Random buzzwords + acronyms Flashcards
Causes of clubbing (all systems)
C: Cyanotic heart disease L: Lung diseases (ABCDEF lung causes) U: UC & Crohn's B: Biliary Cirrhosis B: Birth defect I: Infective Endocarditis N: Neoplasm (lung cancer, mesothelioma) G: GI malabsorption diseases (Coeliac, Crohn's)
Systematic chest X ray interpretation
A: Artefacts (ECG electrodes, tubes, stents) + Assessment of quality (PA, 5-7 Anterior ribs, rotation via clavicular head, Over/under exposure via spinous process)
B: Bone & soft tissues (Fractures, bone mets, air spaces)
C: Cardiac (Size, shape, orientation)
D: Diaphragm (Air, left vs right elevation, costalphrenic angle)
E: Effusion (Kerley B lines, Meniscus sign, D sign)
F: Fields and fissures (Consolidation, miliary involvement)
G: Great Vessels (Typically aorta, check for aneurysm)
H: Hila & Mediastinum (for any mediastinal shift)
Warfarin + NSAID
Duodenal/Peptic ulcer bleed highly likely
Digoxin + Verapamil
Digoxin toxicity highly likely
Acute Asthma OSHITMAN
O: O2 high flow S: Salbutamol, nebulised H: Hydrocortisone IV or Prednisolone PO I: Ipratropium bromide nebulised hourly T: Theophylline IV M: Magnesium chloride An: Call Anaesthetist
Pulmonary Embolism (Deep S wave in I, Q waves in III, Inverted T in III)
Causes of acute pacreatitis (I GET SMASHED)
I: Idiopathic G: Gallstones E: Ethanol (Alcohol) T: Trauma S: Steroids M: Mumps A: Autoimmune S: Scorpion stings H: Hyperlipidaemia, Hypothermia, Hypercalcaemia E: ERCP D: Drugs (Co-trimoxazole, Tetracycline, Thiazide-like diuretics, Sulfonylureas)
Catecholamines in urine + Hypertension + Palpitations + Headaches
Pheochromocytoma (neuroendocrine tumour of adrenal gland which secretes high levels of catecholamines)
Deep, laboured breathing (kussmaula breathing)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Hypothyroidism signs: BRADYCARDIAC
B: Bradycardia R: Reflexes very slowly A: Ataxia (impaired balance, coordination, speech) D: Dry skin, thin hair Y: Yawning or drowsy C: Cold hands, cold intolerance A: Ascites R: Round puffy face, weight gain/obese D: Defeated meanour I: Ileus or Immobile C: Congestive Heart Failure
Bones of hand (Some lovers try position that they cannot handle), lateral to medium, proximal to distal (Start from thumb)
S: Scaphoid L: Lunnate T: Triquetrium P: Pisiform T: Trapezium T: Trapezoid C: Capitate H: Hamate
Bones of feet (Tiger Cub Needs MILC), posterior to anterior, medial to lateral
T: Talus C: Calcaneus N: Navicular M: Medial cuneiform I: Intermediate cuneiform L: Lateral cuneiform C: Cuboid
4 H’s and 4 T’s reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Hypovolaemia, Hypothermia, Hyper/Hypokalaemia, Hypoxia
Tamponade, Tension pneumothorax, Thromboembolism, Toxin
6 Ps of Acute limb ischaemia
Pain Pulseless Pallor Paralysis Paresthesia Perishingly cold
Causes of liver disease: ABCDEFGHI
A: Autoimmune
B: Hepatitis B
C: Hepatitis C
D: Drugs (Esp Paracetamol)
E: Ethanol (Alcohol)
F: Fatty liver disease (alcoholic & Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis)
G: Growth (primary cancer/metastasis)
H: Haemodynamic (Congestive Heart Failure)
I: Ions (Haemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease) or Infections (Entamoeba, Liver flukes)
Causes of Abdominal distension, 6 Fs
Flatus Fluid Fat Foetus Faeces Fucking massive tumour
Parasympathetic Cranial nerves
CN III, VII, IX, X Occulomotor Facial Glossalpharyngeal Vagus None sympathetic (thoracolumbar outflow)
Cranial nerve names - Oh Oh Oh, To Touch And Feel A Virgin Girl’s Vagina And Hymen
Olfactory Optic Occulomotor Trochlear Trigeminal (Opthalmic, Maxillary, Mandicular) Abjucant Facial Vestibulocochlear Glossopharyngeal Vagus Accessory (Spinal Accessory) Hypoglossal
Cranial nerve functions (Motor, Sensory, Both) -
Some Say Money Matters But My Brother Say Big Boobs Matter Most Olfactory - Sensory Optic - Sensory Occulomotor - Motor Trochlear - Motor Trigerminal - Both Adjucant - Motor Facial - Both Vestibulocochlear - Sensory Glossopharyngeal - Both Vagus - Both Accessory nerve - Motor Hypoglossal - Motor
Causes of Pulmonary fibrosis
BREAST CA Bleomycin Radiation Extrinsic allergic alveolitis Ankylosing Spondylitis Sarcoidosis Tuberculosis Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis Asbestosis
Causes of lung abscess
Bronchial obstruction
Bronchiopulmomary sequestration
Blood-born sepsis
Caviating Pneumonia (Klebsiella, Strep pneumoniae, staph aureus, Tuberculosis)
Transdiaphragmatic (Hepatic amoebic abscess, post-cholecystectomy infection of subphrenic abscess)
Hyperthyroidism THYROIDISMe
T: Tremor H: Heart rate Up Y: Yawning and malaise R: Restless O: Oligomenorrhoea or amenorrhoea I: Irritability D: Diarrhoea I: Intolerance to heat S: Sweating M: Muscle wasting and muscle loss E: Exopthalmus