Reading 1&2 Flashcards
associated with
related, connected to someone
back down
to admit that you were wrong or that you have been defeated
catch on
to become aware
come out with
to say something unexpectedly or suddenly
devote yourself to
to give your time or effort completely to something you believe in or to a person
fall for nonsense
to be tricked into believing something that is not true
follow through on
continue an action or task to its conclusion
move on with
to leave the place where you are staying and go somewhere else
pay someone back
to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you/to pay someone the money that you owe them
put yourself forward for
to suggest yourself/somebody as a candidate for a job or position
put forward
recommend someone as a suitable candidate for a job or position/submit a plan, proposal, or theory for consideration
read up on
acquire information about a particular subject by studying it intensively
spring up
to grow or appear suddenly
take someone in
allow them to stay in your house or your country, especially when they do not have anywhere to stay or are in trouble
throw yourself into
start to do something with enthusiasm and vigour
false courage
the disguising
unique print of finger of every person
to spring free from or as if from the ground
a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape
practical joke
a trick played on someone in order to make them look foolish and to amuse others
Primates are a diverse order of mammal (monkeys)
a raised or elevated part or area
each of the parts into which something is or may be divided i.e segment of population
a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person
take on sth
someone’s attitude or opinion about a situation
anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen
seeming difficult to deal with in prospect; intimidating
makes you more confident and makes you feel that you are in control of your life
temporary and of low quality, but used because of a sudden need
causing someone to believe something that is not true
doubting that something is true or useful
behaving in a way that is dishonest or unfair in order to get what you want
incapable of
unable to do something
regardless of
without being influenced by any other events or conditions
suited to
right for someone or something
boost your determination
make you more determined
dismiss a theory
decide or say that it is not important enough for you to think about or consider
exceed expectations
go above the expectations
play a joke on
behave in a deceptive or teasing way towards
pose a threat to someone
create the threat of danger or harm
realise an ambition
to achieve something that you have wanted for a long time
release a tension
to release bodily or mental tension
seasoned traveller
experienced traveller
a step too far
To exceed an unstated limit, especially a limit of acceptable behaviour
all things considered
to take everything into consideration
at the forefront
the most important or leading position
to be inclined to think
having an opinion but not completely sure about it
capture the publics attention
to cause one to become interested in something
come to blows about
to have a physical fight or a serious argument with someone
get cold feet
to feel too frightened to do something that you had planned to do
get stuck for words
unable to think of anything to say
get stung by
they make you feel upset and annoyed
in retrospect
thinking back
in the same breath
If you say two things in the same breath, you say two things that are so different that if one is true, the other must be false
let alone
used after a negative statement to emphasize how unlikely a situation is because something much more likely has never happened
out of your comfort zone
doing something that makes you uncomfortable
play on ignorance
to say that one knows nothing about something
roll off the tongue
to be easy to say or pronounce