ICAO 8168 Flashcards
ICAO 8168
GBAS landing system (GLS). A system for approach and landing operations utilizing GNSS, augmented by a groundbased augmentation system (GBAS), as the primary navigational reference.
Balked landing
ICAO 8168
A landing maneuvre that is unexpectedly discontinued at any point below the OCA/H
Continuous descent final approach (CDFA)
ICAO 8168
A technique, consistent with stabilized approach procedures, for flying the final approach segment of a non-precision instrument approach procedure as a continuous descent, without level-off, from an altitude/height at or above the final approach fix altitude/height to a point approximately 15 m (50 ft) above the landing runway threshold or the point where the flare manoeuvre should begin for the type of aircraft flown.
The CDFA is better than divining and driving on many fronts. It reduces the need to make power adjustments, thereby saving fuel and engine life while mitigating noise and emissions. It is also safer because it reduces the pilot’s workload.
The CDFA when calculated manually should be flown until the MDA/H while a CDFA calculated by a flight management system that’ll offer vertical guidance will be flown to a derived decision altitude (a margin of altitude added atop of an MDA/H)
CDFA altitude maybe calculated by taking the distance between the fix where the descent will be initiated and the runway threshold, and then divide it by the descent angle, and then multiply it by a thousand.
Conversely the CDFA point can be calculated by multiplying the TOD height above the threshold by the descent gradient and then divide it by a thousand.
ICAO 8168
Procedures for aircraft navigation services and aircraft operations
Independent Parallel Departures
ICAO 8168
Simultaneous departures on parallel or near parallel runways (convergence divergence less than or equal to 15 degrees.)
Procedure Turn
ICAO 8168
Turns away from a track followed by a turn in the opposite direction that intercepts and follows the reciprocal or the designated track.
Segregated Parallel Operations
ICAO 8168
Simultaneous operations on parallel or near parallel runways where one runway is used for departures and another for landing.
Terminal Arrival Altitude
ICAO 8168
Lowest altitude that provides a minimum obstacle clearance of 1000 feet within a segmented arc of 25nm extending from an IAF or IF. The combined TAAs of an IAP make up 360 degrees.
Use of RNAV / FMS in conventional procedures
ICAO 8168
May be used when coupled with raw data.
Lead radials may be ignored in favor of turn anticipation provided by FMS
Cold Temperature Correction
ICAO 8168
The pilot shall correct for temperatures colder than standard atmosphere for all published minimum altitudes including:
IAF, IF, and FAF/FAP altitudes
Missed approach altitudes and heights
ICAO 8168
Minimum Safety Altitude - 25nm radius from the ARP or VOR
Terminal Arrival Altitude - 25nm radius within an arc from an IAF
ICAO 8168
a) within half full scale deflection for the ILS and VOR; or
b) within ±5° of the required bearing for the NDB.
LOC and upset attitudes
ICAO 8168
25 deg up
10 deg down
45 deg bank