Kingdom Of God Flashcards
Stations Of The Cross
A series of 14 ‘stations’ (often images, carvings or statues) that depict the Passion of Jesus from his condemnation by Pilate to the tomb. This is an example of popular piety used for prayer and devotion
The idea of missionary work, where Christians travel to an area to provide aid or education. Missionary work often includes an element of evangelism
Preaching the gospel (the good news about God) to convert people to the Christian faith
Kingdom of God
A society where God rules. A place where death is overcome. A place where diseases are cured
Apostolic Succession
Catholics believe the present Pope and bishops can trace their own appointment and ordination back to the first apostles
A journey that has religious or spiritual significance. The journey is usually taken to an important religious place
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s hymn of praise to the Lord
Kingdom Values
God’s values which convey the character Kingdom people should have and what should be important to us
Relating to the position or authority of the Pope (the leader of the Roman Catholic Church)
This involves all the Bishops of the Church being called together to form a council to discuss Church teachings and issues
This involves all the Bishops of the Church being called together to form a council to discuss Church teachings and issues
Ordination is the term used to refer to someone being set apart to be a minister
The Lords Prayer
The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, when they asked him how they should pray
A large church that is not a Cathedral
Dramatised prayer
A form of prayer that includes actions, like moving from one place to another or acting out the intention of the prayer
What does pilgrimage mean to Catholics? (Gaudium et Spes 57)
“Christians, on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city, should seek and think of these things which are above”
Why might going on Pilgrimage be important to Catholics?
- To be healed
- To deepen their connection with God
- An act of devotion expression of faith
- Seeking miracles for nealing (spiritual, physical,emotional)
- Learn about their religion → Jerusalm → Rome
- Meet similar peaple → Lourdes → Walsingham
- Spend time in prayer
- For forgiveness → Santiago de Compostella
What is the Kingdom of God also known as?
Kingdom of God is also known as the Reign of God, and this is when humanity act as God intended. Achieving the Kingdom of God is a gradual process
How many Stations are in the stations of the cross?
1st Station
Jesus is condemned to death
2nd Station
Jesus carries his cross
3rd Station
Jesus fall the first time
4th Station
Jesus meets his mother
5th Station
Simon of cyrene helps jesus to carry his cross
6th Station
Veronica wipes the face of jesus
7th Station
Jesus falls the second time
8th Station
Jesus meets the women of jersalem
9th Station
Jesus falls a third time
10th Station
Jesus’ clothes are taken away
11th Station
Jesus is nailed to the cross
12th Station
Jesus dies on the cross
13th Station
The body of jesus is taken down from the cross
14th Station
Jesus is laid in the tomb
Why are the Stations of the Cross used as pilgrimage today?
- As it is a form of dramatised prayer, which can help a person feel more involved in the meaning of the prayer
- A way to accompany Jesus on his last journey
- A way to share in Jesus’ sufferings as a sign of gratitude and thanks
- Helps the person to stay focused on their prayers
How do we achieve the Kingdom of God?
• The kingdom began when Jesus was born
• It was established through Jesus’ resurrection
• It grows in the present day (through Christians)
• It will be completed at the end of time
What is the Lord’s prayer
Our father
Meaning of Our father,who art in heaven
This prayer starts by using the Aramaic word Abba, translated as ‘Father’, which shows Jesus’ intimate relationship with God the Father. Jesus wants all his followers to have the same type of trusting relationship with God that he has
Meaning of Hallowed be thy name
When believers pray that God’s name is accepted as holy, they are not just referring to the name of God but all that God is. When people respect the otherness, majesty and holiness of God, they recognise the importance of God in their own lives. In doing this, they are accepting the call to become members of God’s Kingdom
Meaning of Thy kingdom come
When people pray for God’s Kingdom to come, they are not just looking forward to the end of time, the final establishment of God’s rule; it is a prayer for people to accept the rule of God in their own hearts. In this way, the Kingdom will spread on earth through each person recognising their place as a child of God
Meaning of thy will be done,on Earth as it is in heaven
The will of God is done by all members of the heavenly Kingdom. Those who are happy in the presence of God delight to do his will, as it brings them a sense of fulfilment as well as showing great respect to God. The prayer asks that all people on earth might share in this attitude to God’s will. When everybody does the will of God, the world will be perfect and God’s Kingdom will be fully established
Meaning of Give us this day our daily bread
Daily bread is the requirement for survival, not for luxuries. When people ask for their daily bread, they are asking that God remove need from their lives so they can focus more on God
Meaning of Forgive us our tresspasses
Sins separate a person from God and from other people. When sins are forgiven, barriers are removed and God’s power and love can be experienced more fully. Forgiveness has to be shared fully to be effective. This is the only part of the prayer that is conditional: forgive my sins to the extent that I forgive those who sin against me
Meaning of Deliver us from evil
The evil one is trying to prevent the growth of the Kingdom of God, by tempting people to sin and reject God. The prayer accepts that humans need help to resist temptation, but with the grace of God this will happen
What are examples of important pilgrimage sites?
- Lourdes
- Rome
- Jerusalem
- Walsingham
How did Lourdes become a pilgramage site?
• Atown in France where ayoung girl called Bernadette saw visions of Mary
• Mary told Bernadette to dig in the ground, and when she did a spring appeared
• The waters of this spring are believed to have healing powers, and Catholics visit Lourdes to bathe in its waters
Why do people go to Lourdes?
• To be healed physically or spiritually by the waters
• To feel stronger and more at peace in body and mind
What are characteristics of the Rome pilgramage site?
- Many go to Rome and to the Vatican as it is the centre of their faith
- St Peter went to Rome to preach the farth. He was crucified and buried on a hill where the Vatican now stands. This is the hone of past Popes, successors of an unbroken line to Peter
- Catholics from around the world come to snow commitment ti Fauth and unity with the Pope
- While here, they may visit the tomb of St Peter in the Basilica. and visit the Carredral of St John Lateran, the Popes cathedral and mother Church
What are characteristics of the Jerusalem pilgramage site?
- People in Jerusalem visit the city of Jesus’ Passion and
- They may do Stations of the Cross on the Via Dolorose the street where Jesus carried his cross, so they may walk the same place as Jesus, and hope to follow his journey to God . - Most Catholics also visit the tomb where Jesus is believed to have been buried and from which he rose.
- They’ll also visit other holy sites and places where Jesus lived and taught
- Visiting these sites allows Christians to make contact with the founding events of their religion. Most return from their pilgrimage with a renewed faith and determination to live, pray and act more committedly
What are characteristics of the Walsingham pilgramage site?
- Not all pilgramages or holy sites are abroad. Walsingham is in Norfolk, and is the UK’s national shrine
- Many Catholics believe in 1061, Richeldis de Faverches ra saxon noble woman had a vision of the house in Nazareth where many lived. She had a copy of the house built the site, which became a pilgrammage
- Henry VIII himself visited the site,walking the Holy Mile to the site barefoot and leading his horse. Later, in 1538, the house destroyed at his command following the Act of Supremacy
- The main site for pilgramage is the Slipper Chapel, where pilgrims would leave their shoes before walking barefoot the mile to the site of the house and abbey
- Thousands visit the site each year, walking through Walsingham barefoot. The Holy Mile represents our pilgramage to God. On pilgramage, they sing hymns,attend confessions and mass
Catholic attitude towards mission or evangelism (1)
• Mission is to show God’s love through doing good actioms
• Missionaries hope that actions will have a real effect on other people
What is an example of mission or evangelism in film (1)
In Les Miserables, the bishop stops the police from throwing Valijean in jail saying it was a gift. The Bishops act of love and forgiveness persuades Valijean to became a better person and creates Jobs and benefit from the wealth the bishop gave him
Catholic attitude towards mission or evangelism (2)
• Missionaries and evangelists are guided by the teachings of Jesus
• Showing love,kindness and forgiveness are sometimes more important in missionary work than simply following the rules
What is an example of mission or evangelism in film (2)
- In Les Miserabus, Valisean is constantly purseed by his former jailer, Javert .
- But at one point in the film, Valijean saves Jovert’s life and after this, Jovert find he can’t arrest Valisean
- Valijean’s kind act towards Javert ultimately saves Valijean from imprisonment.Goodness wins out the law
Catholic attitude towards mission or evangelism (3)
• Mission and evangelism require total commitment to God
• Harship or ridicule should not lessen their commitment to their faith and work
• Sometimes goodness may involves ignoring the demands of church law
What is an example of mission or evangelism in film (3)
- In the mission, some European priests are doing missionary work in South America
- The native people are attacked by their slave traders, priests stay to defend the native people- despite the danger to their own lives and the order of their bishops to abandon the people
What is the hierarchy of the Catholic Church? (Lowest to Highest)
- Lay People
- Deacons
- Priests
- Bishops
- Cardinals
- The Pope
What are lay people?
Non-ordained members of the Church; they share in the priestly office of Christ through their baptism
What are deacons?
Preach the word of God and assist the priests the word of God
What are priests?
Responsible for a small area of the Church called a parish; administer the sacraments and preach
What are Bishops?
Successors to the apostles ; responsible for a diocese (a large area of churches)
What are Cardinals?
Appointed by the Pope; they elect his successor
What are Popes?
Head of the Church
What qualities does Mary in the Magnificat show?
- Humility
- Praises God’s greatness
- Her acceptance of God’s will
- Trust in God
How does Mary show humility in the Magnificat?
• Mary recognises that she is only special because of what God has done for he
• For example ‘for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant
How does Mary show praising God’s greatness in the Magnificat?
• Mary is aware that God has shown his love for all people by doing great things for her and for all humanity
• Her whole prayer praises God for this
• For example ‘My soul magnifies the Lord … for the Mighty One has done great things for me’
How does Mary show her acceptance of God’s will in the Magnificat?
• Mary willingly accepted the role of mother of Jesus
• Her praise of God in this prayer confirms her readiness to follow God’s will
How does Mary show her trust in God
• When Mary said this prayer, she was a pregnant, unmarried teenager who could have been killed for alleged adultery
• But she trusted God to protect her as she was doing his will
• The prayer shows Mary’s belief that God will help people who are weak and poor, like her
Why is the Magnificat controversial?
The Magnificat is controversial because there is a sense of revolution within the prayer
Shown in “Mercy is for those who fear him” and “He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts”
Why do the Magisterium have authority?
God spoke through the Holy Spinit’s inspiration of the Bible, So the Bible is the ward of God. However, the Holy Spirit auso guides the Church and speaks through the Magisterian. The Magisterium makes the word of God relevant to the modern world, applying the eternal truths that came from God, including the Bible, to the needs of the present day - Believers an trist the teachings of the Magisterium because of fine inspiration of the same Hoig Spirit who inspired the Bible
What are the four things the Second Vatican Council deal with?
- Dei Verbum (The Word of God)
- Sacrosanctum Concilium (On the Sacred Liturgy)
- Lumen Gentium (On the Church)
- Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World)
What does Dei Verbum (The Word of God) do?
Deals with the importance and the interpretation of the Bible saying it is all linked directly with the Holy Spirit in the way the Word of God is communicated
• Stresses the Bible should not be taken as seriously as the Word of God - but should not be read in a literal way
• The impact of this is it allowed groups (such as lay people) to come together and study the Word of God together and reading became normalised in Catholicism
What does Sacrosanctum Concilium (On the Sacred Liturgy) do?
• Deals with the liturgy and church services
• Emphasises that people should be able to take a full part in the worship of God
• Allows Catholics to hear the Mass in their own language so everybody can understand what was being said ,its significance and to be active participants and your culture is allowed in mass
What does Lumen Gentium (On the Church) do?
• Deals with the idea,nature and structure of the Church where the Church is the Kingdom of God on Earth
• Emphasises the idea of a pilgrim Church moving fowards with modern society instead of being an immovable fortress
• The Church emphasized more clearly that it was the vocation of everyone to take part in the mission of the Church in the service of the world
What does Gaudium et Spes (The Church in the Modern World) do?
• Gaudium et spes means ‘joy and hope’ to help give peace and harmony in all aspects of life
• Stresses that the Church should not be separate from modern society, but should guide people on
• An example of this is CAFOD that not only responds to suffering but also to adress its causes and solve it
What are two Catholic Organisations working for peace?
- Pax Christi
- National Justice and Peace Network
What do Pax Christi do?
Works for peace based on justice,reconciliation and non violence
What do National Justice and Peace Network do?
Work to a world where people live in peace and harmony,where our common hummanity is respected and all are able to contribute freely to the common good
What are the four marks of the Church?
- One
- Catholic
- Holy
- Apostolic
How is the Church One?
- The Church is the Body of Christ, so it is one body and all believers no matter what position unite together in one body (just as limbs form parts of one human body)
- At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed to God about his followers that ‘they may all be one ‘ (John 17: 21)
How is the Church Catholic?
Catholic literally means ‘related to the whole’ or ‘worldwide’. The teachings of the Catholic church are teachings held by Catholics everywhere
How is the Church Holy?
- The church is a community of sinners and in Luke 5:32 Jesus said ‘I have come to call not the righteous but sinners to repentance’.
- However , every Christian is made holy through baptism and everybody is guided by the Holy Spirit and its presence, this presence makes the church holy
How is the Church Apostolic?
- Jesus chose 12 apostles to be his witresses and to be the foundation of the people of God and after resurrection Jesus told his aposts to go and preach his message to au people - The message that the apostles preached is the four-dation of Catholic belief today
What are the 7 kingdom values?
• Love
• Peace
• Forgiveness
• Reconciliation
• Kindness
• Justice
• Humility
• Respect
• Serving others
How is the Church conciliar?
• Councils (meetings of the Pope and bishops) are sometimes held to make important decisions and update Church teachings
• These help the Pope to discuss difficult issues with other members of the Church, and to understand the feelings of the whole Catholic community
• Councils influence the teachings and direction of the Church
• Councils express the voice of the whole Church
How is the Church pontificial?
• The Pope is the leader of the Church and has the highest authority
• This authority has been passed down over generations from Peter,
who was chosen by Jesus to lead the apostles
• This makes the Pope the representative of Christ on earth
• The Pope’s teachings must be taken very seriously, and can be declared infallible (without error)
• The decisions of a Council have no authority until they are approved by the Pope
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom Value of Justice?
• When he became archbishop of Buenos Aires, he increased the number of priests working with the poor
• He criticises economic policies that lead to inequality and exploitation
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom Value of Reconciliation?
• Every Maundy Thursday, he goes to a local prison and washes the feet of 12 prisoners
• He has tried to reconcile some of the tensions between Muslims, Jews and Christians
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom Value of Peace?
• During 2014 – 2015, he played a major role in restoring relations between Cuba and USA
• He brings together leaders of countries that have been at war with each other – e.g. he met and prayed with the Palestinian and Israeli presidents
How does the Kingdom Value Justice help people?
• Ensures all people have access to basic human rights
• ‘… Goods created by God for everyone should in fact reach everyone’ (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2459)
• Recognises that all people are created and loved equally by God
• Respects the dignity of every person
• Treats all people fairly and equally, regardless of e.g. sex, race, religion
How does the Kingdom Value Reconciliation help people?
• Brings back together people who have broken apart
• Relies on acceptance and empathy
• Restores damaged relationships between people
• Requires people to learn from the past and work together
How does the Kingdom Value Peace help people?
• ‘… founded on truth, built up on justice, nurtured and animated by charity’ (Pacem in Terris 167)
• Flows from justice-there can be no peace where there is injustice
• Is a state of total trust and unity between all people
• Is believed by Catholics to come from a person’s heart
• Is the removal of tensions caused by suspicion, resentment and mistreatment
• Requires people toaccept the rights of every individual
Gaudium et Spes 21
‘The Church sincerely professes that all men . . . ought to work for the rightful betterment of this world in which all alike live’
Evangelii Gaudium 53
Today we …have to say’thou shalt not’ to an economy of exclusion and inequality
What is St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)?
SVP is an international Catholic charity that works locally. This means that SVP has members all around the world, who work in small groups to provide help to individual people in a local area. Their main aim is to offer friendship and practical help to people in need in the local area
How does St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) help make a difference?
• SVP members visit people in need in their homes, or in hospitals, care homes and prisons
• SVP also help individuals with practical needs (shopping)
• SVP run slightly bigger projects to help the local community (summer camps)
What is CAFOD?
CAFOD is the official charity for the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Its main aim is to help people living in poverty to become more self-reliant, by working nationally and globally. This means it offers help to people in other countries, and challenges national and international policies or companies
How does CAFOD help make a difference?
• CAFOD provides emergency aid in places overseas where natural disasters or war have ruined lives
• CAFOD challenges national and international laws and policies that hurt those living in poverty
• CAFOD provides legal assistance to people who are being threatened by the actions of national or international companies
What are some examples of Christian vocations?
- Priesthood
- Family life
- Religious life
What is a Priest?
A priest is an ordained minister of the Catholic Church; one who is chosen to celebrate Mass, preach and forgive sins
How do priests act out the Kingdom values through vocations?
• Priests take a promise of celibacy (a promise not to marry or have sex). They commit themselves, body and soul, to God
• Like Jesus, a priest serves others and, because priests don’t have a family, they are always free to help others
• Priests take a promise of obedience to their bishop, knowing they are obeying the voice of God
How does Family life act out the Kingdom values through vocations?
• Love is an important Kingdom value that unites a family together
• Catholic parents try to show Kingdom values in their relationship with each other
• They also aim to teach their children Kingdom values and by doing so they help to spread the Kingdom of God on earth
What are Monks and Nuns?
Monks and nuns are people who commit themselves to God by living in a small religious community where life centres around prayer. Religious brothers and sisters also commit themselves to God in a similar way, but are more focused on going out into the world to help other people
How does Religious Life act out the Kingdom values through vocations?
• Catholics who commit to a religious life as a monk or nun take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to show they have committed to God’s values
• They live simple lives, dedicated to prayer and serving others
• Monasteries have a sense of peace that other people can come and share in
• Religious brothers and sisters centre their lives around prayer and active service
• They start and end each day with prayer
• They may take on roles such as teachers, nurses or care workers, to show love through helping others By their care and commitment, they show people the love of God and express Kingdom values