FALTAR Short Phrases Part 1: --- 22 cards Flashcards
to lack, be lacking, be missing, be absent
The copy machine is out of paper.
A la fotocopiadora le falta papel.
La fotocopiadora no tiene papel.
The printer is out of paper.
A la impresora le falta papel.
.The printer is out of ink.
A la impresora le falta tinta
The Verb FALTAR follows the same sentance structure as the verb GUSTAR.
Begin with “A” (then insert the person/s thing/s which are lacking something) “me/ te/ le (insert the correct tense faltó/á /an” (then insert the thing/s which is/are lacking).
I was absent from class three times last month.
Falté a clase tres veces el mes pasado.
Nothing is missing.
No falta nada.
Nothing was missing
No faltaba nada.
Irene probably missed more than nine classes, but I’m not sure.
Probablemente Irene faltó a más de nueve clases, pero no estoy seguro.
but I’m not sure.
pero no estoy seguro.
I missed only eight classes.
Yo falté a ocho clases nada más.
Yo falté solamente ocho classes. (M)
You lack (he/she lacks) the necessary books.
Le faltan los libros necessarios.
She never misses a class.
Ella nunca falta a clases
It won’t be long until summer vacation.
No falta mucho para las vacaciones de verano.
Marina is missing two blouses.
A Marina le faltan dos blusas. The verb FALTAR agrees singular or plural with the thing/ s missing or lacking.
We missed class once.
Faltamos a clase una vez
We need toothpaste.
Nos falta pasta de dientes.
We need soap.
Nos falta jabón.
I would like to work on inventing things
Me gustaría dedicarme a inventar cosas,
but I lack the resources.
pero me faltan los recursos.
to break a promise
Faltar a su palabra
That’s the last straw!
No faltaba más!
Do we still have far to go to get to the hotel?
¿Falta mucho para llegar al hotel?
No, not very. It’s just around the corner.
No, no falta mucho. Es aquí a la vuelta.