Radiation Flashcards
Non-ionizing radiation
Not enough energy to ionize water, heats it instead
Visible spectrum
360-700 nm
Infrared felt as ____
Depth of penetration is proportional to ___
Depth of penetration is inversely proportional to ___
Spectral power density
White/pink noise, broad/narrow band, pure tone
Luminance, brightness, glare
Power density at the receiver, illuminance
Power/energy density/per unit area
Free field
No obstructions between source and reciever
Alpha particle
He nucleus, 2 protons, 2 neutrons
Beta particle
Photon produced from bremsstrahlung (braking radiation) or electrons moving to another atomic orbital
Characteristic of Alpha particle
2+ charge, interactive, short penetration, stopped by paper
Characteristic of Beta particle
1- charge, limited penetration, stopped by aluminum foil
Characteristic of Gamma/x-ray particle
No mass/charge, highly penetrating, must use heavy/massive materials for shielding
How to shield from neutrons
Use low atomic number elements e.g. H, Be
3 factors of protection
Time, distance, shielding
Same atomic number, different mass (i.e. different neutrons)
Half life
Time it takes for half of isotope atoms to disintegrate, isotopes characterized by decay/half life
Units of radioactivity
Curie, Becquerel
Units of absorbed dose
rad, gray
Linear energy transfer
energy loss per unit of path length (keV/um)
Particles with high and low LET
High: alpha, proton, neutron
Low: Beta, X, gamma
Dose equivalent units
Sievert/rem, regulatory limits based on rem or sieverts