Red Dig Site 5 Flashcards
Who preached the word wherever they went? (8:4)
1.Only the Jews
2.Only the apostles
3.Believers who had been scattered
What did Philip do in Samaria? (8:5)
1.Got a job
2.Proclaimed about the Messiah
3.Practiced sorcery
What did the crowds do when they heard Philip and saw the signs he performed? (8:6)
1.They paid close attention to what he said.
2.They told everyone they knew about him.
3.They ran away from him.
Who practiced sorcery in Samaria? (8:9)
Why had people followed Simon the sorcerer? (8:9-11)
1.“Because he could heal them”
2.“Because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery”
3.“Because he gave them a lot of money”
Who was baptized when they believed Philip as he preached the good news? (8:12-13)
1.Men and women
3.Both answers are correct.
Who was sent to Samaria? (8:14)
1.The twelve apostles
2.Peter and John
3.Only Peter
What did the people receive when Peter and John placed their hands on them? (8:17)
1.The Holy Spirit
2.Many gifts
What did Simon offer to the apostles when he saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of hands? (8:18)
1.A place to sleep
What did Peter tell Simon the sorcerer to do after he tried to pay for the ability to give the Holy Spirit to others? (8:18-22)
1.“Repent of this wickedness.”
2.“Pray to the Lord.”
3.Both answers are correct.
Who did Peter say was full of bitterness and captive to sin? (8:23)
Who did Philip meet on the road to Gaza? (8:26-27)
1.An Ethiopian eunuch
2.Peter and John
3.Kandake, the queen of the Ethiopians
What was the Ethiopian doing when Philip met him? (8:28-30)
1.Taking a nap
2.Reading the Book of Isaiah
3.Begging for money
Who told Philip to go to the Ethiopian’s chariot and stay near it? (8:29)
1.An angel of the Lord
2.The Spirit
What did the Ethiopian want Philip to do? (8:31, 34)
1.Sit with him
2.Explain the scripture to him
3.Both answers are correct.
Who did Philip tell the Ethiopian about? (8:35)
When they came to some water, what did the Ethiopian ask Philip? (8:36)
1.“Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”
2.“Do you believe in baptism”
3.“Where are you going?”
Who baptized the Ethiopian? (8:38)
What happened after Philip baptized the Ethiopian? (8:38-39)
1.The Spirit of the Lord took Philip away.
2.The Ethiopian “went on his way rejoicing.”
3.Both answers are correct.
What did the Ethiopian do after he was baptized? (8:39)
1.He “went on his way rejoicing.”
2.“He went away sad.”
3.Both answers are correct.
Finish this verse: “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to…” (Psalm 119:130)
1.“… the wise.”
2.“… the confused.”
3.“… the simple.”