lit sem 3 Flashcards
- description of a river and a road that passes through fields near Camelot
- lady weaves a magic web, looks at the world through a mirror
- a curse upon her, can’t look at the real world
shes content with her art
“The Lady of Shalott”
- Lord Alfred Tennyson
- victorian era
starts as a tribute to “strong son of God”
- man never seen a face of god = no proof of his existance
- sun and moon = god-> creator of life and dath
son of god -> human and divine
- man has contorl over his own will but only to serve god
- the speaker asks god to help foolish people to see his light
“In Memoriam” Prologue
- Lord Alfred Tennyson
- victorian era
- nature half reveal half conceal the soul
- dull narcotics, numbing pain
- large grief
“In Memoriam” V
-Lord Alfred Tennyson
dark house, unlovely street
- behold me for i cannot sleep, creep
- bold street, blank day
“In Memoriam” VII
- Lord Alfred Tennyson
Caliban is enslaved, hes given a chance to speak his mind. He has bad intentions but was mistreated ans suffered so we feel sorry for him. He ponders the world, tries to figure out his god Setebos.
“Caliban Upon Setebos”
- Robert Browning
Victorian era
the duke talks to the missionary, about his late wife, he says that she flirted with others and didnt appreciate what he gave her a 900 years ols name. he insinuates taht he orered her death, he speaks highly of her, unreliable narrator
“My Last Duchess”
- Robert Browning
A christmas carol
Charles Dickens
victorian era
about a girl that artist paints n many different paintings, he objectifies her, makes her only purpose to be his muse, forgetting about her feelings as a person
“In Artist’s Studio”
- Christina Rossetti
Victorian era
about 3 woman and their song of love. 1 is defined through her beauty, 2 appear pure, dainty, 3 is blue from heartache. 2 dye 1 left but as if dead
“A Triad”
- Christina Rossetti
Victorian era
the speaker has a secret. She teases her friend with it, it’s what makes her fascinating.
“Winter: My Secret”
- Christina Rossetti
life is an up-hill struggle, but youll find a resting palce, companions, felief, enough bds for everyone
christina Rossetti
about how she loves the other person, lots of links to the spiritual feelings
How do I love thee?
Sonnet 43 from Sonnets From the Portuguese
- Elizabeth Browning
Thomas Hardy
Victorian era
“Tess of the d’Urbervilles”
“the Picture of dorian grey”
Oscar wilde
victorian era
j.c will come back one day. the development of civilization will lead to its doom. gyre a cicle of history where afterr 2000 years civilization as known collapses
“Second Coming”
- William Butler Yeats
modernism era
world whete there is no place for the elderly unless they can figure out how to keep their soul young
“Sailing to Byzantium”
William Butler Yeats
the speaker fantisisez about Innisfree and solitary, peacful life there, nature as profound spiritual force
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree”
- William Butler Yeats
the poem focuses on love, not physical but the king which on the deeper beauty of the soul
“When You Are Old”
William Butler Yeats
zeus rapes leda which gives birth to helen which cayses the fall of troy
“Leda and the Swan”
W.B Yeats
This poem admits and comments the loss of faith in Victorian era, caused by the advancements in various field. This poem senses this turn and finds this change in the figure of the beach - the blurry border. Of the sea and land. Loss of faith = loss of certainty
’’Dover Beach”Mathew Arnold
Victorian era
A patriotic and idealistic poem that expresses soldiers love for England. poem implies that people are shaped by their home and culture. The soldier sees himself as owing his identity and life to England.
„The Soldier”
Rupert Brooke
20th century
The writer confronts what he sees as the damaging attitudes of woman who encourage the men o fight and be hers. He accuses woman of promising man heroism and honor and failing to see the horrors of war
„Glory of Women”
- Siegfried Sassoon
20th century
This poem graphically and bitterly describes the horrors of war. this poem is specific in describing the horrors such as the gruesome death of the soldier, and surviving the war with seeing the death of comrades.
„Dulce et decorum est”
- Wilfred Owen
20th century
The unnamed boy likes the girl of brown complexion cause she is exotic and takes the dullness of his life. He promises her a gift form arab market but when he gets there je realizes that he likes her only because of his own vanity and his want for something new and exciting
hames Joyce
Nothing happens twice. Vladimir and Estragon stuck in endless cycle of waiting. Plot circular shows the bleak themes and emphasizes its the Theatre of the Absurd
„waiting for Godot”
Samuel Beckett
Sweet childhood memory of picking blackberries in summer. In the barn they rot = growing up, Seth that is ineviteable as they rotting
„Blackberry picking”
Seamus Heaney
The poem encourages people to fight death. It celebrates the vibrancy and energy of human life
„Do not go gentle into night”
Dylan Thomas