dappr - name game Flashcards
transverse patho fx through a bone affected with paget’s dz
banana fx
isolated shaped cortical fragment in a communited fx
butterfly fragment
growth plate fx
fatigue fx
metaphyseal fragment in a salter harris type 2
Thurston Holland fragment
fx through the ankylosed discovertebral junction in AS
carrot stick fx
avulsion of a lower C/S SP
clay shoveler’s
Pedicular fx of the axis
hangman’s fx
fx of the anterior and posterior arch of the atlas
Jefferson’s fx
displaced triangle fragment from the anterior inferior corner of the cervical vert
horizontal fx through a single vert body and posterior arch
chance/ fulcrum/ seatbelt fx
S/I pubic ramus fx with a fx or separation of the contra SI jt
bucket handle fx
S/I pubic ramus fx with a fx near the ipsi SIJ = Malgaigne’s fx
isolated iliac wing fx
duverney’s fx
separation of the pubic symphysis and both SIJ
sprung pelvis
Pubic rami fx (uni/ or bilateral)
straddle fx
fat and bl in a joint
avulsion of the lateral prox tibia
segond’s fx
distal fibula fx 6-7cm above the malleolus, with diastasis
depuytren’s fx
prox fib fx and diastasis of the distal tibio/fibular jt
maissoneuve fx
fx of the anterior lateral corner of the distal tibia, due to avulsion of the anterior tibiofibular lig
tillaux’s fx
fourth and fifth metacarpal fx
bar room fx
dislocation btw the talo-navicular and calcaneo-navicular jt
chopart’s dislocation
lateral dislocation of the metatarsal bases with ass. fx
lisfranc fx
fx of the inferior glenoid tubercle, ass with anterior shoulder dislocation
bankart lesion
avulsion fx of the greater tuberosity
flap fx
impaction fx at the posterior superior surface of the humeral head following anterior shoulder dislocation
hill sachs defect
inferior dislocation of the humerus with the arm fixed in abduction
subluxio erecta
vertical fx of the radial head extending to the articular surface
chisel fx
fx of the distal radius, and dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar jt
prox radio-ulnar= montaggia
ulnar shaft fx
night stick fx
fx of the prox ulna with radial head dislocation
montaggia fx
distal radial/ ulna= galeazzi
fx of the radial styloid
chauffeur’s / backfire/ Hutchinson fx
distal radial fx with posterior angulation
colles fx
distal radial fx with anterior angulation
smith fx
posterior angulation = colle’s fx
disruption of the ulnar collateral lig at first MCP jt
gamekeeper/ skier thumb
intraarticular fx through the base of the first Metacarpel
Bennett’s fx
comminuted intraarticular fx through the base of the 1st metacarpal
Rolando’s fx
just an intraarticular fx= Bennett’s fx
2nd/ 3rd metacarpal fx
boxer’s fx
collar sign ?
lucent defect through pars interarticularis
small metaphyseal fx, suggests child abuse
corner sign
___ sign: seen on APLC due to lower C/S SP fx
double SP sign
clay shoovlers fx
___ sign: fx through the pedicles creates an open space in the vertebral body
empty vertebra sign
__ sign: triangular appearance of the lunate due to anterior dislocation
pie sign
widened scapholunate interval
terry Thompson sign
AVN of the talus
AVN of the femoral head of a child
AVN of femoral head of an adult
child: Legg calve perthe’s
adult: chandler’s
___ sign: when 2 similar densities are in anatomical contact with one another, the visible border btw the two structures is lost
silhouette sign
___ sign: tenting of the pleura from the chest wall / mediastinal mass
extra pleural sign
___: visualization of air in the bronchi due to surrounding lung tissue filling with fluid
air bronchogram
undescended scap
sprengel’s deformity
fusion of the 1st and 2nd rib
Srb’s anomaly