Readings & Videos Flashcards
Who is Dr. Terry Fry?
an oncologist and researcher, leading 250+ first in human trials
Bo in first in human had what disease?
Anita in first in human had what disease?
skin cancer
Deidra in first in human had what disease?
sickle cell disease
What 4 big things have building 10 accomplished
- first successful chemotherapy
- the use of lithium for depression
- discovery of AZT for HIV
- first gene therapy
Lucy in first in human had what disease?
JOBs syndrome
Sickle cell disease
cause malformation in red blood cell
JOBs syndrome
causes weak immune system
What was used to treat Bo?
CAR-T cells
What was used to treat Anita?
immunotherapy treatment
What was used to treat Lucy?
bone marrow transplant
What was used to treat deidra?
bone marrow transplant
Gorlin Syndrome
caused lambs to have 1 eye (caused from eating cow cabbage that caused lambs to be unable to have 2 brain lobes)- causes cancer in humans
Compound isolated from cow cabbage
How Gleevec Works
Gleevec has a specific shape which blocks the active site of the abnormal protein & prevents the trigger protein from causing the release the white blood cells and alleviates the symptoms of the disease.
In a study reported in the journal Cell Stem Cell in 2019…
researchers grew small clusters of neural tissue, like neurons and glial cells, in culture.
*And the neurons connected and started firing, and syncing up with their neighbouts
brainwaves are made of…
delta waves from neuron firing/ activity
Alpha waves appear
when a person is more relaxed
Beta waves appear
when you’re thinking hard about something.
Theta waves appear
when you’re falling asleep
Delta waves appear
when your in a deep sleep
a self-organized 3D tissue that is typically derived from stem cells (pluripotent, fetal or adult), and which mimics the key functional, structural and biological complexity of an organ
What population has almost no genomic research
Indigenous populations in Canada
What part of the eye is a good target for gene therapy
viruses have evolved to move ______ across cell membranes
What is Leber Amaurosis
A genetic disease that causes photoreceptors to die
What gene causes Leber Amaurosis
RPE 65
What are antibodies shaped as
What is C.T.L
a type of white blood cells that can detect infected or mutated cells
What turns off C.T.L
PD-1 & PD-L1(in cancer)
What do monoclonal antibodies bind to?
PD-1 & PD-L1
ALS (Full name)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
what does ALS cause?
deterioration of both upper and lower motor neurons
What does ALS cause to proteins in cytoplasm
misfolded proteins
ALS affects ______ repair process
ALS causes problems transporting ______, ______ and _______
Preferred preclinical mouse model used to test anxiety
elevated plus
What are the tiny ‘heart-like’ structures made out of?
stem cells
Which company created the first “Heart-in-a-jar”
Novoheart Ltd.
When did the Black Death kill 75-200 million people in europe and asia
When did the flu pandemic kill 50 to 100 million people
what happened to King Charles II when he had a seizure?
- 1.5 pints of blood was removed
- he was given 3 purgatives
- he was given an enema
- 40 drops of human skull extract were given to stop convulsions
- ‘bezoar’ stone was forced down his throat
What happened to President George Washington when he got a chill?
- 5 pints of blood were drawn (total)
- 2 doses of mercury
-a cathartic injection was forced up his rectum - blisters were given to him
whose teachings paralysed medicine for over 1500 years?
Who began the Beginning of Enlightenment
Theophrastus Philipus Aureolus
Bombast von Hohenheim (aka Paracelsus)
Unlike the Black Death 150 years before, ________ gave both the physician and the
sufferer plenty of time to experiment with different cures.
3 extracts from plants
What is quinine
a effective for the treatment of malaria
What is digitalis
now rarely used as a first-line agent for the treatment of heart failure and
atrial fibrillation due to narrow therapeutic window (extracted from foxglove)
Solvent extraction first documented in ________ with the extraction of beetroot with brandy, which
yielded sweet-tasting crystals (sugar)
1806: _______ isolated in pure form by Sertürner: “the first true drug”
What is arsenic
causes poisoning, cancer and overall cell death
What is penicillin?
a group of antibiotics used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections
How was penicillin discovered?
In 1928 Dr Alexander Fleming returned from a holiday to find mould growing on a Petri dish of Staphylococcus bacteria