random review Flashcards
outcome formula
outcome= rewards-costs
satisfaction formula
satisfaction= Outcomes- comparison level
Comparison level
- the expectations we bring to the relationship
- comparison levels are what we THINK they are (about perception)
Dependence formula
D=outcomes-comparison levels for alternatives
What factors affect CLalternatives?
-attractiveness of potential partners
-attractiveness if being alone ex. high levels of fear of single, this attractiveness is low
- the costs of leaving the relationship ex. financial, emotional, investments (kids)
Examples of costs
-barriers (laws against divorce, social disapproval)
-investments (kids, house, main source of income)
How does commitment influence percieved quality of alternatives?
they derogate alternatives: see other potential partners as less attractive (then you would if you were single)
What circumstances are we likely to participate in derogation of alternatives?
- moderately committed and a moderate threat, means derogation
- highly committed with a high threat means derogation. This hypothesis is that we are more likley to derogate alternatives when the threat level is equal to the committment level.
Brain opioid theory of social attachment
Theory says:
- opioids are released during contact with an attachment figure. They are meant to alleviate pain, distress, and anxiety. When separated from attachment figure, levels drop, drives proximity seeking
Agonists versus antagonists
- agonists bind to receptors and mimic actions of a hormone
ex. morphine produces analgesic effects
-antagonists bind receptors to block the actions
ex. naloxone prevents opioids from exerting their usual effects
saying is believing paradigm
participant is likely to recall audience-biased information when the audience of part of their in-group BUT if the audience is an outgroup but we see them as having greater EPISTEMIC AUTHORITY then we may recall their biased-info
Characteristics of gaslighting behaviours
Consequences for survivors of gaslighting
- post-traumatic growth, come out stronger
- some people are afraid to enter relationships again
Health relevant effects of loneliness
- depression
- heart disease
-inc coritsol
-elevated blood pressure
-dec anti-viral response
-poor sleep
-hypervigilance to social threat
Models of social support
stress buffering: close relationships protect by buffering the effects of stressors
main effects model: close relationships exert direct effect on health outcomes regardless of levels of external stress