RBC Cell Morphology Flashcards
variation in red cell shape
target cell (codocytes/mexican hat)
Increased surface to volume ratio
Sphere with no central pallor (hyperchromia)
May have have high MCHC
Dysfunction in RBC cytoskeleton
Stomacyte (mouth in greek = stoma)
cause → RBC membrane cation permeability abnormality
Conditions → Alcoholism, hereditary stomacytosis, Rh null disease
Cause → weakened RBC cytoskeleton that deforms under stress
Megaloblastic anemia + iron deficiency anemia
Appearance → pencil, rod with blunt ends. May stain bipolar (Hgb appears concentrated on ends)
cause → weakened RBC cytoskeleton that deforms under stress
Conditions → Hereditary elliptocytosis, iron deficiency anemia
Sickle cells (Drepanocytes)
Shape→ moon or sickle shape with sharp projecti9ons
cause→ hemoglobin S forming tactoids
Conditions → hemoglobinopatheis
Helmet cell (bite cell)
Cause → pitting
Clinical → G6PD deficency
Keratocyte (blister cells)
cause → RBC caught on fibrin in circulation ad fused around strand forming a vacuole
Clinical → DIC
- extreme forms of red cell fragments
- trauma to the RBC membrane
- conditions → burns, DIC, TTP, renal graft rejections
Burr Cells
crenated cell in vitro
condition → dehydration
membrane cholesterol increased
Howell Jolly Bodies
- single or double circles in periphery
- DNA remnants → Karyorrhexis
- Accelerated erythropoiesis (spleen cannot keep pitting pace up)
Basophilic Stippling
Homogenous stippling → cytoplasm filled with evenly distributed dots. RNA and mitochondrial remants
Condition → accelerated erythopoiesis
Pappenheimer bodies
Cause → Iron not in heme.
Condition → Iron overload
Wright stain - Pappenheimer bodies
pappenheimer bodies
Prussian Blue stain
siderotic granules
Heinz bodies → requires supra vital stain (brilliant cresyl/crystal violet)
appearance → single, pairs or more circules gathering around periphery.
cause → denatured hemoglobin
conditions → G6PD deficiency
Cabot rings
condition → megaloblastic anemia
Hemoglobin C crystals
appearance → finger like blunt pointed projections
cause → side effects from Hgb S and HgB C
Clinical →Hgb SC disease
cause → antigen/antibody reactions resulting in clumps
Lab → falsely elevated MCV
Clinical → cold antibody/agglutinin syndromes
Rouleaux - stack of coins
cause → increased globulin or fibrinogen in plasma -lowering zeta potential (net negative charge that repel each other)
Clinical → hyperpoteinemia
solution - saline
Increased ESR
RBCs clump together and fall faster
ex: Rouleaux and Inflammatory conditions
Bacterial infections
Malignant conditions
Decreased ESR
RBC settle slower
Sickle cell anemia morphology
Increased RBC: polycythemia , newborn, dehydration
toxic granulation in WBC
medium to large granules evenly scattered throughout PMN
cause → persistence of primary granules through maturation (neutrophils)
A-granulation / Hypogranulation
Lack of granules in the cytoplasm of granulocytes
Pelger Huet Anomaly
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Megaloblastic anemia
Hyposegmentation (pelger huet anomaly)
LBR gene
Toxic vacuolization
- Round, clear unstained areas randomly dispersed in PMN
- cause → phagocytosis
- Clinical → overwhelming bacterial infection
Döhle bodies
oval, blue single, multiple inclusions in PMN
cause → RNA remnants
Auer rods → myeloblast or promyelocyte
Cause → fusion of primary grnaules
clinical → acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). acute monocytic leukemia
Charcot Leyden Crystals
Cytoplasmic granules of disintegrated eosinophil (secondary)
inflammatory conditions + hematologic malignancies with eosinophilia
Chicken drumstick (barr body)
Necrobiotic neutrophils
Pyknotic nuclei that are not connected.
Cause → asynchronous development. Nucleus keeps developing without cytoplasm
clinical → deficiency