Incarnation Flashcards
The central Christian belief that the Son of God assumed human nature and became human flesh
The unconditional love of God for everyone, regardless of whether or not they have obeyed his will
Incarnate Son
God knows what it is like to be human, and this helps Christians to value God’s love
Word of God
The word of God is the Bible which has has a purifying effect upon our lives, eliminating from them what is un-Christ like
God has always existed and always will do. He is not, like humans, limited by time or space
Son of God
When Jesus was born, God became present on earth as a human and as the second part of the Trinity - the Son
Son of Man
That God is both as human as we are as well as that he is the coming of the Messiah and reigns over the Kingdom of God
The ichthus symbol in Greek letters spells out ‘Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Saviour, as ichthus is the Greek word for ‘fish’
Alpha and Omega
The Alpha and Omega symbol can be used to refer to both God and Jesus and symbolises that Jesus was there at the beginning of time and will be there at the end of time
The Chi-Rho is another early Christian symbol and is the reminder of the death of Jesus
The symbol where God killed Jesus and was able to forgive those who killed him showing the importance of forgiveness. This event is remembered on Good Friday
The teaching authority of the Church, formed of the Pope and Bishops
Proverb-like blessings that Jesus explained to his followers during the Sermon on the Mount
Religious ceremonies or acts, such as baptism
Sermon On the Mount
Where Jesus explains to his followers what kinds of human lives are blessed by God
What does the Catholic Church teach about God?
He is three persons : the Father,Son and the Holy Spirit. Together these three persons are referred to as the Trinity
What is the son of God - the Second Person of the Trinity - also known as?
The Word of God
Why is Jesus called the ‘Word of God made flesh’?
As the Word of God became human in the form of Jesus
What is God seen as fully?
Fully human and fully God, we need both as one because without the other it will not properly explain all of God’s qualities
State two quotes that prove God is fully human
“For He sent His Son … so that He might dwell among men and tell them of the innermost being of God.” This shows God is revealed and speaks through Jesus. This is possible because Jesus is the Son of God. He brings salvation to all people.
” Jesus Christ, therefore, the Word made flesh, was sent as a man to men!” The Son of God became a human to live among other humans.
State two quotes that prove God is fully God
“The eternal word became small - small enough to fit into a manger. He became a child, so that the word could be grasped by us.” This shows the Word (or Son) of God limited himself to a human form, so humans could come to understand God.
” In his perfect humanity Jesus does the will of the Father at all times… Jesus thus shows that he is the divine Logos … but at the same time the new Adam, the true man” Jesus always knew the will of God because he is God and he always carried out the will of God because he is also the perfect human being.
What are two stories of Jesus’ Birth?
The Annunciation [Luke 1: 2-38] and Virgin Birth [Matthew 1: 18-24]
What happens in the Annunciation [Luke 1: 2-38] on Jesus’
• Focuses on Mary’s role in the incarnation.
• Tells the story of when the angel Gabriel visited Mary.
• Gabriel tells Mary she will conceive and give birth to a son, named Jesus, who will be the Son of God.
• Jesus will be conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit.
• Because it is important to God that humans have free will, God gives Mary the choice of whether or not to be Jesus’ mother. Mary gives her consent and agrees to Gods’ wishes by saying ‘let it be with me according to your word.Gabriel’s message is for all believers, as through Jesus’ birth God is fulfilling his promises to the Jews.
• Jesus is fully human and fully God.
“He will be great and be called the Son of the Most High.” - Luke 1:32 (NRSV)
What happens in the Virgin Birth [Matthew 1: 18-24] on Jesus’
• Focuses on Joseph’s part in the incarnation.
• Tells the story of how Joseph planned to break up with Mary because she was pregnant before they were married.
• But an angel visited Joseph in one of his dreams and told him it was right to marry Mary, because her child was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
• The angel confirms that Jesus (whose name means ‘God saves’) is being sent to earth by God to save humanity from its sins.
• The angel also calls Jesus by the name ‘Emmanuel’. This is a Jewish name meaning God is with us, which confirms that Jesus is the Son of God.
“For the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” - Mathew 1:20b-21 (NRSV)
What are the comparison of Luke and Mathew’s accounts?
• Mary was a virgin.
• God worked through human beings to bring about his plan for humanity
• Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.
• Jesus was the Son of God.
• The angel Gabriel announced Jesus’ birth.
What does St Irenaeus teach about God?
Iranaeus said God is invisible: he is beyond human sight and understanding. But Christians can get to know what God is like through Jesus as he is the Son of God so he therefore displays qualities of God. This means Christians can develop a better understanding of God’s nature through examining the life and actions of Jesus.
How do Christians follow St Iranaeus’ writings and traditions?
• For Christians, Jesus was the perfect human being. He always followed God’s wishes and perfectly displayed all the qualities that God wants people to have.
• Jesus sets the example for all other Christians to follow. By following Jesus’ teachings and becoming more open to God, all people can become more ‘fully alive, to share in God’s glory’
What do Christians believe Jesus did?
Christians believe that Jesus ‘fulfilled’ the law. This means that he generally followed the law, but he also developed the law to make it more perfect.
How is Jesus’ approach to the law shown in?
Jesus’ approach to the law is shown in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12), which form the first part of the Sermon on the Mount. This is a sermon (or talk) that Jesus gave to his followers to teach them how to live a life dedicated to pleasing God
What are the Beatitudes?
The Beatitudes are a series of statements in which Jesus blessed certain attitudes or approaches to living, and said how people with those attitudes would be rewarded
State examples of the Beatitudes
• Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth
• Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
• Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy!
What is the parable of the sheep and goats about and what does it show?
The parable of the Sheep and the Goats is a story in the Bible in which Jesus tells his followers that in serving and caring for other people, they are serving God. It shows Christians how they should respond to those in need. Jesus teaches that caring for people in need is extremely important. By showing love and kindness to others, Christians will be judged favourably by God and rewarded with eternal life in heaven
State a quote from the parable of the sheep and goats
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” - Mathew 25:35-36”
What is the Ichthus mean?
The Greek word ichthus means ‘fish. But Christians also use this word as a type of acronym, where the letters represent a series of Greek words that make up the following saying about Jesus: Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour.
Why was the ichthus symbol used?
• In the early days of Christianity, the Ichthus symbol was used by Christians as a declaration of their faith, as it showed they believed Jesus Christ was the Son of God and the Saviour.
• At a time when Christians could be persecuted for their faith, they could quickly draw and then erase the fish symbol to show they were Christians, or to indicate where Christian meetings were being held
What does the Alpha and Omega show?
Alpha (A) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega (2) is the last letter
Why is the Alpha and Omega sign used?
• They are used to indicate that God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end.
• They have been used in Christianity since at least the first century; they are referred to in the Book of Revelation.
• The symbols are used in many places in churches, vestments and Christian art. But they have a special place on the Paschal candle the candle lit at the Easter Vigil to represent the Risen Christ
What does the Chi-Rho symbol mean?
The Chi-Rho symbol is a monogram formed from the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, when written in capitals
Why is the Chi-Rho symbol used?
• For Christians the symbol is a reminder of the death of Jesus.
• It reminds Christians that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity through his death (see page 65).
• Because of this, the symbol has great power to inspire Christians.
• Many Christians may wear the Chi-Rho as an alternative to the cross or crucifix, as an expression of their faith
What does the statue of Christ the Redeemer show?
• Jesus is looking over the world
• Hands showing Jesus welcoming everyone showing his love
• Jesus is MUCH larger than people showing his dignity
What does the statue of The Sacred Heart show?
• Holes on his hand showing us his humanity and reminding us of his suffering
• Yellow hear to symbolise it being on fire which shows his love for us
• Sacred heart to show his undying love for mankind
• Shows the individual love he has for us though dying for removing our sins
• The body and face being healed showing resurrection
What does the statue of the Crucifix show?
• Crucifix to remind us about the agony though also the redemption of Christ
Why are people for religious art: sculptures, statues and images of Jesus in the Catholic Church?
• God has taken on the limitations of human nature. It is therefor acceptable to reflect God in this limited form.
• As Jesus was a Full human being, he can also be shown in numan Form, he also is God so therefore it is acceptable to use human images to depict God
• While we do not have any evidence of what Jesus looked like, We know that he was a man with all the human qualities-Any representation of Jesus that captures these qualities has value.
• Artistic representations can hup people focus on spirtual ideas and aspects of God’s work. As a focus for prayer and inspiration, they have a very positive role in religious life
• ‘The incarnation has given Christians the right to use statues and art forms to show God at work’
Why are people against religious art: sculptures, statues and images of Jesus in the Catholic Church?
• God is infinite . It is not possible to show the infinite using finite (limited) means like art
• Some Christian groups (e.g Methodists and Baptists) believe that the second commandment forbids people to make ary form of statue or artistic representation of God. Said in Exodus 20: 4-5 (NRSV) “ You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the carth. You shall not bow down to them or worship them.”
• Even though you may be using the painting or statue as a stimulus for the prayer of God, other people can get the impression that the statue or image is actually bring worshipped as a God
What is the Catholic churches view on conception?
From the moment of conception, a new human being begins to exist and therefore killing it is wrong
Why is the Catholic church pro-life?
Imago Dei where we are all made in the image of God includes unborn children, from the very first moment of conception. God also told us to be fruitful and multiply
When Jesus was in Mary’s womb, why does it show life should not be killed even in the womb?
Elizabeth’s baby, John the Baptist recognised the presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb and has leapt for joy at his presence. John is about six months old and Jesus is a few days old showing a human being exists from the moment of conception
What is the meaning of the sanctity of life?
The teaching where human life is sacred and is a gift from God. It is to be respected and protected
State 4 examples of sacraments
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- Reconciliation
- Sacrament of the sick
What action is there in baptism?
The pouring of water
What is the symbolism/effect of baptism?
The cleansing of sins
What are the words said in baptism?
” I baptise you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit “
What action is there in eucharist?
The recieving of the consecrated bread and wine, the body of Christ
What is the symbolism/effect of the eucharist?
Recieving the fullness of Christ
What is the words used for the eucharist?
” This is my body this is my blood “
What is the action of reconciliation?
The laying on of hands
What is the symbolism/effect of reconciliation?
The passing on of God’s power of forgiveness
What are the words used in reconciliation?
” I absolve you from your sins in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit “
What is the action in the sacrament of the sick?
The consent
What is the symbolism/effect of the sacrament of the sick?
Strengthening and forgiveness
What are the words used in the sacrament of the sick?
” Through this holy annointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise up. Amen. “
How does grace and the sacraments correlate?
A sacrament is a sign of God’s love
• The world and everything in ti is a sign of God’s love.
• God’s presence and love can be seen throughout the world
How does grace and incarnation correlate?
Pours out from the Trinity and gives life to all things and is the love that unites the three Persons of the Trinity
What is the sacramental nature of reality?
- Jesus helped to bring God’s love and presence into the world. This makes the world sacramental in nature.
- Since Jesus has lived on earth,people can see God as a living and active presence.
- Even though Jesus is no longer present on earth, his spirit is still active, sharing God’s love with all people.