random knowledge (my nemesis) Flashcards
Oligotrophic (ecology)
(of a body of water) Low in nutrients and high in oxygen.
Edaphic (ecology)
related to soil.
Ammensalism (ecology)
Like Commensalism, but one organism is negatively (rather than positively) impacted while the other is fine.
Proto-cooperation (ecology)
Mutualism that is not compulsory for survival or reproduction.
Line transect (ecology)
Sampling method where a line segment cuts through the area, and samples are taken along the line. Useful for modelling distributions.
Zonation vs Stratification
Zonation - grouping of communities that is more lateral.
Stratification - layers of communities that is more like vertically stacking them.
Compensation point (plants)
Where light intensity is at the point where rate of respiration = rate of photosynthesis.
Number of carbons in glucose
requires 2 G3P to make from calvin cycle
Number of carbons in sucrose
requires 4 G3P to make from calvin cycle
Ester linkage
Bond between an OH and a carboxyl group - connects glycerol to fatty acids in lipids.
Parts of mRNA that is actually used for coding amino acids in alternative splicing.
Parts of mRNA that are spliced out and thus not translated into amino acids.
pH of human skin
3-5 (from skin secretions like oil and sweat)
Ammonia vs Ammonium
Ammonia - NH3
Ammonium - NH4+
Epistasis (genetics)
A gene that impacts the expression of another gene - or epistatic to that other gene.
Eg. Base colour & agouti genes in mammal coats
Pleiotropy (genetics)
One gene impacting multiple traits.
Two sugars that lactose is broken down into (by lactase)
Galactose and Glucose.
“Resting” stage between Meiosis I and II
Tetrad and Bivalent
2 chromosomes (homologous) with 2 chromatids each