Radiographic Interpretation Flashcards
radiographs aid in:
diagnosis of pero disease
determination of the prognosis
Treatment options
Evaluation of the outcome of treatment
are radiographs a substitute for clinical examination
Without radiographic images, clinicians can not effectively evaluate:
Alveolar crestal bone architecture
crown to root/calculus presence
Possible vertical or furcation defects
Amount of horizontal bone loss
Three basic intraoral radiographic techniques for assessment of the bone status:
horizontal bitewing
vertical bitewing
When horizontal bitewing are usually ordered when
patient has suspected mild to moderate horizontal bone loss
Horizontal bitewing when properly positioned, you should see
superimposition of the buccal and lingual/palatal cusps
a sharp or well defined alveolar crestal margin
no horizontal overlap between adjacent teeth
Vert. bitewing are useful when
patient has demonstrated deep probing depths AND expects moderate to serve hori. bone loss
periapical radiograph does
assessment of bone height but distort the deistnace between alveolar osseous crest and CEJ
two things need from radiographs:
root length
bone height
are CEJ line parallel with bone when there is bone loss?
in the interdental septum, CEJ to the crest of the bone at each tooth surface, the measurement is roughly
1.5 to 2.0 mm
sulcus mean ____, pocket means _____
healthly, disease
airo-thema means
PDL space can be seen as
thin radiolucent line between root and outline of root
PDL width can diagnosis various conditions such as
PDL space is
100 to 250 microns
.1 to .25 mm
PDL stats
.1 to .25 mm widest during heavy occlusion thinner in nonfunctional teeth surface area of socket wall - 150-275 sq mm single - 450 for multi
bone loss is generally ____ than it appears in radiographs
radiographs show ___ servere bone loss than actually present
how much bone mineral density is lost before it is detected radiographically
radiographs show
amount remaining rather than amount lost
does not indicate internal morphology/depth of defect
does not show facial/lingual involvement
horizontal bone loss shows
symmetric lost of bone on both mesial and distal surface that architecture appears to be flat
vertical bone lost are
funnel-shaped and plunge apically
distribution of bone loss points to
location of destructive local factors
bone loss per year for healthy people
.1 mm
loss of bone in the furcation areas of molar teeth may occur from:
endodontic infection
root perforation during procedures
occlusal tramuma
loss of bone in the mesial and distal furcation of max. molars may present as a
furcation arrow
tooth anomaly such as cervical enamel pearl can lead to bone loss:
incidence: 1.1%-9.7% (mean 2.69%)
Predilection for maxillary third> second>first molars
Grade I furcation involvement of
Max second molar
Grade II furcation involvement of
first molar
radiographs are ___ sensitive indicator of calculus
Calculus shows up as ___, and location at
small spurs, cementoenalmel junction at mand or circumference of max molar
Periodontal abscess def.
acute,destructive process in pero. resulting in localized collection of pus communicating with oral cavity through gingivalsulcus and not arising from the tooth pulp
appearance of periodontal abcess is generally a
discrete are of radiolucency along the lateral aspect of the root
Features of aggressive of periodontitis include:
- rapid rate of attachment and bone loss
- minimal local factors
- familial aggregation of diseased individuals (Genetics)
radiograph and clinical periodontal examination should
complement each one another
Actual clinical bone loss is ___ than radiographic bone loss