Median Neuropathies Flashcards
Define Carpal Tunnel syndrome?
Most common compressive neuropathy of median nerve at the wrist

Describe the aetiology of Carpal Tunnel syndrome?
- Pathologic Inflammed Synovium most common cause of idopathic CTS
What is the epidemiology of CTS?
- 0.1-1% general population effected
- Risk factors
- Female
- obesity
- Pregnancy
- Hypothyroidism
- RA
- advanced age
- Chronic kidney failure
- Smoking
- ETOH excess
- Repitive motion activities
- Mucopolysaccharidosis
- Mucoliposis
Describe the pathophysiology of CTS?
- Mechanism- precipitation to repititive motions and vibrations
- cyclists, tennis, throwing
- Compression maybe due to
- repetitive motions in patients with normal anatomy
- Space occupying lesions- e.g. gout/ synovial sarcoma/lipma/ganglions
Name associated conditions with CTS?
- Diabetes Mellitis
- Hypothyroidism
- RA
- Pregnancy
- Amyloidosis
What is the prognosis of CTS?
Good prognostic indicatiors are
- Night symptoms
- Short incisions
- relief of symptoms with steriod injections
- Not improved when incomplete release of transeverse carpal ligament is discovered
What is the anatomy of the carpal tunnel?
Defined by
- Scaphoid tubercle and trapezium radially
- hook of hamate and pisiform ulnarly
- Transverse carpal ligament -roof
- proximal carpal row distally - floor
- narrowest at Hook of HAMATE
- 9 flexor tendons- FDP/FDS/ FPL
- 1 nerve- Median
- FPL most radial structure

Name the branches of the median nerve?
- Palmar cutaneous branch of median n- between PL & FCR at wrist flexion crease
Recurrent motor branch of median nerve
- 50% Extraligamentous w recurrent innervation
- 30% Subligamentous with recurrent innervation
- 20% Transligamentous with recurrent innervation
- Cut transverse ligament far ULNAR to avoid cutting nerve if transligamentous

Can you describe the signs and symtpoms of carpal tunnel?
- Numness and tingling in radial 3 1/2 digits
- clumsiness
- Pain and parathesia that awaken pt at night
- self administered hand digram= 76 % carpal tunnel
- Thenar atrophy
- Durkan’s compression test- most sensitive dx- pressing thumbs over carpal tunnel and pressure hold for 30 seconds- onset of pain & parathesia within 30s= +ve
- Phalen’s test- Wrist flexion with elbow extended for 60sec= + symptoms
- Tinels test- tapping nerve over volar carpal tunnel
- Semmes- Weinstein testing- most sensitive sensoy test for detecting ealry carpal tunnel syndrome, measures single nerev fiber innervating a receptor/gr of receptors
- Innervation density test- statis adn moving 2 point discrimination. Measure mutiple overlapping of diff sensory units and complex cortical integration. Gd at testing functional nerve regeneration after n injury

What investigations are helpful in CTS diagnosis?
not needed to establish diagnosis as this is clinical
- Demyelination-> Increase latencies= slowing NCV
- distal sensory >3.2ms, motor >4.3 ms
- decrease condition velocities, V<52m/sec abn
- Test the electrical activity of individual muscle fibres and motor units
- Details insertional/ sponataneous activity
- Increase insertional activity
- Sharp waves
- Fibrillations
- Fasciculations
- Complex repetitive discharges
What is neve histology characterised by?
- Oedema
- Fibrosis
- Vascular sclerosis
- Scattered lymphocytes
- Amyloid deposits shown with special stains in some cases
Describe the Tx of CTS?
Non operative
- Night splints, NSAIDs, Activity modifications
- night splints gd for nocturnal symptoms, activity modification- neutral position as extension increases carpal tunnel pressure and symptoms
- Steriod Injection- 80% transient improvement- 22% symptom free at 1 yr. Failure to improve post injection= poor prognostic sign
Carpal Tunnel Release-open vs arthroscopic failed Consx Tx/Acute radius Fracture, temporarily improvement w steriod -pt gd outome with surgey
- Pinch strength return in 6 weeks
- Grip strength expected to return to 100% preop levels by 12 weeks
Revision for CTS for incomplete release
- Failure to improve post primary surgery
- Incomplete release most common cause
- Outcomes= only 25% will have complete relief after revision CTR, 50% some relief, 25% no relief
Describe the technique for CTS release?
- Antibiotics not required for elective pts
- Guyon’s canal doesn’t need release as decompressed by carpal tunnel release
- Tourniquet
- Local anaesthetic
- Incision= inline with 3rd webspace 3-4cm in palm
- thru skin, fat, down to transverse carpal ligament
- Be aware of recurrent branch of median nerve may cross TCL
- Cut TCL under direct vision then see median nerve
- Put macdonalds uner neath distal to fat - distal palmar artery branch close
- Release proximal over tendon first then thru tendon
Describe the complications of open CT decompression?
- Incomplete release
- Damage to recurrent branch of median nerve-> thenar muscle atrophy
what are the advantages of arthropscopic ct release?
- Accelerated rehabiliation
- Long term results same as Open
- Incomplete division of transverse carpal ligament
Define AIN compression neuropathy?
- Compressive neuropathy of the AIN that results in
- Motor Deficit only
- _No sensory loss _
Describe the anatomy course of AIN?
- Terminal branch of median nerve
- AIN arises from median n approx 4cm distal to medial epicondyle where it passes into the anterior interosseous membrane to sites of innervation
AIN 3 letters supplies 3 muscles ‘OK sign”
- Supplies
- FDP to Index and middle finger
- Pronator quadratus

Dsecribe the pathoanatomy of AIN compression?
Potential sites of entrapment
- Tendinous edge of deep head of PRONATOR TERES- most common area
- FDS arcade
- Edge of lacertus fibrosus
- Accessory head of Gantzer’s muscle

What are the signs and symptoms of AIN compression?
- Motor deficit only
- No pain
- Complete palsy of all 4 muscles innervated by AIN
- Weakness of grip and strength esp at thumb= unable to make an OK sign- test FPL/FDP
- Pronator quadratus weakness- weak resisted pronation w elbow maximally flexed
- Distinguigh FPL attritutio rupture (RA) by passively flexing and extending wrist to confirm tenodesis effect in intact tendon

What if a patient has incomplete palsies of the muscles supplied by AIN on examination?
This is abnormal as normally all 4 effected
so think weird anatomy/ Martin-Gruber anastomies
- 15% population axons of AIN may cross over to innervate other muscle groups and so present differently
Names associated conditions with AIN compression neuropathy?
Parsonage- Turner Syndrome
- Bilateral AIN caused by Viral Brachial neuritis
- be sucipious if motor loss Preceded by INTENSE SHOULDER PAIN/ VIRAL Prodrome
What investigations are helpful in diagnosis of AIN compression?
- may rule out more proximal lesions
- May reveal abnormalities to FPL,FDP index and middle finger and pronator quadratus
Describe the TX of AIN compression?
Non operative
Observation, rest , splinting in elbow 90o flexion 8-12 wks
- Majority imporve with Consx
- Surgical decompression of AIN - if non op fails
- 75% success rate with surgery
Define pronator syndrome?
Compressive neurology of median nerve at elbow
What is the epidemiology of pronator syndrome?
- More common in women
- more common 5th decade
- ssociated with well developed forearm muscles= **weight lifters **
Describe the pathoanatomy of pronator syndrome?
5 potential sites of compression= SLAP F
- Supracondylar process- residual osseous structure on distal humerus = 1%
Ligament of Struthers
- travels tip of supracondylar process to medial epicondyle
- can-> ulnar/median nerve neuropathies
- Bicipital aponeurosis ( Lacertus fibrosis)
- Between ulnar/radial heads Pronator teres
- FDS aponeurotic arch

Name any associated conditions with pronator syndrome?
- Medial Epicondylitis
What are the signs and symptoms of pronator syndrome?
Symptoms- motor and sensory!
- parathesia to thumb, index and middle finger & radial 1/2 ring
- Acting pain over proximal forearm
- Sensory distrubance over distribution of PALMAR Cutaneous branch of median nerve ( palm of hand) which arises 4-5 cm proximal to carpal tunnel
- NO of night pain
Provocations tests specific for sites of compression
- Positive Tinels in PROXIMAL forearm, but NO tinels sign at WRIST/ symptoms with wrist flexion
- Resisted elbow flexion w supination forearm= BICIPITAL APONEUROSIS compression
- Resisted forearm pronation w elbow extended= 2 heads of PT compression
- resisted contraction of FDS to middle finger= FDS fibrous arch
- coexisting medial epicondylitis
What investigations are useful in Pronator syndrome?
Elbow films mandatory- ? supracondylar process

Describe the tx of Pronator syndrome?
Non operative
Rest, splinting and nsaids for 3-6 months
- mild/moderate pain
- splint should avoid forearm rotation
Surgical Decompression of median nerve
- When consx fails after 3-6months
- Decompression of nerve at 5 possible sites
- outcomes variable 80% relief of symptoms
Describe the course of the median nerve?
- Origin- medial and lateral cords of brachial plexus C5-T1 roots
- Anterior compartment of arm
- Anteromedial to humerus
- runs with BRACHIAL arrtery ( lat on upper arm/medial at elbow)
- No branches in arm
- Forearm
- enters foerarm between pronator teres & biceps tendon
- Travels between FDS and FDP
- Emerges between FDS & FPL
- Hand
- Enters via Carpal tunnel along with FDS/FDP & FPL
- terminal Branches
- Anterior interosseous nerve- Pronataor quadratus, FDP and FDS middle/index and FPL
- Palmar cutaneous branch- sensation lat palm
- Recurrent motor branch-thenar muscles
- Digital cutaneous branch - senstation palmar radial 3 1/2 digits, index, long and ring dorsally

what does the median nerve innervate?
Superficial volar
- Pronator teres
- Flexor carpi radialis
- Palmaris longus
- Flexor digitorium superficialis- AIN
_Deep _
- Flexor digitorium profundus ( lateral)- AIN
- Flexor pollicis longus- AIN
- Pronator quadratus-AIN
Hand- recurrent branch
- 1st and 2nd lumbricals
- Opponens pollicis
- Abductor pollicis brevis
- Flexor pollicis brevis