globalisation and crime in contemporary society - done Flashcards
globalization and the global criminal economy
held at al - eve though positives hav ebeen bought by this there are also negatives - transnational organised crime
castells - drug trrade is 3-400billion, global economy is supply and demand, poorer countries such as colombia rely on the demand so they can make a livng- 20% of population rely on this, western countries are the demand
globalisation and the global risk consciousness
made us more aware of a wider range of risks which are now global rather than local.
bought with it an increase in insecurities surrounding the movement of people such as asylum seekers, economic migrants and terrorism etc. This in turn had led to increasing border patrols to protect countries from this perceived threat. due to media creating moral panic
globalization, capitalism and crime
it has created greater inequality and rising crime - taylor - alloowed tncs to create lower paying jobs in poorer countries benefiting off of them these jobs tend to violate health and safety and minimum wages
lack of legit jobs drives unemployed to find alternatives such as crime however not all poor turn to this
globalisation and glocal organisations
although drug trade is global it is rooted in local communities, dealers need local contacts to distribute their drugs. hobbs and dunningham say crime is a glocal system
what is green crime
crime against the environment - Chernobyl nuclear disaster
global risk and the environment - GC
most threats to environment are now human rather than natural, rise of manufacture risks has become known as technology has improved and produciron has largened - the results of this threaten humanity - global warming - russia faced the hottest heatwave in the century creating wildfires and destroyed grain
Primary green crimes
crimes of air and water pollution, deforestation,species decline and animal abuse
secondary green crimes
state violence against oppostitional groups
hazardous waste and organised crime
environmental discrimination
what are state crimes
example of crime by the powerful, crimes or deviant acts committed by the government
the scale of state crime
green and ward claim that 262million people are dead because of govenments during the 20th century
genocide in rwanda
in 100 days 800,000 tutis were slaugjtered by the hutus in power, they achieved this by dehumanising this ethnic group, many of the slughtered ethnicity were forced to join in or be killed themselves
state corporation crime
challanger space shuttle - cost cutting resulted in the shuttle exploding
deepwater horizon rig - state fails to regulate and control corporate behavior, made crime easier, caused the biggest accidental oil spill and killed 11 workers
defining state crimes
there are many different definitions some are: domestic law, social harm and zemiology, human rights
domestic law
acts defined by law as criminal and committed by state officials in pursuit of their jobs - it avoids the fact that they can avoid crime as they make the laws
social harms and zemiology
michalowski - defines state crime as not just illegal acts but those that are legally permissible also
hillyard says we should replace study of crime with the study of harms whether legal or not
- creates single standard for all
- how far must a act go before its defined as criminal and who decides what counts as harm
explaining state crime in terms of cooperation
although state crime is started by the powerful it need members cooperation to continue, rwanada and german nazi citizens were crucial parts of their campaigns
the authoritarian personality
adorno er al identify the view that there is a willingness to obey orders of superiors without question, germans and the nazi party
crimes of obedience
authorisation - when give order human norms go out the window due to duty to obey
routinisation - once crime is commited there is strong pressure for the act to become routine and it eventually becomes detacthed
dehumanisation - when the enemy is portrayed as this normal principles of morality do not apply