Collective Collapse, Coping & Resilience Flashcards
Collective Collapse - Source
Wergin et al., 2018
10 athletes from basketball, volleyball, football, field hockey
Collective Collapse - Definition
Sudden, extreme underperformance
Triggered by critical situation
Cannot regain previous levels
What predicts collective collapse?
Heightened pressure
Confidence - too high/low
Lack of experience
Poor preparation
Situations when collective collapse occurs
Key player underperforms
Errors by multiple players
Opponent is successful
Referee decision
Game interruption
Affective outcomes of collapse
Collective emotions become negative
Behavioural outcomes of collapse
Poor intrateam behaviours
Poorer teamwork
Cognitive outcomes of collapse
Negative perceptions of teammates
More pressure
Diffusion of responsibility
Common shared stressors - source
Leprince et al., 2018
10 regional+ athletes
Leprince et al., 2018 - Common shared stressors
Teammate relationships
Team performance issues
Social pressures
Logistical/external issues
Communal coping - source
Leprince et al., 2018
Communal coping - definition
How a team as a whole copes collectively with shared stressors
Types of communal coping
Goal withdrawal
Communal coping - problem-focused
Resolve execution issues
Get back to basics
More effort
Communal coping - relationship-focused
Manage teammate relationships
Motivational support
Social joining
Communal coping - emotion-focused
Regulating team emotions
Emotional support
Communal coping - goal withdrawal
Stop pursuing team goals
Task disengagement
Team resilience - source
Morgan et al., 2013
31 athletes from different sports
Team resilience - definition
Dynamic, psychosocial process which protects team from negative effect of stressors. Team members and individual resources to adapt.
Morgan et al., 2013 - Dimensions of resilient team
Group structure
Mastery approaches
Social capital
Collective efficacy
Resilient team - group structure
Shared vision
Clear player roles
Team norms/values
Effective communication
Resilient team - mastery approaches
Emphasis on learning and improvement
Effective behavioural responses
Managing change
Resilient team - social capital
Team identity
Social support
Prosocial member interactions
Resilient team - collective efficacy
Past success/mastery
Cohesive group
Social contagion
Importance of resilience - source
Decroos et al., 2017
1200+ athletes from Belgium & UK across 4 studies
Decroos et al., 2017 - Importance of resilience
- persistence
- effort
- collective efficacy
- mastery-oriented climate
Decreased team conflict
Principles to build resilience - source
Morgan et al., 2019
Season-long study of semi-professional rugby union team.
Morgan et al., 2019 - Principles to build resilience
Inspire excellence and promote ownership
Cultivate a team identity based on a selfless culture
Expose team to challenging, unexpected and difficult situations
Maintain a positive outlook