Red Dig Site 12 Flashcards
Who said, “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah”? (17:2-3)
Who was persuaded and joined Paul and Silas in Thessalonica? (17:4)
1.Some of the Jews
2.“A large number of God-fearing Greeks and quite a few prominent women”
3.Both answers are correct.
In whose house did the Jews search for Paul and Silas? (17:5)
1.Jason’s house
2.Mary’s house
3.Lydia’s house
What did the city officials do to Jason when they did not find Paul and Silas at his house? (17:6-9)
1.Flogged him
2.Questioned him
3.Made him post bond
What did Paul and Silas do when they arrived in Berea? (17:10)
1.They went to the Jewish synagogue.
2.They found their Gentile friends.
3.They went into hiding.
How are the Berean Jews described? (17:11)
1.“Easy to get along with”
2.“Of more noble character than those in Thessalonica”
3.“Filled with anger and hatred”
Who was sent to the coast when the Jews from Thessalonica went to Berea to stir up the crowds? (17:13-14)
3.Both answers are correct.
What distressed Paul while he was waiting for Silas and Timothy in Athens? (17:16)
1.It was taking them a long time to get there.
2.He could not speak their language.
3.The city was full of idols.
What was the name of the group of philosophers in Athens? (17:18)
3.Both answers are correct.
What did the group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers begin to do with Paul? (17:18)
1.Preach with him
2.Debate with him
3.Persecute Christians with him
What was inscribed on an altar in Athens? (17:23)
1.“To the Lord Jesus Christ”
2.“To an Unknown God”
3.“To the people of Athens”
Who “does not live in temples built by human hands”? (17:24)
1.The Jewish high priest
3.Both answers are correct.
What does God give everyone? (17:25)
1.“Life and breath and everything else”
2.“All of the riches of the world”
3.“Anything we ask for”
Who is not far from any of us? (17:27)
What had some of the Athenians’ own poets said? (17:28)
1.“We belong to him.”
2.“We are heirs to the kingdom.”
3.“We are his offspring.”
Who should we not think is like gold or silver or stone? (17:29)
2.The gods of Athens
What did God overlook in the past? (17:30)
3.Both answers are correct.
What does God command all people everywhere to do? (17:30)
1.To become Jews
2.To repent
3.To follow Paul
How has God given proof that He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice? (17:31)
1.By raising Jesus from the dead
2.By giving Paul the words to say
3.By offering judgement on earth
Finish this verse: “You will be his witness to all people of…” (Acts 22:15)
1.“… what you have seen and heard.”
2.“… everything you have seen him do.”
3.“… what the Lord has promised.”