Dig Site 2 Flashcards
What was the name of the temple gate?
1 Gorgeous
2 Beautiful
3 Handsome
What time were Peter and John going up to the temple?
1 At the time of prayer
2 At three in the afternoon
3 Both answers are correct
Who did the lame man ask for money?
1 Peter and John
2 Paul and Silas
3 Mary and Martha
What did Peter tell the man that he did not have?
1 Silver
2 Gold
3 Both answers are correct
In whose name did Peter tell the lame man to walk?
1 In the name of the apostles
2 In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
3 In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
What happened after Peter took the lame man by the hand?
1 The man jumped to his feet and began to walk
2 The man fell down and cried
3 Peter carried the man into the temple courts
What were the people filled with when they saw a healed beggar walking and praising God?
1 Fear and trembling
2 Shock and surprise
3 Wonder and amazement
Who did Peter say the men of Israel had killed?
1 Jesus
2 The author of life
3 Both answers are correct
What happened to the lame man by faith in the name of Jesus?
1 He became a preacher
2 The man was made strong
3 He received a lot of money
What does the priest, the captain of the temple guard, and the Sadducees do with Peter and John?
1 They stoned him
2 They paid them for healing the man
3 They seized them and put them in jail
How many did the number of believers grow to after Peter and John healed the man?
1 About 5,000
2 About 7,000
3 About 10,000
What was Peter filled with when he spoke to the rulers and elders of the people?
1 Excitement
2 The Holy Spirit
3 Fear
Who is the stone in the builders rejected, who has become the cornerstone?
1 Peter
2 Jesus
3 John
What does the rulers and elders of the people feel when they saw the courage of Peter and John?
1 They were afraid
2 They were excited
3 They were astonished
Who knew that Peter and John had performed a sign by healing the man?
1 Everybody living in Jerusalem
2 Only those who had seen it happen
3 No one
After Peter and John had healed the lame man, what did the rulers and elders of the people command them to do?
1 To go home and get some rest
2 To share what they had seen and heard with everyone
3 Not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus
Why could the Sanhedrin not decide how to punish Peter and John after they healed the man?
1 They disagreed with one another
2 All the people were praising God for what it happened
3 Both answers are correct
How old was the man who was miraculously healed by Peter and John?
1 Almost 60 years old
2 50 years old
3 Over 40 years old
According to the memory verse, Acts 4:12, where is salvation found?
1 In John the Baptist
2 In no one else, but Jesus
3 In Peter