Red Dig Site 13 Flashcards
Where did Paul go after he left Athens? (18:1)
1.To Thessalonica
2.To Corinth
3.To Antioch
Who was Aquila’s wife? (18:2)
What was Aquila and Priscilla’s profession? (18:3)
Why did Paul stay with Aquila and Priscilla? (18:3)
1.Because he was a tentmaker like them
2.Because they had a lot of money
3.Because they were from Italy
In Corinth, what did Paul do every Sabbath? (18:4)
1.He reasoned in the synagogue.
2.He worked as a tentmaker.
3.He went home to Tarsus.
What did Paul devote himself to when Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia? (18:5)
1.Distributing food to those in need
In Corinth, why did Paul shake out his clothes in protest? (18:6)
1.Because the Jews opposed Paul
2.Because the Jews became abusive
3.Both answers are correct.
Where did Paul go when he left the synagogue in Corinth? (18:7)
1.“Next door to the house of Titius Justus”
2.“To the place where he worked”
3.Both answers are correct.
Who told Paul, “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent”? (18:9)
1.The Lord, in a vision
2.Barnabas and Timothy
3.The believers in Corinth
How long did Paul stay in Corinth? (18:11)
1.For two weeks
2.For a year and a half
3.Not very long
Why did Paul have his hair cut off at Cenchreae? (18:18)
1.“Because it had gotten too long”
2.“Because he didn’t want anyone to recognize him”
3.“Because of a vow he had taken”
What did Paul tell the Jews in Ephesus? (18:21)
1.“I will come back if it is God’s will.”
2.“I will come back in 6 months.”
3.“The Lord has willed that I never return to this place.”
What did Paul do when he landed at Caesarea? (18:22)
1.“He went up to Jerusalem and greeted the church.”
2.He “went down to Antioch.”
3.Both answers are correct.
What did Paul do throughout the region of Galatia and Phrygia? (18:23)
1.Strengthened all the disciples
2.Hid amongst the Gentiles
3.Both answers are correct.
In Ephesus, who had been instructed in the way of the Lord, spoke with great fervor, and taught about Jesus? (18:24-25)
What was the only baptism Apollos knew about? (18:25)
1.The baptism of Peter
2.The baptism of John
3.The baptism of Jesus
What did Priscilla and Aquila do for Apollos? (18:26)
1.“Invited him to their home”
2.“Explained to him the way of God more adequately”
3.Both answers are correct.
Who encouraged Apollos to go to Achaia? (18:27)
1.Peter and John
2.The brothers and sisters
3.Both answers are correct.
What did Apollos do when he arrived in Achaia? (18:27-28)
1.“He vigorously refuted his Jewish opponents in public debate.”
2.He proved “from the scriptures that Jesus was the Messiah.”
3.Both answers are correct.
Finish this verse: “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, …” (Romans 8:31)
1.“… we will all be safe!”
2.“… then no one can defeat us!”
3.“… who can be against us?”