Red Dig Site 3 Flashcards
What did the people do when they heard the report from Peter and John?
1 They sang
2 They prayed
3 They cried
Who did the kings of the Earth rise up against and the rulers band together against?
1 The Lord
2 The Lord’s anointed one
3 Both answers are correct
What happened after the people prayed after Peter and John gave their report?
1 The place where they were meeting was shaken
2 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the words of God boldly
3 Both answers are correct
Who were one in heart and mind?
1 Only the apostles
2 All the believers
3 Only Peter and John
What did the believers do with their possessions? (4:32)
1.“They shared everything they had.”
2.“They were selfish and kept everything to themselves.”
3.“None of them had possessions.”
How did the apostles continue to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus? (4:33)
1.With their money
2.With great power
3.Both answers are correct.
To whom did the apostles distribute money from the sale of land and houses? (4:34-35)
1.No one
2.Their own families
3.Anyone who had need
By what name did the apostles call Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus? (4:36)
What does Barnabas mean? (4:36)
1.Son of God
2.Son of Encouragement
3.Son of Thunder
What did Barnabas do with the money from the field he sold? (4:37)
1.He put it at the apostles’ feet.
2.He kept it in savings.
3.He used it to buy food for the poor.
Who sold a piece of property and kept back part of the money? (5:1-2)
1.Ananias and Sapphira
3.Both answers are correct.
Who had full knowledge of what Ananias had done? (5:2)
Who did Peter say Ananias had lied to? (5:3-4)
1.The apostles
2.His wife, Sapphira
3.The Holy Spirit
What happened to Ananias after Peter told him that Ananias had lied to God? (5:4-5)
1.“He denied what he had done.”
2.“He fell down and died.”
3.“He ran away.”
What seized all who had heard what had happened to Ananias? (5:5)
1.Great fear
What did some young men do after they wrapped up Ananias’s body? (5:6)
1.Carried him out
2.Buried him
3.Both answers are correct.
What did Sapphira say when Peter asked if that was the price she and Ananias received for the land? (5:7-8)
1.“Yes, that is the price.”
2.“What did Ananias say?”
3.“We received more.”
What happened to Sapphira? (5:10)
1.She fell at Peter’s feet and died.
2.She was buried next to her husband.
3.Both answers are correct.
Finish this verse: “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices…” (Hebrews 13:16)
1.“… you will be rewarded.”
2.“… God is pleased.”
3.“… come great things.”