Radiopharmaceuticals: Preparation, Compounding, Dispensing, and Repackaging Part 7 Flashcards
The goal is to handle the medication and perform compounding as ____ as possible and to limit the time and hand movements in and out of the ISO Class 5 environment
Iodine can be injected with a prepared syringe for ____
thyroid cancer
If using an LAFW, the airflow is ____ unidirectional high-efficiency particulate air
A hot-cell may be used to provide a physically segregated ISO Class 5 processing area. This is a device that allows the operator to work remotely and outside of the PEC, which limits exposure distance. This may be integrated with the HEPA filtration system and should be checked with ____ pattern tests periodically
What is the purpose of a cleaning agent?
It removes residue like dirt, debris, and residual drugs/chemicals from surfaces
What is the purpose of disinfecting agents?
Destroys fungi, viruses, bacteria
What is the purpose of a Sporicidal agent?
Destroys bacterial and fungal spores
Absorbent contamination pads are used to apply ____.
Walls, ceiling, and storage shelving should be cleaned and disinfected monthly, and ____ should be used.