RBCs - Clinical Flashcards
CC: prolonged fatigue s/p illness
Physical Exam: jaundice
Labs: normocytic anemia, bite cells and Heinz bodies on PBS
Family Hx: Greek Descent
G6PD Deficiency
CC: left Upper abd. pain radiating to L Shoulder. Hx of jaundice since birth.
Physical Exam: Conjuctival pallor and spelnomegaly
Labs: mild normocytic anemia w/ reticulocytosis, slight increase in bilirubin, and normal homocysteine
PBS: Echinocytes
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
CC: fever, upper R abd. pain/cramping that radiates to R U.E.
Physical Exam: scleral icterus, R.U.A. tenderness, splenomegaly
US: gallstones
Lab: mild microcytic anemia, reticulocytosis
PBS: Spherocytes (w/out central pallor)
Hereditary Spherocytosis (due to mutations in akyrin, spectrin, protein 4.2)
Labs: Increase in 2,3-BPG and right shift of O2 sat curve
Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
CC: severe abdominal pain s/p dinner part (alcohol use reported). Pt. became paranoid and combative.
Physical Exam: mild diaphoresis, reddish urine
Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Enzyme Deficiency: Porphobilinogen
CC: worsening fatigue and myalgia, clouded thinking
Social Hx: lives alone in downtown apartment, works at shipyard
Physical Exam: Pale, fatigued
PBS: Microcytic, hypochromic RBCs w/ basophilic stippling
Lead Poisoning
Elevated Enzyme: Aminolevulinic acid (lead inhibits ALA dehydratase)
CC: severe pain in chest and back. Hx of similair episodes since childhood.
Physical Exam: pallow, mild jaundice
Labs: low Hb, Normal MCV, elevated reticulocytes
PBS: sickled cells
Sickle Cell (Glu6Val)
CC: SOB, headache, dizziness. Hx of topical anesthetic cream s/p dental procedure
Physical Exam: skin & mucous membranes appear cyanotic
Labs: Methemoglobin level elevated
O2 dissociation curve shows: _________
Leftward shift w/ increased O2 affinity
- Methemoglobinemia
CC: G1P2 20 weeks gestation woman w/ decreased fetal movement
Vitals: High oulse, respirations, and BP
US: hydropic fetus
Labs: B(-)
Lab Test to confirm: ____________
Diagnosis: Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Lab Test: Indirect Coombs Test
CC: fever, pallor, swelling of hands/feet
Dx: autosomal recessive disorder caused by single gene defect in beta chain of hemoglobin A
Beta Thalassemia
CC: Low hemotocrit, normal MCV, MCHC
Gel Electrophoresis:
HbA1 = 62%
HbS = 35%
HbF = 1%
HbA2 = 1%
Sickle Trait
Neonate w/ anemia, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, subcutaneous edema, pleural effusion, ascites
Antigens Involved:_________
Dx: Hydrops fetalis
Antigen: D (antibody to Rh factor)
CC: fatigue, sore joints
Physical Exam: yellowing of sclera
Lab: MCV 62
Gel Electrophoresis:
HbF = 75%
HbA1 = 23%
HbA2 = 2%
HbS = 0%
Dx: Beta Thalassemia
Mutation: promoter region of Beta Globin Gene
CC: lethargy, SOB onset 6 months ago s/p viral infection
Physical Exam: conjuctival pallor w/ slight scleral icterus
Lab: Low Hb, elevated reticulocytes, elevated LDH, Low Haptoglobin, Elevated bilirubin
(+) direct Coombs Test
Autoimmune heloytic anemia
CC: sudden onset of chest pain and SOB 3 hrs ago. Reports similar episodes in the past. Swelling of fingers & toes.
Physical Exam: splenomegaly
Labs: Low Hb, MCV normal, normal platelets
Dx: _________
Sickle Cell Crisis causing occlusion of small vessels