Hemoglobinopathies Flashcards
Qualitative or Quantitative Abnormalities in the syntesis of hemoglobin
Quantitative abnormalities resulting in decrease in production of globin chains in hemoglobin
Intracorpuscular defects
- Defects in RBC membrane
- Defects in Metabolic Enzymes
- Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Abnormal Hemoglobins - genetics
Most abnormalities arise from a single amino acid substitution and express co-dominance
Homozygous is almost always affects more
Heterozygous, may have slight, if any, clinical symptoms
Hemoglobin S structure
2 Alpha chains
2 Beta(6) Glu -> Val
Sickle cell
group of genetic disorders caracterized by the producion ot abnormal Hemoglobin S
most common severe hemoglobinopathy worldwide
Sickle Cell
Beta chain 6th position:
Valine substitutes glutamic acid
Homozygous inheritance = SS
A2 B2 ^6Glu-Val
Heterozygous inheritance = SA
A2 B1 B1 ^ 6Glu-Val
Hemoglobin S has no problem when
sickle cell anemia in the body
- Low O2 tension, pH, or hydration,
- Hgb S polymerizes
- Polymers form long, thin fibers causing RBC to become inflexible and rigid
- RBC sickles
- RBC sickling (RBC sickling is reversible up to a point)
- Repeated sickling damages RBC membrane permeability
- Hgb S polymers cause abnormal cation homeostasis leading to sickle cell dehydration
- cells become dehydrated, dense, irreversibly sickled cells
- leads to hemolytic anemia and cases of vaso-occlusion
Vasooclusion further lowers the pH and O2 tension, leads to..
- Increased sickle cells
- results in tissue damage, painful crisis and infarction of organs
Sickle cell anemia is a…
normocytic, normochromic hemolytic anemia
ischemic tissue injury
organs at greatest risk (Sickle cell anemia)
Spleen, kidney, and BM
- blood flow is slowed through sinuses
- O2 tension and pH are decreased
3 sickle cell anemia crisis
- Aplastic
- Vaso-occlusive
- Hemolytic
Sickle cell anemia - Aplastic crisis
- temporary suppression of erythopoiesis - often initated from infections (esp. parvoviruses)
- BM becomes overworked and decrease in production
1. Since RBC is already shortened (10-20 days)
2. any decrease in RBC production results in anemia - Reticulocyte count decreased
- Often spontaneous recovery within 5-10 days (usually self-limiting)
Treatment option: Transfusion
Aplastic crisis
Decresed reticulocyte count
Sickle Cell Anemia - Hemolytic crisis
Acute exarbation of anemia
- caused by acute splenic sequestration (sickled cells pooling in spleen)
Spleen is enlarged and can develop mutliple infarctions/fibrosis
- leads to “autosplenectomy” aka functional asplenia
1. spleen becomes small, fibrotic and nonfunctional
Resticulocyte Count INCREASED - BM is responding
SS - hemolytic crisis symptoms
- Sudden weakness
- rapid pulse
- faintness
- pallor of the lips and mucous membranes
- abdominal fullness
- jaundice
SS - Vaso-occlusive crisis
“Hallmark of sickle cell anemia”
Occlusion of small blood vessels -> tissue damage and necrosis
Time span: 4-6 days but can persist for weeks
symptoms - PAIN
Worsened with infectiction, fever, acidosis, dehydration and exposure to extreme cold..
- children are prone to encapsulated organisms
Sickle cell anemia - Vaso-occlusive crisis treatment
- adequate rehydration
- pain relief
- antibiotic therapy if infection is present
- Severe cases –> exchange transfusion
Sickle cell anemia complications
- Acute Chest syndrome
- Cutaneous Manifestations
- Dactylitis
- Hand - foot syndrome
- Infections
- stroke
SS anemia - Acute Chest Syndrome
- occlusion in the pulmonary microvasculature
- 2nd most common cause of hospital admissions in SS patients
Characterized by fever, chest pain, hypxia, and pulmonary infiltrates
Often caused by an infectious agent in children
- higher incidence of acute chest syndrome, lower mortality rate
Dactylitis (SS)
Painful swelling of hands and feet
Cutaneous Manifestations (SS)
- development of ulcers and sores
- often on lower leg/shin
SC anemia - Hand-Foot syndrome
Microinfarcation in small bones of hands feet lead to unequal growth and bone deformities
- Especially fingers and toes
SC anemia - Infections
Prone to recurrent infections that can lead to sepsis
Hemoglobin S has selective advantage against malaria.
- parasitized sickle cells faster leading to preferential destruction of parasitized cells.
Sickle cell Anemia - stroke
Neurologic complications caused by an ischemia or hemorrhagic lesion in a specific cerebral vessel
Sickle cell anemia treatment
Stem cell/BM transplant considered curative, but only considered in children or teenagers with complications
increases Hgb F production
Increases reticulocytes
SS anemia treatment (SYMPTOMS)
- Hydroxurea
- Erythropoietin
- Prophylactic antibiotics
- Crisis management
1. transfusion
2. pain medication
3. vasodilators and O2 - prevention education - good diet, hydration and avoid crisis initiators
Sickle cell anemia lab findings
CBC and Reticulocyte
- Low Hgb, HCT, RBC count
(chronic hemolytic anemia)
- Reticulocyte count Increased
(EXCEPT aplastic crisis) - Normal MCV
(may be increased from reticulocytes
ESR/SED rate is _ in Sickle cell anemia
only sickle cell crisis with DECREASED reticulocyte count
Aplastic crisis
Peripheral smear Sickle cell anemia
Normocytic/ normochromic RBCs
Non crisis
- Some polychromasia; target cells
- few oat cells (reversible sickled cells)
- Sickled cells (drepanocytes) and oat cells
- increased Erythropoiesis
- nRBCs
- Howell-Jolly Bodies
- Target Cells
- Potentially Schistocytes/fragments
Sickle cell anemia - bone marrow
Marked erythroid hyperplasia
- response from chronic hemolytic anemia
Sickle cell screen - Solubility testing (qualitative)
RBCs are lysed and the Hgb is released in a solution containinf sodium hydrosulfite or dithionite reducing hemoglobin
- redcued Hgb A is soluble
- Reduced Hgb S is insoluble - Turbid/opaque suspension
Any Hgb S present will result in a positive test
- including sickle cell trait
Caution: there are other very rare abnormal Hgb that can also give a positive result. DIagnosis requires further testing.
Reduced Hgb S is
insoluble - tubid/opaque suspension
what test is used with sickle cell hemoglobin
Sickle cell trait Hemoglobins Present
- 60% Hgb A1
- 40% Hgb S
- Tiny Hgb A2
- Tiny Hgb F
Sickle cell anemia hemoglobins present
- > 80% Hgb S
- <20% Hgb F
- Tiny Hgb A2 (not always)
Sickle cell trait
Heterozygous (SA)
- inherit normal beta globin gene and sickle globin gene
Hemoglobins formed
- 60% Hemoglobin A1
- 40% Hemoglobin S
- Tiny amount of Hgb A2 and F
Requires much more severe low oxygen for sickling to occur
Usually asymptomatic
- since potential sickling exists, must be cautionary with low O2 or pH.
Hemoglobin C chains
2 alpha chains
2 beta (6th, Glu-Lys)
Hemoglobin C
Beta chain 6th position: glutamic acid substituted by lysine (+)
- same position as Hgb S but with a positively charged amino acid
Hemoglobin C disease (Chains)
A2 B2 (6thGlu-Lys)
Hemoglobin C trait - Chains
A2 B1 B1(6thGlu-Lys)
Hemoglobin C Disease
Milder normocytic, normochromic anemia
Possible: Increased MCHC - RBCs denser from Hgb C
Hemoglobin C disease - Clinical manifestations
- Splenomegaly
- abdominal comfort
Hemoglobin C disease - Peripheral smear
- normocytic, normochromic RBCs
- Numerous target cells
- Hemoglobin CC crystals
- Moderate polychromasia
Hemoglobin C disease - Hemoglobin electrophoresis
- 95% Hgb C
- <7% Hgb F
- NO Hgb A1/A2
Hemoglobin C trait
Peripheral smear
- possible target cells
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
- 60% Hgb A1
- 40% Hgb C
Hemoglobin SC disease -chains
Beta chain spot 6
- Glutamic acid -> valine (S)
- Glutamic acid -> lysine (C)
A2 B1(6Glu-Val) B1(6Glu-Lys)
what type of anemia is Hemoglobin SC disease
moderate normocytic, normochromic anemia
peripheral smear of SC disease
- target cells
- folded cells
- Hgb SC crystals
- Slight polychromasia
Hgb Electrophoresis SC disease
50% Hgb S
50% Hgb C
Hemoglobin S - Beta Thalassemia
What type of anemia?
Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
Hemoglobin S - Beta Thalassemia
A2 B1(6Glu-Val) B1(+ or 0)
Hemoglobin S - Beta thalassemia
Peripheral smear
- nRBCs
- Target cells
- polychromasia
- sickle cells
Beta 0
most severe
less severe
Hemoglobin S - Beta Thalassemia
Additional lab findings
- Increased reticulocyte count
- increased RDW
- Hgb electrophoresis -> Hgb S and HgbA2