COLGAR Simple Phrases Flashcards
He hung up on me.
Él me colgó.
He hung up his coat.
Él colgó su abrigo.
I am hanging up my shirts.
Estoy colgando mis camisas.
I didn’t hang up on you.
Yo no te colgué.
Tom hung up the phone. Tom put down the phone.
Tom colgó el teléfono.
The picture is hung crooked.
El cuadro está colgado torcido.
Where shall I hang this calendar?
¿Dónde debería colgar este calendario?
She hung up without saying good-bye.
Ella colgó sin decir adiós.
The lamp hung from the ceiling. The lamp is hanging from the ceiling
La lámpara colgaba del techo.
My computer is hung up.
Mi ordenador se ha colgado.
They hung the picture upside down.
Colgaron el cuadro boca abajo.
He hung it on the wall.
Lo colgó en la pared.
She put up the new curtains today.
Ella colgó cortinas nuevas hoy.
He hung his jacket on a hook.
Colgó su chaqueta en una percha.
He hung a lamp from the ceiling.
Él colgó una lámpara del techo.
I hung up and called her back again. I hung up and called her again.
Colgué y la volví a llamar.
There is a clock above the fireplace.
Hay un reloj colgado sobre la chimenea.
Andy hung his shirt up in the closet.
Andy colgó su camisa en el armario.
The picture/portrait is hanging on the wall.
El retrato está colgado en la pared.
The walls were hung with some pictures.
Había varios cuadros colgados en la pared.
No sooner had I hung up than the phone started ringing again. As soon as I hung up, the phone started ringing again.
Justo al colgar el teléfono, volvió a sonar.