Random Subject Review Part I Flashcards
complication of LP in patient with elevated intracranial presure
uncal herniation
diagnosis: child presents to ER with altered mental status, hypoglycemia, and lesions suggestive of chickenpox
rye’s syndrome (hepatoencephalopathy)
symptoms of basilar artery stroke
cranial nerve deficits, altered mental status/coma, contralateral full body weakness and decreased sensation, vertigo
TCA overdose signs and management
anticholingeric symptoms, cardiac and CNS toxicity
treat cardiac with sodium bicarb, and CNS with benzos
treatment for lithium induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
HCTZ and amiloride (binds lithium stimulated sodium channels)
treatment of acute dystonia
anticholinergics (benadryl, benztropine)
treatment of tardive dyskinesia
discontinue typical antipsychotic, switch to atypical antipsychotic
EEG pattern seen in absence seizures
3 cycle/second spike and wave pattern
typical complaint of patient with retinal detachment
sudden painless onset of flashing lights, floaters, and shade coming down over vision unilaterally
treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
epply maneuver to reposition otoliths
todd’s paralysis
post-ictal hemiparesis < 24 hours
drugs combined with SSRIs known for causing serotonin syndrome
SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOIs, levadopa, mepiridine, lithium, amphetamines, cocaine, ecstasy, LSD, st. john’s wort
most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss
prebycusis (progressive symmetric high-frequency loss of the elderly)
most common cause of conductive hearing loss
most common complication of recurrent otitis media
hearing loss
medications used in ADHD
stimulants, TCAs, buproprion, alpha-2 agonists (clonidine)
medications used in tourette’s
fluphenazine, pimizide, tetrabenazine
most worrisome side effect of ADHD drug atomoxetine
increased suicidal ideation, hepatotoxicity
diagnosis: patient presents with hearing loss and vertigo, grayish-white “pearly” TM lesion apparent on PE
symptoms of basilar skull fracture
raccoon eyes (orbital fracture)
battle sign (bruising over mastoid process)
blood behind tympanic membrane
CSF coming out of nose or ears
diagnosis and next step: chest trauma, hypotension, JVD, and distant heart sounds
cardiac tamponade
diagnosis and next step: chest trauma, JVD, hypotension, and respiratory distress
tension pneumothorax
needle decompression and chest tube placement
how to evaluate neck trauma
neck zone 1: CT angiogram
neck zone 2: surgical exploration
neck zone 3: CT angiogram and triple endoscopy
how to manage elevated ICP
elevated head of bed lidocaine prior to intubation mannitol hyperventilation decompressive surgery
next step: pelvic fracture, DPL shows blood in pelvis
emergent laparotomy
next step: pelvic fracture, DPL shows urine in pelvis
urgent laparotomy (bladder injury)
next step: pelvic fracture, DPL shows nothing but there is hemodynamic instability
suspect retroperitoneal hematoma, angiography with possible embolization
next step: blunt abdominal trauma, unstable vital signs, FAST shows fluid in pelvis
emergent laparotomy (assume it is blood)
next step: blunt abdominal trauma, unstable vital signs, FAST shows no fluid in pelvis
retroperitoneal hematoma, angiogram with possible embolization
next step: blunt abdominal trauma, unstable vital signs, FAST inconclusive
perform DPL
empiric treatment for brain abscess
antibiotics, needle aspiration, corticosteroids
treatment for cluster headaches
100% oxygen
triptans and ergotamines
when are triptans contraindicated for headaches
pregnancy, CAD, prinzmetal’s angina
cause vasoconstriction
side effects of theophylline overdose
seizures, excessive muscle contraction, hyperthermia, hypotension, cardiac tachyarrhythmias
ST elevation in multiple arteries
acute pericarditis
diagnosis: cardiac cath shows equal pressure in all chambers
constrictive pericarditis
antidote for methanol
2nd line: alcohol
antiode for ethylene glycol
2nd line: alcohol
antiode for arsenic
dimercaperol, succimer, or penicillamine
burn patient fluid replacement
lactate ringers
4 mL/kg x % burn area + maintenance fluids
1/2 first 8 hours
1/2 next 16 hours
treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
discontinue offending medication
IV fluids and dantrolene (stops muscle contraction)
2nd line: bromocriptine or amantidine
paget’s disease lab abnormalities
elevated alkaline phosphatase
osteomalacia/rickets lab abnormalities
vitamin D deficiency
decreased calcium
increased PTH
increased or normal alkaline phosphatase
osteoperosis lab abnormalities
all values normal
osteopetrosis lab abnormalities
all values normal
pseudohypoparathyroidism lab abnormalities
decreased calcium
increased phosphate
increased PTH
(defective receptors)
diagnosis: hypertension, depression, kidney stones
complications arising from using vasopressors in shock
ischemia and necrosis of distal extremities
mesenteric ischemia and renal failure
most effective intervention for reducing blood pressure
weight loss
preferred initial antihypertensive in a patient with no comorbidities
HCTZ or chlorthalidone
first-line hypertensive for diabetics
first-line hypertensive for CHF patients
beta-blocker and spironolactone
first-line hypertensive for BPH
first-line hypertensive for LVH
considered pre-CHF
first-line hypertensive for hyperthyroidism
non-selective beta-blocker
first-line hypertensive for osteoporosis
first-line hypertensive for benign essential tremor
first-line hypertensive for post-menopausal female
first-line hypertensive for migraines
most likely cause of secondary HTN with proteinuria
renal disease
most likely cause of secondary HTN with hypokalemia
most likely cause of secondary HTN with tachycardia, diarrhea, and heat intolerance
most likely cause of secondary HTN with hyperkalemia
renal artery stenosis and renal failure
most likely cause of secondary HTN with episodic sweating, tachycardia
antihypertensive side effect profile: first dose orthostatic hypotension
antihypertensive side effect profile: hypertrichosis
antihypertensive side effect profile: dry mouth, sedation, rebound HTN
must be dosed every three hours
antihypertensive side effect profile: bradycardia, impotence, asthma exacerbation
non-selective beta-blocker
antihypertensive side effect profile: reflex tachycardia
antihypertensive side effect profile: cough
antihypertensive side effect profile: sulfa allergy
HCTZ, loop diuretics
antihypertensive side effect profile: angioedema
ACE-inhibitor or less likely ARB
antihypertensive side effect profile: drug-induced lupus
anti-histone antibodies
antihypertensive side effect profile: cyanide toxicity
vasodilating effects of nitroglycerin and dihyropyridine calcium channel blockers
vasodilating effects of nitroprusside
arteriodilators and venodilators
JONES criteria for rheumatic heart disease
J - joint polyarthritis O - pancarditis N - nodules E - erythema nodosum S - syndenham's chorea
major DUKE criteria for endocarditis
serial positive blood cultures
presence of vegetations or cardiac abscess on ECHO
new onset valvular regurgitation
blood culture positive for Coxiella
minor DUKE criteria for endocarditis
predisposing heat condition or IV drug use
fever > 38C
vascular phenomenon (septic emboli, infarc, mycotic aneruysm, intracranial hemorrhage, janeway lesions)
immunologic phenomenon (glomerulonephritis, osler’s nodes, roth spots, positive rheumatoid factor)
positive cultures not meeting requirements for major criteria or serologic evidence of infection without positive culture
most common nephritic syndrome
membranous glomerulonephritis
endocarditis prophylaxis for oral surgery
amoxicillin before and after the procedure
endocarditis prophylaxis for GI/GU surgery
amipicillin + gentamicin before and amoxicillin after the procedure
treatment for mild unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
UV therapy
when is the greatest risk for post-op MIs
first 48 hours
pressor causes vasoconstriction with bradycardia
high dose pressor that maximizes alpha-1 constriction
when to stop warfarin prior to surgery
3-4 days
when to stop aspirin prior to surgery
5-7 days
treatment for DIC
FFP and possibly platelets
preferred placement of swan-ganz catheter
right IJ or left subclavian
protective measures for kidney with IV contract
IV fluids
sodium bicarbonate
treatment for cluster headaches
100% oxygen
triptans, ergotamines
antihypertensive contraindicated in bilateral renal artery stenosis
unilateral okay
antihypertensive contraindicated in advanced renal failure
ACE-inhibitors if they have hyperkalemia, otherwise okay
no potassium-sparing diuretics
antihypertensive contraindicated in gout
heart defect seen in chromosome 22q11 deletions
truncus arteriosus, tetralogy of fallot
heart defect seen in down syndrome
endocardial cushion defects
heart defect seen in congenital rubella
PDA, pulmonary artery stenosis
heart defect seen in turner’s syndrome
coarctation of the aorta
heart defect seen in marfan’s syndrome
aortic regurgitation
medication combination used in treatment of TB meningitis
RIPE drugs
features of a patient presenting with pericarditis
pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, fever, cough
pain worse in supine position, pulsus paradoxus
classic ECG appearance in atrial flutter
saw-tooth pattern 2:1 or 3:1 P wave to QRS complex
60 year old obese patient with dirty, velvety patches on back of neck
acanthosis nigricans
fingerstick glucose and assess for visceral malignancies
most common cause of hypothyroidism
hashimoto’s thyroiditis
type of bias introduced when screening detects a dsiease earlier and thus lengthens the time from diagnosis to death
lead-time bias
exceptions to the requirement of informed consent
unable to give consent (mentally disabled)
emergency decisions
patients who waive the right for informed consent
palpable flank mass, hematuria, and U/S showing bilateral enlarged kidneys with cysts, what brain anomaly is associated
berry aneurysm
four main causes of microcytic anemia
iron deficiency anemia
anemia of chronic disease
lead poisoning
US region where lyme disease is endemic
northeast US
hand joints affected in rheumatoid arthritis
xerostomia + parotid enlargement + xerophthalmia + anti-La antibodies
sjogren’s syndrome
most common cause of seizures in young adults
trauma, alcohol withdrawal, brain tumors
most common cause of non-obstetric postpartum death
thromboembolic disease
immunodeficiency presenting with eczema, thrombocytopenia, and high levels of IgA
wiskott-aldrich syndrome
defense mechanism displayed when a woman calmly describes a gory murder in great detail
treatment for mild, persistent asthma
low-dose inhaled corticosteroid
EKG with peaked T waves and widened QRS
treatment for iron overdose
imaging study used to diagnose DVT
compressive venous U/S
radiographic study used to diagnose injury to the urethra
retrograde cystourethrogram
drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia
treatment for normal pressure hydrocephalus
VP shunt
treatment for normal pseudotumor cerebri
weight loss. acetazolamide
if refractory, consider serial LPs
treatment for guillain-barre syndrome
endotracheal intubation
plasmapheresis or IVIG (not both)
somogyi effect v. dawn phenomenon
somogyi: 3am glucose low
dawn: insufficient NPH insulin, 3am glucose high
when does chronic COPD qualify for home O2
pulse ox < 88%
pulmonary HTN, peripheral edema, or polycythemia
method used to calculate fluid repletion in burn victims
4 mL/kg x %burn
first half in 8 hours
second half in next 16 hours
salicylate ingestion results in what type of acid-base disorder
respiratory alkalosis
metabolic acidosis
medication commonly used to induce ovulation
clomiphene citrate
second life: pulsatile leuprolide
psychiatric condition when personal travels a long distance and takes a new name and has no memory of prior life
dissociative fugue
congenital infection may present with a “blueberry-muffin” rash
breast cancer that increases future risk of invasive carcinoma in both breasts
classic symptoms of placenta previa
painless bleeding
anterior knee pain in active 14-year-old boy
oshgood-schlotter disease
rhomboid-shaped, positively birefringent crystals in joint space
oral infection with branching rods
next step in evaluation of patient with two consecutive pap smears with ASCUS
colposcopy with ECC
45-year-old obese female with pruritis, clay-colored stools, dark urine, elevated alkaline phosphate and elevated bilirubin
biliary tract obstruction
infection causing diarrhea and pseudoappendicitis
most likely cause of acute lower GI bleed in patients older than 40
most common underlying cause of pathologic fractures in elderly thin women
causative agent in pityriasis versicolor
malassia furur
chest pain in young patient with angina at rest, T-segment elevation, normal cardiac enzymes
prinzmetals angina
hypercholesterolemia medication causing flushing and pruritis
target lesions with red center, pale zone, and dark outer ring appearing on palms and soles with a prodrome of malaise and myalgias
erythema multiforme
what percentage of the population falls within 1SD, 2SD, and 3SD
1 standard deviation: 68%
2 standard deviations: 95%
3 standard deviations: 99.7%
equation for odds ratio
equation for relative risk
A/(A+B) / C/(C+D)
when is odds ratio a good approximation of relative risk
when disease is very rare
what does it mean when relative risk is equal to one
no association
what to do when parents refuse life-saving treatment for a child in an emergent situation
perform therapy and go to ethics board after
patient is emergently intubated after MVA, after family brings a signed DNR stating what she did not wish to be intubated, what do you do
patient tells you she does not want to know the results of her lung biopsy but her family is begging you to tell them, what do you do
withhold information
study shows that taking 325 mg of aspirin has no effect on ischemic cardiac events, what type of error is this
type II error
treatment for acute mesenteric ischemia
broad spectrum antibiotics, NG tube decompression, diagnose with angiogram, heparin to anticoagulate, reduce arterial vasospasm with papaverine, embolectomy, resection of necrotic bowel
when is rifampin prophylaxis indicated for bacterial meningitis
close contacts of neisseria or haeomphilus
treatment for acromegaly
transsphenoidal surgical resection, external beam therapy, or ocreotide
last choice: cabergoline dopamine agonist
COPD patient comes to ER with tachycardia and hypotension, begins to have seizures, what is the most likely etiology
theophylline intoxication
ACLS treatment for asystole
transcutaneous pacing
CPR, alternative epinephrine and atropine
cannot give more than 1mg IV atropine x 3 doses
do not shock these patients
treatment for febrile seizures
evaporative cooling
empiric treatment for pneumonia in a 2-month old
macrolide +/- cefotaxime
empiric treatment for pneumonia in a 2-year old
amoxicillin or ampicillin
autoimmune complication occurs 2-4 weeks after an MI
dressler’s syndrome (autoimmune pericarditis)
name given to stress-related hair loss and what is the treatment
tilogen effluveum, just reassure, should go away with stress
most common cause of cushing’s syndrome
exogenous steroid use
second most common is pituitary tumor
most likely cause of galactorrhea, impotence, and decreased libido in a patient with a history of schizophrenia
medication (dopamine antagonist)
ethical problem if doctor refers patient for MRI at a facility he owns
conflict of interest
two most common foodborne bacterial GI tract infections in the US
salmonella and campylobacter
diagnostic test for hereditary spherocytosis
osmotic fragility test
bullous skin disease with negative nikolsky sign
bullous pemphigoid
white plaques on tongue and back of throat that can be scraped off with a tongue depressor
candida albicans, screen for HIV
young male with hip and back pain along with stiffness that improves with activity and worsens with rest
ankylosing spondilitis
cold water is flushed into a patients ear and fast phase of nystagmus is towards the opposite side
findings expected in post-term pregnancy > 42 weeks
oligohydramnios, passage of meconium in utero, dry peeling skin, mature placenta with calcifications
annual screening recommended for women with strong family history of ovarian cancer
CA-125 and transvaginal U/S
defense mechanism used by pedophile who enters a monastery
reaction formation
causes of exudative pleural effusion
pneumonia, malignancy, tuberculosis, pulmonary emboli, pancreatitis
eosinophilic casts found in urine
acute interstitial nephritis (drug-induced)
side effects of corticosteroids
hyperglycemia, hypertension, emotional lability, insomnia, cataracts, osteoporosis, thin skin, cushingoid features
classic findings of henoch-schonlein purpura
abdominal pain, vomiting, blood in stool, intususception, hematuria/proteinuria, joint symptoms, palpable purpura on legs
ranson’s criteria for pancreatitis
hyperglycemia, AST, LDH, age >45, WBC count, calcium, hematocrit, BUN, base defecit, fluid sequestration > 6 L
entamoeba histolytica diarrhea treatment
giardia lamblia treatment
salmonella treatment
fluoroquinolone/TMP-SMX only in severe case (increases carrier state)
shigella treatment
fluoroquinolone/TMP-SMX only in severe case
campylobacter treatment
vasculitis with weak pulses in upper extremities
takayasu’s arteritis (pulseless disease)
vasculitis with necrotizing granulomas of lung and necrotizing glomerulonephritis
wegener’s granulomatosis
vasculitis with necrotizing immune complex inflammation of visceral and renal vessels
polyarteritis nodosa
vasculitis of young male smokers
buerger’s disease
vasculitis of young asian women
takayasu’s arteritis
vasculitis of young asthmatics
vasculitis of infants and young children involving coronary arteries
kawasaki disease
most common vasculitis
giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
vasculitis associated with hepatitis B infection
polyarteritis nodosa
vasculitis where occlusion of ophthalmic artery can lead to blindness
giant cell arteritis
vasculitis with perforation of nasal septum
wegener’s granulomatosis
vasculitis with unilateral headache and jaw claudication
giant cell arteritis
lipid lowering agent that causes facial flushing
lipid lowering agent that causes elevated LFTs and myositis
statins and fibrates
lipid lowering agent that causes GI discomfort and bad taste
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on HDL
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on triglycerides and VLDL
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on LDL and cholesterol
lipid lowering agent that binds c. diff toxin
drug known for causing elevated prolactin levels
dopamine antagonists, verapamil, methyl-dopa
classic findings of henoch-schonlein purpura
abdominal pain, vomiting, blood in stool, intususception, hematuria/proteinuria, joint symptoms, palpable purpura on legs
ranson’s criteria for pancreatitis
hyperglycemia, AST, LDH, age >45, WBC count, calcium, hematocrit, BUN, base defecit, fluid sequestration > 6 L
entamoeba histolytica diarrhea treatment
giardia lamblia treatment
salmonella treatment
fluoroquinolone/TMP-SMX only in severe case (increases carrier state)
shigella treatment
fluoroquinolone/TMP-SMX only in severe case
campylobacter treatment
vasculitis with weak pulses in upper extremities
takayasu’s arteritis (pulseless disease)
vasculitis with necrotizing granulomas of lung and necrotizing glomerulonephritis
wegener’s granulomatosis
vasculitis with necrotizing immune complex inflammation of visceral and renal vessels
polyarteritis nodosa
vasculitis of young male smokers
buerger’s disease
vasculitis of young asian women
takayasu’s arteritis
vasculitis of young asthmatics
vasculitis of infants and young children involving coronary arteries
kawasaki disease
most common vasculitis
giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
vasculitis associated with hepatitis B infection
polyarteritis nodosa
vasculitis where occlusion of ophthalmic artery can lead to blindness
giant cell arteritis
vasculitis with perforation of nasal septum
wegener’s granulomatosis
vasculitis with unilateral headache and jaw claudication
giant cell arteritis
lipid lowering agent that causes facial flushing
lipid lowering agent that causes elevated LFTs and myositis
statins and fibrates
lipid lowering agent that causes GI discomfort and bad taste
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on HDL
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on triglycerides and VLDL
lipid lowering agent that causes best effect on LDL and cholesterol
lipid lowering agent that binds c. diff toxin
drug known for causing elevated prolactin levels
dopamine antagonists, verapamil, methyl-dopa
how to differentiate between microcytic anemia of iron deficiency and thalassemia
iron deficiency: high RDW > 20% and low reticulocyte count
thalassemia: normal RDW and high reticulocyte count