Readiness for Competition & Early Specialisation Flashcards
Prerequisites for readiness for competition - source
Passer and Wilson, 2002
Passer & Wilson, 2002 - Prerequisites for readiness for competition
Motivational readiness
Cognitive readiness
Physical readiness
Motivational Readiness
Occurs when:
- Actively seeks opportunities for social comparison
- Evaluated ability relative to peers
- Benefits from competition
Development of self-evaluation
- Self-referenced (0-2.5yrs)
- Compete for opportunity (2.5-4yrs)
- Social comparison (4-6yrs)
- Active competition (6-9yrs)
Cognitive readiness
Young children
- Less focus for long periods
- Less able to recall info
- Less able to successfully rationalise success and failure
Physical readiness
Physical competence
- Fundamental motor skills not mature until 8-9yrs
- Children same age can vary
Less physically able athletes:
- Less success, playing time, enjoyment
- Given minor roles
- Greater anxiety
- Minimise effort
- Increased illness/injury
- More likely to drop out
When do children seek out competition - sources
Running race study - Pascuzzi, 1981
Paired artwork task - Butler, 1996
Pascuzzi, 1981 - Running race study
Placing impacted boys not girls in pre-school
By 2nd grade, placing impacted:
- Post-race affect
- Perceptions of ability
- Future expectations
Butler, 1996 - Paired artwork task
Younger children glance to ‘get ideas’
Older children give competitive reason for glancing
Children in urban schools & ego-involved climates more likely to compete
Consequences of early competition - source
Memory Game - 3-5 year olds - Dorzella et al., 2000
Dorzella et al., 2000 - Memory Game (3-5 years old)
When losing, experienced:
- Increased tension, impulsivity, anger & sadness
- Less enjoyment
- Elevated cortisol
Development of role perspective - source
Coakley, 1986
Coakley, 1986 - Development of role perspective
Egocentric prior to 6 yrs
Understanding of other views (6-8yrs)
Accept others views (8-10yrs)
True group perspective (10-12yrs)
Parental Readiness - source
Smoll & Cumming, 2006
Smoll & Cumming, 2006 - Parental Readiness
Respect child’s right to compete or not
Allow child to sample sports
Avoid reverse dependency
Share child with coach
Avoid being over-protective
Accept disappointment
Bio-banding - source
Cumming et al., 2017