RBAC 153 RBAC 154 ICAO Annex 14 FAA AC 150/5220-22B Flashcards
Landing Area
Maneuvering Area
Movement Area
ICAO Annex 14
Area de pouso= pista
Area de manobras= pista + taxi
Area de movimento= pista + taxi + patios
Aerodrome Reference Code
ICAO Annex 14
Airplane Reference Field Length = TORA @ ISA, MTOW, 0 slope and wind
1 < 800m
2 800m - 1200m
3 1200m - 1800m
4 > 1800m
A < 15m
B < 24m
C < 36m
D < 52m
E < 65m
F < 80m
For a list of aircraft reference codes see DOC 9157
Densidade de tráfego do aeródromo
RBAC 154
Baixa: 15 movements or less at the mean busy hour or less than 20 movements total.
Medio: 16 to 24 movements at mean busy hour or 21 to 35 movements total
Alta: 26 movements or more at the mean busy hour or 36 or more movements total.
Pista Simples
45 e 100 operacoes / hr VFR
40 a 50 operacoes / hr IFR
Runway Strip
ICAO Annex 14
A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended
a) to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway; and
b) to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations.
Rapid Exit Taxiway
ICAO Annex 14
(25 - 45 degrees, ideally 30 degrees)
60 knots recommended entry speed at first RETIL 300m from the tangency point.
Usually have two names ex. FF or CC
ICAO Annex 14
Rapid Exit Taxiway Indicator Lights
ICAO Annex 14
Starts at the end of the TORA
Can’t be longer than half of TORA
Should be at least 75m wide from each side of the centerline
Not to be used for TODA if runway is wet
Blast pad
ICAO Annex 14
Area provided to reduce the erosive effects of jet blast and prop wash.
FAA AC 150/5220-22B
Engineered Materials Arresting System
70kts maximum groundspeed
Made out of concrete and fiber glass
ICAO Annex 14
Runway End Safety Area
An area symmetrical about the extended runway centre line and adjacent to the end of the
strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to an aeroplane undershooting or overrunning the runway.
Should be at least twice as wide as the runway and extend anywhere from 120 to 300m depending on the aircraft.
Comprimento da Pista
Fisico ou real
Real: O comprimento de pista medido de uma cabeceira a outra, ou seja, corresponde ao conceito de TORA.
Efetivo: comprimento físico corrigido para a existência de obstáculos na trajetória de decolagem. Quanto mais alto e/ou mais próximos da pista estiverem os obstáculos, menor o comprimento efetivo. Caso não existam obstáculos, o comprimento efetivo é igual ao físico.
Retificado: é o comprimento efetivo corrigido para efeitos de vento e slope
CAT approaches
ICAO Annex 6
CAT I: DH > 200 // RVR 550m
CAT II: DH 100-200 // RVR > 300m
CAT IIIA: DH 0 - 100 // RVR > 175m
CAT IIIB: DH 0 -50 // RVR > 50m
Change in threshold elevation / runway length in feet
Parallel Runways and Segregated Approaches
ICAO Annex 14
Simultaneous operations on parallel or near-parallel instrument runways (convergence of 15 degrees or less) in which one runway is used exclusively for approaches and the other runway is used exclusively for departures.
Dependent and Independent Approaches
ICAO Annex 14
Dependent: Simultaneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended runway center lines are prescribed.
Separation 3400ft to 4300ft
Independent: Simultaneous approaches to parallel or near-parallel instrument runways where radar separation minima between aircraft on adjacent extended runway center lines are not prescribed
Minimum separation 4300ft
What lighting aids are required for CAT II and CAT III approaches?
Seperacao entre aeronaves pousando e decolando em minutos
DOC 8643
DOC 4444
J 2 3 3
P 2 2
M 2
P M L (min) (POUSANDO) J 2 3 4 P 2 3 M 3 L
Low Visibility Operations
IS 121 018 A
ICAO 9476
DOC 9365
LVTO RVR < 400m
LVP RVR < 550m DH < 200ft
Low Visibility operations start with CAT II.
AWO = All Weather Operations
Weather Radar
IS 121.357
Required for all transport aircraft
Runway Condition Take-Off and Landing Performance Analysis
FAA AC 25-31
Condicao deveria ser reportada pra as aeronaves interesadas (ICA 100-37)
Seca: no precip
Umida: ha precip
Molhada: camada de agua inferior a 3mm, aparencia espelhada.
Contaminada: molhada superior 3mm. Occupa maior de 25% da area da pista. No decola com camada mais do que 13mm.
(IAC 121-1011 de 2005)
Runway vocabulary
FAA 91-97B
Dry Check
RE Runway Excursion
RCC Runway Condition Code
RCR Runway Condition Report
RCAM Runway Condition Assesment Matrix
NR nao registrado, abaixo de 1mm
RBA Reported Brake Action
RCR example
SBPA 04291159 11 5/5/5 100/100/100 1/1/1 WET/WET/WET
locale datentime rwy RBA %wet depth condition