Red Dig Site 6 Flashcards
Who was breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples? (9:1)
Where was Saul going when suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him? (9:3)
1.To Damascus
2.To Jerusalem
3.To Samaria
Who said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” (9:4-5)
2.Peter and John
On the road to Damascus what did Jesus tell Saul to do? (9:5-7)
1.Get up and go back to Jerusalem
2.Get up and go into the city
3.Both answers are correct.
What happened when Saul got up from the ground? (9:8)
1.He ran away.
2.He couldn’t see anything.
3.He looked for the voice he had heard.
For how long was Saul blind? (9:9)
1.Three days
2.Three weeks
3.Three years
In Damascus, who did the Lord call to in a vision? (9:10)
1.The Ethiopian
2.Peter and John
What did the Lord tell Ananias in Damascus to do? (9:11)
1.“Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street.”
2.“Ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul.”
3.Both answers are correct.
What did Ananias say when the Lord told him to go to Saul? (9:12-14)
1.“Here I am, Lord. I will obey.”
2.“May I take someone else with me?”
3.“I have heard about this man, how he harmed the saints in Jerusalem, and that he is coming here to arrest all your followers.”
Who was the Lord’s chosen instrument to proclaim His name to the Gentiles, their kings, and the people of Israel? (9:15)
What happened when Ananias placed his hands on Saul? (9:17-18)
1.“Saul’s sight was restored and he ran away.”
2.“Something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again.”
3.“Saul arrested Ananias.”
What happened after Saul could see again? (9:18-19)
1.He was baptized.
2.He ate some food.
3.Both answers are correct.
When did Saul begin to preach in the synagogues in Damascus that Jesus is the Son of God? (9:20)
1.He never preached in Damascus.
2.When he had received enough training.
3.At once
Who baffled the Jews living in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Messiah? (9:22)
When Saul was in Damascus, what did the Jews want to do to him? (9:23)
1.Help him move into a house
2.Kill him
3.Free him from prison
Who took Saul to the apostles and told them about Saul? (9:27)
Where did the brothers send Saul when the Hellenistic Jews tried to kill him? (9:29-30)
What did the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoy? (9:31)
1.A time of peace
2.A time of fear and uncertainty
3.A time of great revival
Finish this verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone,…”
(2 Corinthians 5:17)
1.“… the new is here!”
2.“… the world is new!”
3.“… life is renewed!”