attraction and partner selection Flashcards
Power of proximity
a basic powerful factor that drives
What was the Westgate Housing Study?
Married MIT students got assigned to one of 17 buildings in a random fashion (natural experiment)
- they tried to guess who would form friendships with whom
RESULT: people living right next door were 2x as likely to become friends as compared to 2 doors down
What is functional distance?
likelihood of coming into contact with other people based on architectural design
What is the mere exposure effect?
When we have more oppurtunity to interact with people who live closer to us but also just being around people
What explains the mere exposure effect?
perceptual fluency explanation: its easier to process familiar stimuli (greater fluency), this fluency is mistaken for liking
classical conditioning: encounters with novel stimuli puts us on guard, so repeated exposure to a stimuli without negative consequences conditions more nice feelings about a person
Do we all agree on what is attractive?
There is a broad consensus about the general features that are considered attractive, evident across different cultural groups and newborn infants shared adults preferences
why is facial symmetry attractive?
1) could be perceptual fluency
2) Could be evolutionary explanation: symmetry tends to be a indicator of reproductive fitness (evidence in animals and humans)
What is the averageness effect?
faces that are more average are seen as more attractive
Does our liking of symmetry trump our liking of familiarity?
In a study in Netherlands and NewZealand. People liked the regular face of a familiar celebrity but liked a symmetrical face of an unfarmilar celebrity.
What are the sex-specific preferences?
female features: “baby-faced”, large eyes, small nose, small chin, full lips, with signs of maturity
- waist to hip ratio= 0.70 as a signal of fertility
male features: broad jaw, wide smile, but soft, friendly features
Why do we believe what is beautiful is good?
- The cultural association view
- motivated cognition view
What is the cultural association view?
our upbringing and media have created the view that what is good is beautiful
We see an attractive target –> percieved positive attributes –> desire to bond with target
What is the motivated cognition view?
- Beauty is an intrinsic reward
- we want to approach rewarding stimuli
- through projection, we perceive attractive targets as possessing attributes compatible with our approach goals
How could beauty be an intrinsic award?
In a study, participants felt more positively when interacting (or expecting to interact) with attractive targets
- there was overlap in brain regions reactive to physically attractive faces and rewards like food and money.
Is the motivated cognition view or cultural association view better?
data is better fit to motivated cognition view
- behavioural confirmation also impacts this
(act more positively toward pretty people so we get more positive behaviour in return)
What is the evolutionary perspective on mate preference for men vs women?
Parental Investment Theory
- men have minimal parental investment and biological cost, whereas women have great biological and time invested.
- male: reproductive success is limited to availability of fertile mates, so preference for indicators of fertility.
- female: care about quality but also need to be more slective due to large cost, so preference for ability to provide for offspring.
What were the results of a study about what traits men and women found appealing? What is the caveat?
Across cultures, most, most attributes were rated similairly but men valued physical appearance more and women valued resource acquisition more.
CAVEAT: most places, women have less access to status and resources and men are socialized to value physical attractiveness.
In real life, do these preferences show?
In a meta-analysis of 97 studies, evaluations were generally more positive for more attractive partners and partners with better earning potential
BUT there was no big difference between sexes