Cardiovascular Buzzwords Flashcards
Patient has fever and pleuritic chest pain that is relieved by sitting up and leaning forward
Irregularly irregular pulse
Atrial Fibrillation
ECG - saw tooth baseline + 150 bpm
Atrial Flutter
Alveolar bat’s wings, Kerley B lines, cardiomegaly, dilated prominent upper lobe vessels, pleural effusion
Pulmonary oedema
Raised JVP
Right-sided heart failure, Superior Vena Cava Obstruction
Sense of impending doom
Saddle shaped ST elevation
Broad complex tachycardia
Ventricular Tachycardia
Tachycardia that is reversed with adenosine
Supraventricular Tachycardia
Mid-diastolic murmur with a tapping, undisplaced apex
Mitral Stenosis
Broad QRS with slurred upstroke on R wave (delta wave)
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Tall, tented T waves
Hyperkalaemia (and wide QRS complexes)
Patient gets pericarditis 4-6 weeks post MI
Dressler’s syndrome
Blurred yellowing vision headache
Digoxin Toxicity
Janeway Lesions (painful)/Osler’s Nodes (not painful)/Splinter Haemorrhages/Roth spots
bacterial endocarditis
Continuous Machine like Heart Murmur
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Rib Notching on CXR
Coarctation of the aorta
Crescendo decrescendo/ejection systolic murmur, radiates to neck
Aortic Stenosis
Diminished absent lower limb pulses
Coarctation of the aorta
Cyanosis first day of life
Transposition of great vessels, Tetralogy of Fallot
Chest x-ray: egg-shaped ventricles
Transposition of great vessels
Chest x-ray: boot-shaped heart
Tetralogy of Fallot
CV Drug Side Effect: Hyper-/hypothyroidism, Corneal microdeposits, Lung/liver fibrosis
Amiodarone (Class 3 anti-arrhythmic)
Beta-blocker is used in the following conditions
Mainly: Hypertension (resistant) Heart failure Pheochromocytoma (Always with an alpha blocker) Thyrotoxicosis
Beta-blocker side effects
Cold peripheries, Fatigue, Hypoglycemia
ACEi + Furosemide side effects
Hypokalaemia likely
Drug used for hypertension + diabetic nephropathy
ACEi or ARB (Not used in bilateral renal artery stenosis however)
Drug used for hypertension + benign prostate hyperplasia
Doxazosin or Prazosin
Slow rising pulse + narrow pulse pressure
Aortic Stenosis
Collapsing pulse ‘waterhammer pulse’
Aortic Regurgitation
Pulsus biferens (2 peaks)
Aortic Regurgitation or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Pulsus paradoxus (exaggerated fall in pulse volume upon inspiration)
Asthma, cardiac tamponade (if heart sounds muffled)
Bounding pulse (large volume)
Anaemia, Hepatic failure, Acute type 2 respiratory failure
Pulsus alternans (alternating large and small pulses)
SVT/VT, premature/ectopic ventricular beats
Large radiofemoral delay
Coarctation of aorta
Heaving vs thrusting vs tapping apex beat
Heaving: High afterload, pressure overload, aortic stenosis
Thrusting: High Preload, volume overload, Aortic regurgitation
Tapping: Mitral stenosis (usually associated with loud S1)
Pericardial Rub
Highly suggestive of pericarditis