Biology: Organisms respond to changes in their environments Flashcards
state the order of the reflex arc
stimulus, receptor, coordinator, effector.
what is a kinetic response?
- movement of whole organisms
- alteration in the rate of movement
- rate changes in response to the intensity of a stimulus
- non-directional
what is a tactic response?
- movement of entire organism/cell.
- in respose to and directed by stimulus.
- positive taxis (moving towards) or negative taxis (moving away)
what is a tropic response?
- movement of a part of a plant
- directed by stimulus
- growth response
where is IAA made in a plant?
the tip
what does IAA cause?
cell elongation
what happens when one side of a plant faces light?
- tip of the plant produces more IAA
- IAA travels to the shaded side
- stimulates growth, cells elongate and this causes the shoot to bend towards the light
what does the central nervous system consist of?
brain and spinal cord
what is the PNS (periphery nervous system)?
pairs of nerves travelling from the CNS to nerves and organs
what is the order in which electrical impulses travel through neurones?
sensory, relay, motor
what is the sympathetic nervous system responsible for?
it stimulates effectors to speed up any activity`
what is the parasympathetic nervous system responsible for?
inhibits effectors to slow down activity
which part of the brain is responsible for subconscious activities such as heart rate?
medulla oblongata
what are the 2 centres of the medulla oblongata?
- centre that increases heart rate
- centre that decreases heart rate
how is co2 level in the blood regulated?
- more co2 makes the blood acidic
- chemoreceptors in the carotid arteries detect the change and increase the frequency of nervous impulses to the medulla oblongata.
- this centre increases the frequency of impulses via the symphatetic nervous system to the SAN.
- this increases the frequency of electrical impulses sent by the SAN, increasing heart rate.
- this leads to more co2 being removed by the lungs.
how is blood pressure regulated?
- HIGHER THAN NORMAL: pressure receptors transmit impulses to the centre of the medulla oblongata which reduces heart rate. this sends impulses via the parasympathetic nervous system to the SAN, decreasing heart rate.
- LOWER THAN NORMAL: pressure rceptors transmit nervous impulses to the centre of the medulla oblongata which increases heart rate. this sends impulses via the sympathetic nervous system to the SAN, increasing heart rate.
which receptors can be found in the eye?
rod cells, cone cells
what are the characteristics of rod cells and what are they responsible for?
- it only requires low intensity light to break down the pigments within these cells, this allows animals with many rod cells to see in the dark.
- it cannot distinguish between different wavelengths of light so the image produced is in black and white.
- low visual acuity
what are the characteristics of cone cells and what are they responsible for?
- 3 different types, each responding to different wavelengths of light.
- only respond to high light intensity, this is because the stimulation of a number of cone cells cannot exceed the threshold value and create a generator potential. it requires high-intensity light to break down iodopsin.
What are neurons?
- highly specialised cells
- adapted to rapidly carry electrochemical charges
- amongst the largest cells in the body.
name the 3 types of neurone and their function.
- Sensory neurone: transmit impulses from a receptor to an intermediate/motor neurone.
- motor neurone: transmit nervous impulses from a relay neurone to an effector, such as a gland or muscle.
- relay neurons: transmit impulses between neurons.
list the components of a motor neurone and their functions.
- cell body: contains all usual cell organelles.
- dendrons: contains dendrites which carry impulses towards the cell’s body.
- axon: a single long fibre, carried impulses away from cell body.
- schwann cells: protect the axon and provide insulation.
- myelin sheath: forms a covering around the axon.
- nodes of ranvier: connect adjacent schwann cells
What is a resting potential in an axon?
- 65 mV
- outside positive, inside negative
What is an action potential in an axon?
-outside negative, inside positive.
How is an action potential formed?
- a stimulus causes sodium channels in the axon to open.
- this causes an influx of sodium into the axon, this happens by diffusion.
- the positive sodium ions increase the voltage inside the axon, acting as a stimulus and causing more voltage-gated sodium channels to open.
- membrane potential is increased to 40mV.
- this is called depolarisation.
how is a resting potential formed from an action potential?
- potassium channels open so potassium diffuses out of the cell.
- this decreases the voltage inside the axon.
- potassium leaving the axon acts as a stimulus, causing more to open.
- instead of stopping at -65mV, it overshoots and goes to -70mV. This is called hyperpolarization.
- the sodium potassium pump starts again to return it to resting potential
Explain the process of salutatory conduction.
- sodium channels in the axon open, causing sodium to diffuse in.
- this causes an action potential.
- sodium ions diffuse along their chemical gradient.
- voltage gated channels open and more sodium diffuses in.
- the action potential continues to move along the axon. this action potential jumps from node to node.
how does myelination effect the speed of conduction?
- myelination provides insulation.
- insulation means no ATP has to be produced for active transport.
- ATP production takes time, insulation means that this doesn’t happen, increasing the speed of conduction.
how does axon diameter effect the speed of conduction?
the greater the diameter, the faster the action potential.
how does temperature effect the speed of conduction?
has an effect on the rate of diffusion of sodium ions. high temperature increases speed of conduction due to more kinetic energy in sodium ions.
what is the all-or-nothing principle?
- there’s a certain level of stimulus (threshold value) which must be met in order for an action potential to be triggered.
- the threshold value must be met for depolarization to happen, forming an action potential
how can the threshold value be met more easily?
- larger number of impulses generated in a given time.
- by having different neurones with different threshold values.
what is the purpose of the refractory period?
- ensures that action potentials travel in one direction only.
- ensures that action potentials can’t be formed directly after the one before, keeps them separate.
- limits the number of action potentials.
what are the components of a synapse?
synaptic cleft: separates pre and post synaptic cells.
synaptic vesicles: store neurotransmitters
synaptic knob: contains lots of mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum, manufactures the neurotransmitter.
what is spatial summation
when a number of presynaptic neurones together release enough neurotransmitter to reach the threshold value.
what is temporal summation?
when a single presynaptic neurone releases neurotransmitter many times over a short period, reaching the threshold value.
how do inhibitory synapses work?
- releases a type of neurotransmitter than binds to the chloride ion protein channels on the postsynaptic neurone.
- causes chloride ion protein channels to open.,
- chloride ions move into postsynaptic neurone.
- binding of the neurotransmitter causes potassium protein channels to open.
- potassium ions move out of postsynaptic neurone into synapse
- this makes the inside of the postsynaptic membrane more positive and the outside more positive.
- the membrane potential increases to as much as -80mV
- hyperpolarization, less likely for threshold value to be met as it requires more sodium ions to produce one.
what is a chorigenic synapse?
a synapse where acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter.
describe transmission across a chlorigenic synapse.
- action potential arrives at presynaptic neurone, causes calcium ion channels to open, calcium ions enter the presynaptic knob.
- influx of calcium ions causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic membrane, releasing acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft.
- acetylcholine binds to receptor sites on sodium channels, causing them to open. sodium diffuses in.
- influx of sodium ions causes new action potential.
- acetylcholinesterase hydrolyses acetylcholine into acetyl and choline. this diffuses back into the presynaptic knob.
- ATP released by mitochondria is used to bind acetyl and choline to make mitochondria.
what are the 3 types of muscle and where are they found?
cardiac: found exclusively in the heart
smooth: found in the walls of blood vessels and the gut.
skeletal muscle: attached to bone, acts under voluntary control.
what are muscle fibres made up of?
what is the sarcoplasm?
a shared ‘cytoplasm’ between muscle fibres that have bound together.
what are the 2 types of protein filament found in muscles?
actin: thin, consisted of 2 strands twisted around eachother
myosin: thick, rod shaped fibres with bulbous heads
what are the 4 bands/zones found in sarcomere? describe each
I bands: appear lighter due to non-overlapping actin.
A bands: appear dark as actin and myosin overlap.
H zone: lighter than A band, consists of only myosin
Z line: found in the centre of each I band.
where is tropomyosin found?
it’s a fibrous strand around the actin filament.
what are the 2 types of muscle fibre, describe each.
slow twitch: responsible for slow, weak contractions. have lots of blood vessels, myoglobin and mitochondria.
fast twitch: responsible for fast, powerful contractions over shorter periods of time. contains lots of myosin filaments, glycogen, enzymes involved in anaerobic respiration, phosphocreatine to make ATP.
what are neuromuscular junctions, describe their structure.
- a point where a motor neurone meets skeletal muscle fibre. there are many junctions across the muscle so it can respond to a number of stimuli and it’s more powerful.
- when a nerve impulse is sent to a junction, acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter.
what is the sliding filament mechanism?
actin and myosin filaments sliding past eachother, causing muscle contractions.
describe the process of muscle stimulation in terms of the sliding filament mechanism
- an action potential reaches many neuromuscular junctions, calcium channels open and enter the presynaptic knob
- calcium ions cause vesicles to fuse to the presynaptic membrane, acetylcholine released into synaptic cleft.
- binds to receptors on muscle cell-surface membrane, causing it to depolarize.
describe the process of muscle contraction in terms of the sliding filament mechanism.
- action potential travels deep into muscle fibre through T tubules.
- T tubules are in contact with the endoplasmic reticulum of the muscle, it’s actively transported calcium from the cytoplasm, low calcium concentration in the cytoplasm.
- action potential causes calcium channels to open, causes calcium to enter the cytoplasm.
- calcium ions cause tropomyosin blocking the binding sites on actin to pull away.
- ADP molecules attached to the myosin heads change angle, pulling the actin filament along and releasing ADP.
- an ATP molecule attaches to each myosin head, it detaches from the actin filament.
- calcium ions activate the enzymes ATPase, hydrolyses ATP into ADP and provides energy for the myosin head to return to its normal position.
- the myosin head reattaches itself further along the actin filament, the process repeats.
describe the process of muscle relaxation in terms of the sliding filament mechanism.
- calcium ions return to endoplasmic reticulum
- tropomyosin blocks binding sites