Principles of Osseous Resective Surgery Flashcards
Started notes at slide
Objectives of Osseous Resection
-Reshape marginal bone ->alveolar process
-Create bony contours -> parallel gingival contours
Create cleans able gingival contours
-permits easier primary wound closer( better flap appro.)
-Crown lengthening (most common procedure
reshape the marginal bone to resemble the
alveolar process undamaged by periodontal disease
gingival behavior in Health
- biologic width
- normal gingival contours
- bone:hard tissue
- gingival tissue
gingival tissue tends to
follow more fluid form
the degree of scalloping is determined by
- cemento-enamel junctions (CEJ)
- the convexity of the teeth
- tooth position in alveolar bone
gingiva will heal according tothe
same anatomic concepts as in health
the gingivawill attempt to
re-establish the biologic width with shallow sulci
Indications for Osseous Resection
- shallow infrabony defects (1-2 mm)
- incipient and shallow definite furcation invasions
- flat or reverse architecture, tori, exotoses and ledges
- bone contouring in conjucntion with root resection
- achieve primary closure of flaps by thinning bone (o.plasty) , not removing attached bone (ostectomy)
contraindications for osseous resection
- esthetic areas
- isolated deep pockets
- advanced periodontitis
- presence of certain, local anatomic factors
- pateint with high risk caries index
- patient with a serious systemic condition
contraindications for osseous resection factors of anatomics:
- near the ascending ramus
- near the external oblique
- in close proximity to max sinus
- adjacent to flat palate
osseous resection surgery: technique , use basic flap approach with
- local anesthesia
- full thickness, apically positioned flaps
- through tissue debridemnet
osseous resection surgery: technique , osseous resection phase
- vertical grooving
- radicular blending
- flattening interproximal bone
- gradualizing marginal bone
vertical grooving
- reduces the thickness of alveolar housing
- provides prominece to radicualr aspect of teeth
- provides continuity frominterproximal surface ontothe radicular surface
radicular blending
- attempts to gradualize the bone over entire radicular surface
- provides a smooth surface for a good flap adaption