radiology rotation Flashcards
OA of the hip is termed_____
malum coxa senilis
___sign diastasis of the joint when there is inflammation
Waldenstrom’s sign
What is protrusio acetabuli?
intrapelvic displacement of the medial wall of the acetabulum in an RA patient
___ fx: an isolated iliac wing fracture.
stable or unstable?
Duverney fx
___ fx: bilateral superior and inferior pubic rami fx
straddle fx
_____ fx: pelvic fracture that goes through the sacrum & ipsi. inferior / superior ramus
malgaines fx
____ fx: A-> P compression injury that causes a dislocation of the ilium from the sacrum
sprung pelvis
aka: open book fx
___ fracture : contra fx to the ilium and pubis
etio: lateral compression NRG vector
Bucket handle fx
___: when the pubis loks bulbous
ischiopubic synchondroses
AVN of the femoral head
Legg- Calves
what measurement is used when measuring to dx slipped capital epiphyseal ?
Klein’s line
what line of measurement should be used when dx a femoral neck fx?
shelton’s line
___ fx is at the base of the femoral neck
- pathological fx’s occur here
What is the MC location for a femoral neck fx
name the 2 femoroacetabular impingement types
- cam type: femoral head neck jxn demonstrates osseous bump
- pincher type: acetabulum excessively covers femora head
MC organism that causes it: ___
MC bone effected:____
MC organism: Staph aureus
MC bone: femur
Phemister’s triad is patho pneumonic for: ____ infection
name the three parts:
Tuberculous arthritis
the triad:
- juxta-articular osteopaenia/osteoporosis
- peripheral osseous erosions
- gradual narrowing of joint space
Where does the TB infection usually start in the bone?
metaphysis –> spreads to the jt
___: a sharply outlined focus of burned out infection –> can be sterile or contain residual staph
brodies abscess
what CA must be worried about with someone that has stage IV pages?
sheppard crook deformity
a coxa vara deformity caused by fibrous dysplasia
dx: sharp pain in the knee that is worst at night, and relieved by taking aspirin
osteoid osteoma
MC location for a osteoid esteem?
femoral neck
cc: knee pain
“cresent sign” in the femoral head indicates?
explain primary, secondary and tertiary HPT
primary: adeoma of the gland
secondary: kidney dz–> kidney cant maintain the serum ca+ levels, Ca+ gets excreted and the body then pulls it from the bones
tertiary: after kidney transplant, there is not hormone feed back loops
brown tumors are ass. with what dz
putti’s triad describes ___ condition
what are the 3 features of the triad
developmental dysplasia of the hip
- incr acetabular angle
- lateral displacement of femoral head
- small femoral head
“Champagne glass” pelvis
achondrial plasia