Radial nerve compression Flashcards
Define PIN compression syndrome?
Compressive neuropathy of PIN effective the muscular supply of the forearm EXTENSOR compartment

What is the epidemiology of PIN compression syndrome?
- 3 per 100,000 people pa
- More common in
- manual labourers
- males
- bodybuilders
Describe the aetiology of PIN compresison syndrome?
- Trauma- fracture/dislocation monteggia/radial head fr
- Microtrauma- repitive pronosupination movements
- Space filling lesions- ganglions/lipomas
- Inflammation - rheumatoid synovitis
- Iatragenic- surgery
Describe the pathoanatomy of PIN compression syndrome?
- 5 potential sites of compression= FLEAS
Fibrous tissue ant to radiocapitellar joint
- between brachialis/brachioradialis
Leash of Henry
- recurrent radial vessels fan out across PIN at level of radial necl
Extensor carpi radialis brevis edge
- mediporx edge of ECRb
Arcade of Frohse
- prox edge of superficial portion of Supinator
Supinator Muscle edge
- Distal edge of supinator muscle

Decribe the anatomy of PIN?
- Branch of radial nerve
- Provides motor innervation EXTENSOR compartment
- Passes between 2 heads of supinator muscle
- Direct contact with radial neck
- Passes over Abductor pollicis longus to reach interosseous membrane
- transverses along posterior interossesous membrane

What does PIN supply?
Common extensors
Deep Extensors
- Supinator
- Abductor pollicis longus
- Extensor pollicis brevus
- Extensor pollicis longus
- Extensor incidis proprius
- sensory fibres to dorsal wrist capsule- by terminal branch
- Located on floor of 4th EXTENSOR COMPARTMENT

What are the symptoms and signs of PIN compression syndrome?
- Insidous onset
- Pain in forearm & wrist- location depends on site of compression
- Weakness with finger, wrist and thumb movements
- Chronic compression- muscle atrophy
- Weakness- finger metacarpal extension
- Wrist extension weakness
- inability to extend wrist in neutral/ulna deviation.
- Wrist will extend with RADIAL deviation due to intact ERCL ( radial N) and absent ECU ( PIN)
Provocation test
- Normal Tenodesis effect - Ra ext tendons won’t
Are any investigations helpful in PIN compression syndrome?
- Yes MRI- maybe helpful to deliniate the soft tissue mass responsible for compression
- EMG- may be helpful to identify level of compresion adn rule out differential diagnosis of neuropathy
What is the DDX of forearm pain and weakness?
- PIN compression syndrome
- Brachial plexus compression
- Cervical spine nerve compression
- Peripheral neuropathy
Describe the TX of PIN compression syndrome?
Non operative
- Rest, activity modification, stretch, splinting, NSAIDS
Cortiosteriod injection if compressive mass ruled out and isolated tenderness distal to lateral epicondyle
- single injection 3-4 cm to lat epicondyle at site of compression
- Surgical decompression
- symptoms >3mo of non op tx
- compressive mass detected on investigations
- Outcomes variable- spontaneous recovery of motor function seen in 75-97% of non traumatic cases
- may continue to improve for up to 18 mo
Describe the technique for surgical decompression of PIN syndrome?
- Anterolateral to elbow most common
- Release first..
- Fibrous band connecting Brachialis and brachioradialis
- leash of Henry
- Fibrous edge of ERCB
- Radial tunnel inc arcade of Frosche and distal supinator
Name the complications of PIN compression syndrome?
- Muscle fibrosis of PIN innervated muscles -> tendon transfer procedures to establish funciton
- Chronic Pain
What is the last muscle to recover in PIN compression syndrome?
- Extensor indicis Proprius
What is radial tunnel syndrome?
- A compressive neuropathy of PIN with PAIN ONLY
- No motor or sensory dysfunction
Describe the pathophysiology of radial tunnel syndrome?
involves the same sites as PIN compression syndrome
- Fibrous band between Brachialis and brachoradialis, anterior to radiocapitellar joint
- Leash of Henry- radial recurrent vessels
- ECRB medial border
- Arcade of Frohse prox edge of supinator- most frequent site of entrapment
- Supinator distal border edge

Can you describe any associated conditions of radial tunnel syndrome?
- Lateral Epicondylitis
- RTS is difficult to distinguish from lateral epicondylitis and coexts in 5% pts
Describe the anatomy of the radial tunnel?
- 5cm in length
- Extends from level of radiocapitellar joint extending distally past the proximal edge of supinator
- Boundaries
- lateral
- Brachioradialis
- medial
- Biceps tendon
- Brachialis
- Floor
- capsule of radiocapitellar joint
- lateral
Describe the signs and symptoms of radial tunnel syndrome?
- Deep aching pain in DORSAL RADIAL PROXIMAL forearm
- From lateral elbow to wrist
- increased during forearm rotation/lifting
- muscle weakness due to pain
- Tenderness over wad in supinator arch
- Max tenderness 3-5cm distal to Lat epicondyle
- Resisted long finger extension->pain at tunnel
- Resisted supination ( elbow/wrist in extension)
- Passive pronation-> pain
- Radial tunel injection test- positive= PIN palsy, PAIN relief
Investigations in radial tunnel syndrome?
- MRI usually negative
EMG- inconclusive as PIN carries Group IV fibres- (C fibres, nioception) and small myelinated Group IIA afferent fibres( temperature)
- Pressure on these nerves causes pain
- these fibres can’t be evaluated by EMG
- large myelinated PIN fibres remain normal so EMG normal
- Diagnostic injection into area of local tenderness
What is the DDX of lateral forearm pain?
- Radial tunnel syndrome- tenderness 305cm distal to lat epi
- Lateral epicondylitis- tenderness directly over Lat epicondyle
- Cervical radiculopathy C6-7
What is Tx of the radial tunnel syndrome?
Non operative
- Activity modification, temporary splinting, nsaids
- Corticosteriods
70% improvement at 6 weeks
60% painfree at 2 years
- Radial tunnel release
- Disappointing outcomes only 50-90% gd-ex recovery
- delayed max recovery up to 9-18 months
- lower success in concomitant lat epicondylitis, multiple entrapment neuropathies and workers compensation
Describe the technique for radial tunnel release?
- Dorsal approach to PIN
- 3 planes have been described
- between ERCB and EDC
- Between brachioradialis and ERCL
- Transmuscular brachioradialis spliting
- Anterior approach to PIN
- Between brachioradilis and biceps
- Release
- fibroud bands superificial to radiocapitellar joint
- arcade of Frohse
- distal edge of supinator
- Outcomes= success rate decompression 70-90%
What is Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- Compressive neuropathy of Superficial radial nerve
- aka Cheiralgia paresthetica
- Sensory manifestation only
- no motor deficit
What is the epidemiology of Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- Rare
- Female : Male 4:1
- Age 20-70 years
Describe the pathoanatomy of Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- Superficial radial nerve compressed by SCISSORING action of Brachioradialis & ERCL tendons during forearm PRONATION
- also fascial bands at its exit site in subcutaneous tissue

Name any associated conditions with Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- De Quervain’s Disease in 20-50%
What is the prognosis of Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- Spontaneous resolution is common
- 74% success after surgical decompression
Describe the course of the superificial radial nerve?
- Arises from the bifircation of the radial nerve in the proximal forearm
- travels DEEP to brachioradialis in forearm
- emerges from BETWEEN Brachioradialis & ERCL 9cm Proximal to RADIAL STYLOID
Bifurcates proximal to wrist
- dorsal branch lies 1-3cm radial to lister’s tubercle
- supplied 1st /2nd web space
- palmar branch passes 2cm of 1st dorsal compartment directly over EPL- supplies dorsolat thumb
Describe the Signs and symptoms of Warternberg’s syndrome?
- maybe of trauma- forearm fracture
- handcuffs
- tight wrist band/ wrist watch , bracelet or pop
- ILL defined pain over DORSALRADIAL hand- no watch!!
- Paresthesia over dorsalradial hand
- Numbness
- worse w repetitive wrist flexion/ulnar deviation
- no motor weakness
- Tinel’s signover superficial sensory radial nerve
- Wrist flexion, ulnar deviation & pronation for 1 min
- Finklestein test
Investigaitons limited- emg limited, diagnostic wrist block

What is the DDX of ill-defined forearm pain and parathesia?
- De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis- Pain not aggrevated by wrist pronation
- Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve neuritis- positive tinels over LACN mistaken for SSR nerve
- Intersection syndrome- dorsoradial swelling, crepitus on wrist flexion/extension
- Wartenberg’s syndrome
Describe the tx of Wartenberg’s syndrome?
Non operative
- Rest, activity modification, nsaids, wrist splints
- Corticosteriod injections - linited evidence
- Surgical decompresion- symptoms >6 months
Describe the surgical decompression technique?
- longitudinal incision volar to Tinsel’s sign
- to avoid Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve
- to avoid tethering of incision scar over sup radial Nerve
- Neurolysis
- Release fascia betwen Brachioradialis and ERCL

What are the complications of Wartenberg’s syndrome?
- Failed Decompression
- Persistent Pain and numbness
- wound dehiscence
- Infection
Describe the course of the radial nerve?
- Arises posterior cord brachial plexus C5-8 roots
- descends anteriorly to Subscapularis, teres major, lat dorsi
- continues lateral and posterior to run in spiral groove of proximal humerus
- passes beneath LATERAL head of TRICEPS to PIERCE LATERAL INTERMUSCULAR SEPTUM as it courses from POST to ANT compartments
- IN cubital fossa - emits muscular branches to BRACHIALIS, BRACHIORADIALIS, ERCL.
- Then divides into PIN and SENSORY RADIAL NERVE
- Level of RADIOHUMERAL joint PIN enters radial tunnel.