Reading 5 (103-113) Flashcards
What is the diastolic pressure?
The pressure remaining in the arteries at the end of diastole (diastole is the relaxation phase of the heart)
What is MABP?
The avg arterial BP over the cardiac cycle. Not simply arithmetic mean of systolic and diastolic pressures, cause diastole approx 2X duration of systole
What is the eqn for MABP involving systolic and diastolic pressure?
MABP = [(systolic pressure – diastolic pressure)/3] + diastolic pressure
What is the pulse pressure?
Difference btwn systolic and diastolic pressure
What are teleological arguments
Arguments attribute intelligence to body parts like heart e.g. HR inc in order to provide more blood to working muscles. But HR inc cause of neural and/or humoral (i.e. blood-borne molecules e.g. epinephrine) stimuli.
What is the more scientific, physiologically correct explanation of arterial BP regulation?
Negative feedback model
Where are the baroreceptors located
Aortic arch and in wall of each internal caraotid artery in the caraotid sinus
Fxn of baroreceptors?
Send afferent signals to vasomotor centre in medulla oblongata at base of brain
What are 5 factors that affects arterial BP?
Posture, exercise, emotional state of subject, fatigue, pain, meals, drugs
What precautions must occur when measurements of resting BPs are obtained for clinical purposes?
Patients avoid exertion, exposure to cold, eating, or smoking at least 30 min before measurement, then should rest in quiet room at comfortable temp at least 5 mins w/no postural changes
The effect which any factor has on BP is mediated thru 2 mechanism?
CO and TPR. Aka if arterial BP inc, either CO has inc, or TPR has, or both.
What is the eqn for MABP in terms of CO and TRP?
Changes in arterial BP usually compensated w/in ____ by baroreceptors
Arterial BP may be regulated over longer term by ______.
How does inc rate of urine output lead arterial BP to dec?
Inc rate or urine output dec total body water, which dec plasma volume. Dec plas volume in CV system will dec pressure distending the walls of arteries, thus dec arterial BP.