RECUPERAR --- R ----- to get back to recoup Flashcards
To get back; recoup; retrieve
Volver a tener lo que antes se poseía.
You’ll get over it.
Te recuperarás. Future Tense
He’ll get over it.
Se recuperará.
You recovered quickly.
Te recuperaste rápido.
Father recovered his health.
Papá se recuperó.
I’m fully recovered.
Estoy completamente recuperado.
Will she get well soon?
¿Ella se recuperará pronto?
He recovered his sanity.
He recovered the balance of his mind.
Él recuperó la cordura.
Is Tom still recovering?
¿Tom se sigue recuperando?
I believe you’ll get over it soon.
Creo que os recuperaréis pronto.
I believe you’ll get over it soon.
Creo que te recuperarás pronto.
Hope you’ll get better soon.
I hope you will soon get well.
Espero que te recuperes pronto.
He recovered from the shock.
Él se recuperó del susto.
He recovered his stolen wallet.
Él recuperó su billetera robada.
Tom is slowly getting better.
Tom se está recuperando lentamente.
We must make up for lost time.
Tenemos que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
I need to catch up the lost time.
Tengo que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
I wish I could make up for lost time.
Quisiera poder recuperar el tiempo perdido.
You can’t get back the wasted time.
No se recupera el tiempo perdido.
You have to make up the time you have lost.
Tienes que recuperar el tiempo perdido.
The bank wants its money back.
El banco quiere recuperar su dinero.
I’m trying to throw this cold off.
Estoy intentando recuperarme de este resfriado.
You will be all right again in a couple of days.
Te recuperarás en un par de días.
Have you got over your cold yet?
¿Ya te has recuperado de tu catarro?
Once lost, time cannot be recalled.
El tiempo perdido no se puede recuperar.
We managed to get it back without her knowing.
Conseguimos recuperarlo sin que ella lo supiera.
It took him several weeks to recover from the shock.
Tardó varias semanas para recuperarse del choque.