Reading 3&4 Flashcards
come about
happen, take place
come round to
recover conciousness
do away with
remove or put an end to something
get (smb) out of
to help someone avoid or escape duty or responsibility.
go into
to start an activity, or start to be in a particular state or condition:
mess about with
to use or treat something in a careless or harmful way:
refer to
run (sth) past
to tell someone sth to make sure they understood or approve
set back
something that happens that delays or prevents a process from developing:
shy away from
to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident about:
stem from
to start or develop as the result of something:
accumulate knowledge
to collect a certain amount of information
boost energy
increase of energy
complicate matters
to make a situation more complicated
deepen understanding
learn more about smh
determine the facts
draw on experience
make use of experience in order to do something
establish a rapport
create a harmonious realationship
exude confidence
show you’re confident
heed advice
pay attention to advice
meet criteria
meet the standards
strike up a friendship
to start a friendship
thwart expectations
to lessen expectations
distinctive features
an odd or unusual characteristic
exepcionally difficult
very difficult
heartfelt emotion
sincere feeling
highly symmetrical
very symmetrical
relatively unsurprising
not very surprising
remarkably beautiful
very beautiful
stark contrast
very different form each other
unique combination
one of a kind comination
unsolved mystery
a mystery without a solution
armed with
equipped with
compatible with
being suitable or right for each other
made weaker or less pure by the addition of another substance
making you feel frightened or nervous
likely to be true, or to happen
easy to understand or simple
considered to be less valuable or important than it really is
a difficult or unlucky situation or event
using only a few words or lasting only a short time
a roughly cut piece/a part of something, especially a large part
a small bed for a baby, especially one that moves from side to side
a word or sound that is believed to have a special spiritual power
one of the main characters in a story or a play
punch line
the last part of a joke or a story that explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it amusing
the effect that an action, event, or decision has on something, especially a bad effect:
a way of thinking about something, especially expressed in a publicly stated opinion
to move quickly with a twisting, circular movement, or to make something do this
the naked eye
something that can be seen without the help of an instrument
a far cry from
to be completely different from something
can’t string a sentence together
can’t form a sentence
different walks of life
different ways of living
eyes go vacant
glazed eyes
it’s more of a case of
keep someone in the loop
keep someone informed
let me get this straight
wanting to have a clear idea about something in your head
on the go
very active or busy
rooted to the spot
unable to move
take exception to
object strongly to
to and fro
in a constant movement backward and forwards or from side to side
date back to
to have been made in or to have come into being in (a certain time in the past)
elaborate to
develop or present in further detail.
indulge in
allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of
lay on (a meal)
provide a service or amenity
mess up
make something untidy or dirty
pass on sth
To transfer something to someone
ply someone with
to keep giving a person something, usually food or drink
rustle up sth
to prepare food, a meal, etc quickly
set someone back
delay or impede the progress of someone or something
stave off
avert or delay something bad or dangerous.
stay over
sleep somewhere, especially at someone’s home, for the night
switch off
cease to pay attention
tide someone over
to support or enable to survive temporarily
warm up
prepare for physical exertion or a performance by exercising or practising gently beforehand
wash sth down with
work up (an appetite)
to improve your appetite
the amount of acid in a substance or in your stomach
a region of the earth’s surface and the particular combination of climate (= general type of weather), plants, and animals that are found in it
a connection or relationship between two or more facts, numbers, etc
a bicycle
If an object grazes something, it touches its surface lightly when it passes it
he time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity of cutting and collecting them, or the crops that are cut and collected
the position north or south of the equator measured from 0° to 90°
the money people need to pay for food, a place to live, clothing
an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops
to cause great damage to something
seasonal shift
to be successful
not usual or expected for the time of year
a large area of land covered with swamp or marsh
listening carefully
If a reason, argument, etc. is compelling, it makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong
needing careful treatment, especially because easily damaged
different from other things
A geometric pattern or arrangement is made up of shapes such as squares, triangles, or rectangles
helping to make someone well again, especially after a cut or other injury
not using reason or clear thinking
unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money
happy or grateful because of something
able to work as intended or able to succeed
the things that a person owns, especially those that can be carried
the distance from one side to another
a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width
an attempt to do something
one of a series of increases
understanding of a complicated problem or situation
the state of being successful and having a lot of money
a way of doing something in which the same actions are done in the same way every time
to get or obtain something
to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true
to give orders, or tell someone exactly what they must do, with total authority
to direct the way that a ship, aircraft, etc. will travel
to solve or end a problem or difficulty
a bit of a thing
a small amount of something
all doom and gloom
a general feeling of pessimism
be at stake
it is in a situation where it might be lost
dead to the world
sleeping very deeply
follow a pattern
happen in a regular way, or according to a pattern
have the guts to
have a courage to do sth
off the beaten track
in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns
on the brink of
a point that is very close to the occurrence of something very bad or (less commonly) very good
strike a good balance
accept parts of both things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side
swallow your pride
to decide to do something although it will make you feel embarrassed or ashamed
talking in terms of
mention piece of information as a possibility
those in the know
Privy to special or secret information
understand the bigger picture
thinking about how your actions can affect the overall success of a project or company aim, rather than focusing on minor details