RE philosophical language and thought section 2 (soul) Flashcards
what is dualism?
the belief that the soul and body are united
what is monism?
the view that the body and soul are separate and that when the soul dies the body dies also.
what is materialism?
no belief in the soul.
what does plato believe about the soul?
- the soul is permanent and certain. if permanence can’t be found in this world then it must exist in the forms.
- it’s immortal and eternal.
- it was not created, it has ne beginning or end.
- when you die, the soul returns to the forms as it existed in the forms before it became tied down in the material world by the body.
- the soul desires to get out of the body which it’s trapped in. Death is nothing to fear as it’s only shaking the temporary shell.
- ‘the body is the prison of the soul’.
what are the 3 parts to plato’s soul?
- reason/rationality
- spirit
- appetite/desire
what is the reason part of the soul?
- sensible outcome.
- results in a positive outcome for everyone involved.
what is the spirit part of the soul?
- it doesn’t have to be rational but it results in a good outcome for you.
- it can be reckless
what is the appetite part of the soul?
- based around your needs.
- it might not be rational
what are the criticisms of Plato’s idea of the soul?
- atheists believe there’s no soul.
- appetite is presented as bad when it could be good.
- no evidence to prove its existence.
- Aristotle said that the soul dies when the body dies.
- we have things which cam make decisions without a soul.
- can’t observe it so we don’t know whether or not it has 3 parts.
what did Aristotle say about the soul?
- you’re a person because your body is animated by the soul.
- the soul isn’t simple, and we’re just a lump of matter when the soul dies.
- the soul isn’t reducible to physics and chemistry.
- distinguishes the living from the non-living.
what are Aristotle’s 3 degrees of the soul?
- nutritive soul
- sensitive soul
- rational soul
what are the characteristics of the nutritive soul?
vegetative, shared with all living things.
what are the characteristics of the sensitive soul?
it can move and has feelings.
what are the characteristics of the rational soul?
- thinks about things and decides which actions we should take.
- also includes the powers of memory and reflection on our past and future.
in summary, what do the following people believe about the soul:
- plato
- Descartes
- Aristotle
- dawkins
dualist, the soul belongs to the world of the forms and is eternal. has 3 parts
our thoughts are proof of a separate soul, it dies when we die but it can leave the body at any time. 2-way
casual interaction.
monist, the soul belongs to the body and dies when the body does, it can’t leave the body
materialist, the belief that it’s immortal is wish fulfilment.
what did Descartes say about the soul?
- ‘entirely separate from the body and may exist without it’
- body and mind are separate but interact with each other.
- the body causes events in the mind and vice-versa.
- the mind can leave the body when we dream, for example.
what did Dawkins say about the soul?
- humans are bytes of information.
- no soul or conscience.
- it only exists in a metaphoric sense.
- we’re the sum total of our genes.