realist theory - done Flashcards
right realists’ reasons for crime
biological differences
socialization and the underclass
rational choice theory
right realists’ biological differences reason for crime
Wilson + Hernstein say personality differences such as aggressiveness make people more likely to commit a crime
Hernstein and Murray say low intelligence is the main cause of crime
right realists’ socialization and the underclass view of the cause of crime
effective socialization teaches self-control and internalizing right from wrong decreasing the risk of crime. bets family for the right realists is nuclear.
Charles Murray says growing underclass causes crime as ineffective socialization of their children as well as them being defined as deviant. result of welfare dependency
due to this mothers become lone parents and don’t need husbands to support them as they can live off benefits consequently giving boys ineffective socialisation as the boys turn to alternate role models that can be bad
rational choice theory for the cause of crime (RR)
individuals have free will to choose their actions, rational choice theory says that if the gains outway the consequences people will like commit the crime - Ron Clarke
RR’s say that punishments are too low and lenient and risk is to low for crime
Criticisms of RR’s causes of crime
- it ignores structural causes such as poverty
- RCT doesn’t explain violence, overestimates how likely criminals are to do cost-effective calculations
- according to lily et al IQ accounts for less than 3% of differences in offending
RR’s tackling crime idea
they seek practical measures to deter crime - less attractive. they seek punishment control and containment rather than eliminating underlying causes. there should be less reward and more punishment.
Zero tolerance - any type of deterioration of a neighborhood must be dealt with immediately - Wilson and Kelling’s broken glass article says neighborhoods need to be kept orderly
police should be kept on the streets to make citizens feel safe
criticisms of zero tolerance
ignores corporate crime and focuses on petty crimes
it gives police free rein to discriminate against minorities
left realism view
gradual change rather than the violent overthrow of capitalism - crime needs explanations that will lead to practical strategies that reduce it.
LR - taking crime seriously
Marxists - focus on corporate crime too much, ignores W/C crime, and effects
Neo-Marx - W/C more than likely affect other W/C rather than stealing from the rich ‘robin hood view’.
labeling theorists - w/c are discriminatory labeling victims - neglect real victims, those who suffer from crime
taking crime seriously involves recognizing how is mos affected victim surveys show who is affected as well as showing that disadvantaged groups are worse off - disadvantaged groups have more fera of crime
LR -causes of crime
relative deprivation
LR - relative deprivation theory of crime
as living standards have risen so has crime
this theory states how people may react to others having more than them in criminal means as they feel it is unfair - Runciman’s view
people are now aware of relative deprivation as a result of the media - people who cannot afford material possessions may result to crime to get them - lea and young
young - individualism encourages self-interest at the expense of others, LR argues that the increase in this causes the disintegration of families and communities by undermining values
LR - subcultural reason for crime
LR see subculture as a response to relative deprivation - some may turn to crime to close the gap between others whilst some may turn to religion - weber ‘an explanation to their disadvantage’
LRs see that criminal subcultures still have the values and goals of mainstream society, as legitimate means are blocked to get these they resort to crime to get material goods.
LR - marginalisation theory of crime
marginalized groups lack clear goals and organizations, something workers don’t so they don’t need to commit crimes to achieve their goals
unemployed youth are marginalized as they don’t have employment and clear goals, through the frustration of being powerless they release anger through criminal means such as violence
LR - late modernity, exclusion, and crime
LR - Tackling crime
policing and control
tackling the structural causes
LR - policing and control
Kinsey lea and young - argue police spend too little time investigating crime, the public must become more involved
90% of crime is known to police by the public - this is declining meaning they have to take a more involved stance of ‘military policing’ - swamping areas and random stop and searches - this causes a lack of trust with police consequently they don’t provide info and cause more military policing
police must improve their relationship with communities by spending more time investigating and changing their priorities
LR - tackling the structural causes
improve housing and communities
tackle discrimination
provide decent jobs for everyone
deal with inequality and lack of rewards
LR criticisms
Marxists - they fail to explain corporate crime which is more harmful
Interactionalists - due to reliance on OS they fail to explain the motive for the crime
relative deprivation can explain crime as not everyone who experiences it commits a crime
comparisson of LR and RR
both see crime as a real problem and fear crime as rational
RR blames a lack of self-control while LR blames structural inequalities
RR go for social order whereas LR go for justice