that Genesis 1 and 2 are true and accurate descriptions of how the world was created and should be taken literally. Literalists reject scientific theories such as the Big Bang and evolution.
What are liberal christians?
Some Christians are liberals who interpret the Bible metaphorically. They accept that the Bible will have contradictions within it, as it was written by humans and so is imperfect. These Christians will accept scientific theories about the origins of the universe, such as the Big Bang theory. What is important for these Christians, is the message of the Genesis account of creation, which is that God created the world, and gave humans a special role, status and purpose in it.
What are conservative christians?
Some Christians are conservatives. This means they do not think the Bible was actually written by God – instead, they believe that the writers of the Bible were inspired by God’s actions. They interpret Genesis 1 as fact but believe each day was actually an era that lasted millions or billions of years. They might see Genesis 2 and 3 as a poetic explanation of how evil came into the world.
What are two examples of religious art?
Michaelangelo’s Creation of Adam and the “Hand of God” by Hildreth Meirere
What beliefs does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show?
Shows this is God
• Carried by angels
• God is in a higher position to Adam like a king
• White beard showing wisdom
• Wearing white to symbolise purity
• Red showing the shape of the brain (transcendant)
• He is reaching down
Shows this is Adam
• depicted as weak and lifeless
• small penis to show he is impotent (Powerless)
What are the criticisms of Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam?
• Painting is called the creation of Adam although God is not breathing life into Adam through his nose
• Why is God white? It is being too stereotypical as nowhere in the Bible that it says what Gods race is
What beliefs does the hand of god by hildreth meiere show?
• Crown showing expansion of the universe or demonstrates heaven
• A hand coming through the clouds which represents God’s hands coming from heaven
• The hand is big and light is coming out of it showing the creation of the world
What are the criticisms of the hand of god by hildreth meiere show?
• The hand is doing the work instead of the voice, which contrasts to genesis 1
What is the Magisterium and what is its authority?
The magisterium is the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, exercised by the Pope and the bishops
What is the role of the Magisterium?
God spoke through the Holy Spirit’s inspiration of the Bible, So the Bible is the word of God. However, the Holy Spirit also guides the Church and speaks through the Magisterium. The Magisterium makes the word of God relevant to the modern world, applying the eternal truths that came from God, including the Bible, to the needs of the present day - Believers can trust the teachings of the Magisterium because of fine inspiration of the same Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible.
Why should Christians be stewards to the world?
God has created a world in which humans have a special role as stewards of creation. This means they should look after the interests of the planet and all life on it. This belief is more about living in harmony with nature. When God gave humans dominion over the land, he gave them responsibility too
What is the interdependence for Catholics to help protect the environment?
It is important for all Catholics to take real actions to help protect the environment. Although one person might not be able to make much of a difference, the actions of many people all working towards the same goal will add up to make noticeable progress.
How can Catholics be stewards at a local level?
• Throw away less waste
• Recycle more
• Walk, cycle or use public transport instead of driving
• Take part in local environmental projects
• Encourage churches to reduce their carbon footprints (e.g. by installing solar panels)
• Educate others about the importance of protecting the environment
How can Catholics be stewards at a national level?
• Put pressure on politicians to support laws that protect the environment
• Support and buy products from environment-friendly businesses
• Put pressure on companies to ensure they follow environmentally friendly policies
How can Catholics be stewards at a global level?
• Put pressure on governments to implement policies agreed at international meetings (such as Rio +20)
• Boycott or help to expose international companies that threaten the environment
What is sustainability?
Only using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
What does the CAFOD sustainability project aim to do?
The sustainability projects aims to redress the imbalance of humans abusing the world and using it to their advantage allowing all aspects of life to prosper. The projects hope is to:
• Reverse some of the damage that has been done to the environment
• Reduce poverty, by allowing people to live in a more balanced way that enables everyone to share in what nature provides.
• Reduce tension in the world as there is less need to fight over this which leads to a greater sense of security.
What 3 things have CAFOD has done to work on sustainability?
- Supporting and setting up projects which recognise humans, resources and the environment are all important and interrelated; CAFOD helps all of its partners to ensure that their projects protect the environment
- Working with other international organisations to ensure that sustainability is one of the leading approaches to national and international politics and trade
- Helping to found the Beyond 2015 campaign, which supported the creation of the UN Sustainable development goals in 2015; these seek to protect the environment and improve peoples quality of life (particularly those living in poverty) by 2030, partly through the use of sustainable projects around the world
What is the conflict between science and religion in Christianity?
Most fundamentalist Christians (creationists) reject the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution, believing that God literally created the world in six days as described in the genesis
What is the harmony between science and religion?
The Catholic Church is not in conflict with scientific theories on creation, and to think that is to misunderstand the stance of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church teaches that science and religion support each other in which together give us a rounder,fuller picture of the universe. Science attempts to explain why the world came about and religion attempts to explain why it came out
What does the Gaudium et Spes 36 teach?
Many of our contemporaries fear that a closer bond between human activity and religion will work against the independence of men. By the autonomy of earthly affairs we mean that created things and societies enjoy their own laws and values. In this it is entirely right to demand autonomy