rapid fire facts 2 Flashcards
msot common surgical emergency
severe RLQ pain w rebound tenderness
mcburney’s point
GI hamartomas, hyperpigmentation of mouth and hands, ,
puetz-jager synd
multiple colon polyps, osteomasm st tumors
Gardner synd
“apple core” lesion on barium eenema
colon CA
mc site colonic diverticula
sigmoid colon
string sign on contrast x ray
chrons dis
lead pipe appearance of colon contrast x ray
ulcerative colitis
painless jaundice
pancreatic adenocarcinoma
mc cause acute pancreatitis
gallstones and alch
mc cause chronic pancreatitis
severe hyperbilirubinemia in a neonate
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mild, benign hyperbilirubinemia
gilbers synd
triglyceride accumulation in hepatocytes
fatty liver dis
eos inclusions in cytoplasm of hepatocytes
MAllory bodies in alch hepatitis
CA closely linked to cirrhosis
hepatocellular carcinoma
hepatomegaly, abd pain, ascites
bud-chiari synd
green, yellow corneal deposits
wilsons dis: keiser flischer dis
low serum ceruplasmin
wilsons dis
cirrhosis, diab, hyperpigment
elevated D dimer
hypercoagubility, endothelial damage, stasis of blood
virchows triad
blue bloater
hypoxemia, hypercapnea (chronic bronchitis)
pink puffer
dyspnea, hyperventilation (emphysema)
curschmann spirals
shed epithlium form mucus plugs (asthma)
b/l hilar adenopathy, uveitis
antiglomerular BM antibodies
goodpasture synd
honeycombing lung on CT
idiopathic pulm fibrosis
tennis racket shaped cytopalsmic organelles
birbeck granules in pulmonary langerhans cell histiocytosis
iron-containing nodules in the alveolar septum
ferruginous bodies (asbestosis)
lung CA assoc w SIADH
small cell lung CA (secrete ADH)
tumor assoc w horners synd
pancoast lung tumor
lung CA assoc w hyper Ca
squamous cell lung CA
lung CA assoc w cusings synd
small cell lung CA (secrete ACTH)
lung CA assoc w weakness
small cell lung CA (Lambort Eaton: abs to presynap Ca channel))
substances assoc w lung CA
smoking, radon, asbestos
CP, pericardial frictior rub, persistant fever occurring several weeks after an MI
dressler synd
splinter hems under fingernails
infective endocarditis
retinal hems w pale centers
roth spots - infective endocarditis
heart valve most commonly involved in infective endocarditis
mitral valve
heart valve most commonly involved in an IV drug user w infective endocarditis
tricuspid valve
granulomatosis w polyangitis (wegners)
churgg strauss and microscopic polyangitis
tx for thromboangiitis obliterans
stop smokinggggg!!!
tx for giant cell arteritis
boy w self-mutilating behaior, intellec disability, gout
lesh-nyhann synd
orotic acid in urine + elevated serum ammonia
ornithine transferase deficiency