Reaction Time And Decision Making Flashcards
What are the time delays in information processing?
Sensory organ function
Nerve conduction
Response of muscles
Central processing
What is the delays in central processing?
Decision making
Memory retrieval
Response selection and organisation.
What does the abbreviation RT stand for?
Reaction time
What is response time?
Response time = RT + Movement time
What is reaction time defined by?
Sensory mode:
Visual, audition and kinaesthetic
What are the 3 contexts of reaction time?
Simple, choice and discrimination
What are the sport related variables of response time?
No. Choices Inter-stimulus interval Stimuli probability Experience Presentation of order of stimuli
What is the psychological refractory period?
A single channel for information to travel
When are there delays in the single channel (PRP)
More than 1 stimulus
Multiple too close together
What is simple reaction time?
One stimulus
Decision= when to react
What is choice reaction time?
Several stimulus & response alternatives
Decisions= when, where and how to react.
What is hicks law?
There is a positive linear relationship between reaction time and the amount of information
How can hicks law be used in a sporting situation?
Increased amount of stimulus alternatives will increase the amount of time the opponent takes to react
What are the 2 types of anticipation?
Spatial- what?
Temporal- when?
How do you anticipate the opponent?
Learn their tendencies
Learn patterns
Avoid anticipation
How do you stop the opponent being able to anticipate?
Increase alternatives
Be unpredictable
Fake similar alternatives
What are the individual factors of reaction time RT
Practise Experience Muscle temperature Gender Heart rate Arousal levels
What ages affected by reaction time?
0-25 increases
25+ slow decrease
>60 rapid decrease