RAD Flashcards
Trapezius and rhomboideus origin and insertion and action
Trapezius - from supraspinous ligament to spine of scapula Action - abduct and elevate the limb
Rhomboideus from nuchal crest to the dorsal border of scapula Action - elevate the limb
Brachiocephalicus regions, origin and insertion and action
1) Cleidomastoideus: Mastoid process of temporal bone 2) Cleidocervicalis: dorsal median raphe 3) Cleidobrachialis: clavicular intersection To: Cranial boarder of the humerus Action - advance the limb, extend the shoulder, draw the neck
Omotransversarius and latissimus dorsi origin, insertion and action
Omotransversarius From: Wings of the Atlas To: Distal half of the spine of scapula Action: advance the limb, flex neck Latissimus dorsi From: Thoracolumbar fascia, all lumbar vertebrae and spinous process To: Teres major tuberosity of the humerus and the tendon Action - draw limb caudally (digging)
Pectoral and serratus ventralis origin, insertion and action
Pectoral Superficial cranial sternebrae Deep - sternum To: greater tubercle of humerus Action - to adduct the limb, assist stability Serratus ventralis From: transverse C3-C7 To: serrated face scapula Action: Support trunk between forelimbs
Deltoideus and biceps brachii origin, insertion and action, innervation
Deltoideus From: Acromion scapula To: deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: to flex the shoulder Biceps brachii From: supraglenoid tuberble scapula To: radial and ulnar tuberosity Action: Flex the elbow and extend the shoulder Inn: musculocutaneous
Coracobrachialis, supraspinatus and infraspinatus origin, insertion, action
Coracobrachialis From: Coracoid process of the scapula To: Teres major tuberosity of the humerus Action: adduct, extend and stabilise the shoulder joint Supraspinatus From: Supraspinous fossa of the scapula To: Greater tubercle of the humerus Action: extend and stabilise the shoulder joint Infraspinatus From: Infraspinous fossa To: Greater tubercle of the humerus Action: extend or flex the joint and abduct the shoulder and to rotate the shoulder laterally
Subscapularis and teres major origin, insertion, action
Subscapularis From: Subscapular fossa To: Lesser tubercle of the humerus Action: To adduct, extend, and medially stabilize the shoulder joint and to rotate the shoulder medially Teres major From: Dorsal caudal border of the scapula To: Teres major tuberosity of the humerus Action: Flex the shoulder, rotate the shoulder medially, and prevent lateral rotation when weight bearing
Triceps brachii origin, insertion, action and nerve
Triceps brachii From: Long head: caudal border of the scapula Lateral head: Triciptial line of the humerus Accessory head: neck of the humerus Medial head: crest of the lesser tubercle To: All insert onto the olecranon Action: To extend the elbow and flex the shoulder Inn: Radial nerve
Teres minor, brachialis, anconeus origin, insertion and action
Teres minor From: Distal third of the caudal border of the scapula and infraglenoid tubercle To: Teres minor tubercle of the humerus Action: To flex the shoulder, rotate the shoulder laterally, and prevent medial rotation when bearing weight. Brachialis From: Lateral surface of the humerus To: Ulnar and radial tuberosities Action: To flex the elbow nerve. Anconeus From: The lateral and medial epicondyles of the humerus. TO: The lateral surface of the proximal end of the ulna (the olecranon) Action: To extend the elbow
What are the 3 carpal extenders and the 2 that also extend the digits
1) Extensor Capri Radialis 2) Common digital extensor - digits 3) Lateral digital extensor - digits
What are the 4 carpal flexors and the 2 that also flex the digits
1) Superfifical digital flexor - digits 2) deep digital flexor - digits 3) Flexor capri ulnaris 4) Flexor capri radialis
Supinator and pronator teres origin, insertion, action and innervation
Supinator From: Lateral epicondyle of the humerus To: radius Action To rotate the forearm laterally Inn: Radial nerve Pronator teres From: Medial epicondyle of the humerus To: radius Action: To rotate the forearm medially so that palmar side of the paw Inn: Median nerve
What are the 8 extrinsic muscles of the forelimb
1) Trapezius (vervicis and thoracics) 2) Rhomboideus (capitis, cervicis & thoracis) 3) Brachiocephalicus (Cleidobrachialis m., cleidocervicalis m. and cleidomastoideus m. 4) Omotransversaricus 5) Latissimus dorsi 6) Superficial pectoral m. (descending & transverse) 7) Deep pectoral m. 8) Serratus ventralis m.
What are the 2 muscles involves in flexing and extending the elbow joint and what nerves innervated by
Flexor - Biceps brachii and brachialis Innervated by musculocutaneous nerve Extend - triceps and anconeus Innervated by radial nerve
What nerves innervate the flexor and extensor muscles of the forelimb
Radial nerve - triceps, anconeus, carpal and digital extensors Musculocutaneous - flexors of the elbow joint Median and ulnar digital and carpal flexors
What are the 2 major lymph nodes within the forelimb and where are they located
1) Superficial cervical - lateral aspect of the neck within adipose tissue within the triangle from the cleidobrachialis, omotransversarius and trapezius 2) Axillary - located caudal to the shoulder joint at the divergence of the brachial and subscapular blood vessels, adjacent to teh border of the deep pectoral
Mastoid process, nuchal crest and wing of the atlas what forelimb muscles originate from these structures
1) Mastoid process - cleidoastoideus, brachiocephalicus 2) Nuchal crest - rhomboideus capitis 3) Wing of the atlas - omotransversarius
what is the radial position compared to the ulna
Radius is cranial and medial Ulna is more caudal and lateral
3 names for the elbow and carpal joint
Elbow joint 1) humeroradial joint 2) humeroulnar joint 3) proximal radioulnar joint Carpal joint 1) antebrachiocarpal 2) middle carpal 3) carpometacarpal
What is the main arterial blood flow through the forelimb
1) Subclavian (left and right for left and right forelimb) 2) axillary 3) brachial 4) SPLIT Common interosseous -> ulnar -> caudal interosseous -> superficial palmar arterial arch Median -> radial -> deep palmar arterial arch
What are the branches off the subclavian artery
Superficial cervical artery -> suprascapular
What are the branches off the axillary artery
Axillary 1) Lateral thoracic 2) Subscapular -> thoracodorsal and caudal circumflex humeral
4 pathways of cephalic vein to the heart
1) Cephalic vein -> external jugular - CVC 2) Cephalic -> median cubital -> brachial -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic 3) cephalic -> axillobrachial -> omobrachial -> external jugular 4) Cephalic -> axillobrachial -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic
Nerves in the forelimb at the level of the scapula and the distal limb
Scapula -> suprascapular, axillar, musculocutaneous, radial Distal limb -> Radial, median, ular
Label S, P, A

S = sagittal process
P = mastoid process of the tempor bone
A = osseous external auditory meatus
What bones and label

Carpal bones
Proximal row -> accessory, radial, ulnar capral bones
Distal row -> capral bones I, II, III, IV
How many carpal bones do digits 1-5 have
Digit 1 - 1
Digit 2-5 - 2 proximal sesamoid bones
Label A-C

A = rhomboideus
B = ventral serrate
C = pectoral
Label the 3 joints

Top - antebrachiocarpal joint
Middle - middle carpal joint
Bottom - Carpometacarpal joint
Medial aspect of what joint and label A, B C

Left shoulder joint
A = tendon of the biceps brachii
B = medial glenohumeral ligament
C = head of humerus
Cranial aspect of what joint and list the 3 ligaments A, B, C

Elbow joint
A = oblique ligament of the elbow
B = lateral collateral ligament
C = annual ligament of radius
What are the following ligaments A, B and the joint it is associated with

Elbow joint
A = medial collateral ligament
B = interosseous ligament
Right manus palmar aspect label A, B, C tendons of ligaments

A = digital flexor mm tendons
B = palmar annula ligament
C = proximal digital ligament
Digits, lateral and medial view
Label the following A,B,C,D,E, joints, ligaments or muscles

A = proximal interphalangeal joint
B = metacarpophalangeal joint
C = Extensor bracnhes of interosseous
D = collateral ligaments
E = distal interphalangeal joint
Left lateral aspect of the forelimb list A,B,C,D muscles

A = Rhomboideus (cervicis)
B = Trapazius (thoracis muscle)
C = Trapezius (cervicis)
D = Rhomoideus (thoracis)
Forelimb extrinsic muscles label A,B,C,D,E

A = Cleidomastoideus muscle
B = omotransversarius muscle
C = cleidobrachials muscle
D = Cleidocervicalis muscle
E = Clavicular intersection
External muscles of the forelimb lable A,B,C,D
A = trapezius muscle
B = latissimus dorsi muscle
C = omotrasnversarius muscle
D = edtge of cut cutaneous trunci muscle

What is the following muscle of the forelimb

Deep pectoral muscle
What is the following muscle

Serratus ventralis
Label the 3 instric muscles of the forelimb A,B,C

A = deltoideus muscle
B = teres major
C = infraspinatus
What is the intrinsic muscles of the forelimb on the right, this is removed on the left, what 2 muscles are underneath

Triceps Brachii
A) lateral head
B) Long head
C) Accessory head
Fill in the labels of the shoulder joint

Top = spine of scapula
Middle = tendon sheath
Middle = biceps brachii muscle
Bottom = humerus
Fill is the muscles of the sacpula A,B,C,D,E

A = serrated face of the scapula
B = subscapular muscle
C = tered major muscles
D = supraspinatus muscles
E = deltoid muscle
Shoulder muscles list the A,B,C

Triceps brachii muscle
A = long head
B = medial head
C = accessory head
List the intrinsic muscles of the shoulder A,B,C,D

A = subcapularis
B = coracobrachialis muscle
C = tensor fascia antebrachi muscle
D = triceps brachii
Right foramen elbow joint what muscle

Lateral aspect, right forearm label A,B,C,D

A = common digital extensor
B = lateral digital extensor
C = extensor carpi radialis
D = ulnaris lateralis
What are the 2 muscles A,B

A = supinator muscle
B = pronator teres muscle
Name the 2 deep antebrachium muscles A,B

A = Pronator quadratus muscle
B = abductor pollicis longus muscle
Medial aspect of the elbow and antebrachium name the nerves and muscle A,B,C

A = median nerve and artery
B = pronator teres muscle
C = ulnar nerve
Forelimb what is the muscle and what was removed to get to that muscle

Interosseous muscle
Removed the digital flexor tendons
Nme the fascia of the antebrachium

Top = deep antebrachial fasia
Bottom = superficial antebrachial fascia
Forelimb, label A,B,C,D,E

A = Common digital extensor
B = superficial digital flexor
C = accessory carpal bone
D = extensor retinaculum
E = flexor retinaculum
Forelimb muscles name them and thier function

Left = triceps - extensor of the eblow joint
Right = biceps brachii and brachialis - flexor of the elbow joint
Label the nerves of the forelimb

Label the nerves of the cranial aspect of the shoulder

A = suprascapular nerve
B = shoulder joint
C = superificial cervial artery and vein
D = omotransversatirous muscles
E = supraspinatus muscle
F = trapezius
G = cleidocervicalis muscle
Nerves of the forelimb around the elbow A,B,C

A = Radial nerve
B = median nerve
C = ulna nerve
Label the 3 following veins A,B,C cranial aspect of the shoulder

A = axillobrachial vein
B = omobrachial vein
C = cephalic vein
Fill in the arteries

Label the arteries A-D

A = radial artery and vein
B = median artery and veins, median nerve
C = ulnar nerve artery and vein
D = brachial aretery and vein, median nerve
Label the veins A,B,C

A = cephalic vein
B = medial cubital vein
C = median artery, vein and nerve
Fill in the labels A,B,C

A = superficial palmar venous arch
B = metacarpophalangal joints
C = cephalic vein
Label 1,3,4,5,6,12,14,17,18,20,25,27,28,29,32,33

- vertebral artery
- cervicothoracic ganglion
- Ansa subclavia
- subclavian artery
- vagus nerve
- Aorta
- Esophagus
- Phrenic nerve to diaphragm
- Paraconal interventricular a., v., and groove
- Internal thoracic artery
- Middle cervical ganglion
- costocervical trunk (artery, broken)
- External jugular vein
- VagosympathePc trunk
- costocervical vein
- axillary artery
Fill in the label t,q,h, blue arrow

t = esophagus (retracted)
q = arota
h = azygos vein
blue arrow = thoracic duct
Label the lung lobes

What are the two types of nerves purple and green

Purple = intercostal nerve
Green = phrenic nerve
Fill in the labels A-H

A = costal arch
B = caval foreamen
C = Esophageal hiatus
D = aortic hiatus
E = rectractor costae
F = left crus
G = right crus
Label the following A,B,C,D

A = Transversus thoracis
B = caudal vena cava
C = esophagus
D = aorta
What are the thoracic ribs and the two processes on the sternum
Manubrium (cranial)
Xiphoid process (caudal)
Label the 3 thoracic muscles

A = serratus dorsalis cranialis muscle
B = rectus thoracis muscle
C = scalenus muscle
Label A,B,C,D

A = aorta
B = oesophagus
C = heart
D = Caudal vena cava
E = diaphragm
Label the muscles A,B,C,D,E

A = brachiocephalicus muscle
B = trapezius cervicis
C = trapezius thoracis
D = latissimus dorsi muscle
E = deep pectoral muscle
What does cm, m and c stand for

The mediastinum
cm = cranial
m = middle
c = caudal
Label the following l,v,c,s,a,i,m,e, a

l = subclavian artery
v = vertebral artery
c = costocervical trunk
s = supericial cervical
i = internal thoracic
m = musculophrenic
e = cranial epigastric
a = axillary
Label the following: r,i,d,s,l

r = ribs
i = internal intercostal muscle
d = intervertebral disc
s = sympathetic trunk
l = edge of left lung
What are the labels cv,c,a,b

cv = caudal vena cava
c = cranial vena cava
a = azygous vein
b = brachiocephalic vein
Label v, cp, dp, mp and pp (pleura)

v = pulmonary visceral pleura
Parietal pleura
cp = costal
dp = diaphragmatic
mp = mediastinal pp = pericardial
Label the nerves A,B

A = intercostal
B = phrenic
Label t,s,a,g,v,vs,sc (nerves)

t = sympathetic trunk
s = cervicothoracic or stellate ganglion
A = ansa subclavia
G = midde cervical ganglion
V = vagus nerve
vs = vasosympathetic trunk
sc = subclavian artery
Name the following muscle

Longissimus thoracis
Fill in the labels

D = diaphragm
t = tendonous centre
o = oesophageal hiatus
ah = aortic hiatus
c = caval foramen
cv = caudal vena cava
os = ophagus
a = aorta
th = transverse thoracic

Fill in the labels

p = pericardium
l = left auricle
r = right auricle
L,R = ventricles

Label the veins from A-D

A = azygous
B = caudal vena cava
C = brachiocephalic vein
D = costocervical vertebral trunk
What are the following arteries

Top = costocervical trunk
Middle = superficial cervical artery
Bottom = internal thoracic artery
Label the veins A-E

A = azygous vein
B = cranial vena cava
C = brachiocephalic vein
D = trachea
E = intercostal veins
Label A-D

A = sympathetic trunk
B = aorta
C = oesophagus
D = azygous vein
Label the lungs lobes A-D

A = caudal lobe
B = acessory lobe
C = cranial lobe
D = middle lobe
What are the following

Cr.cr = cranial part of cranial lobe
cd.cr = caudal part of cranial lobe

Label A-H

A = phrenic nerve
B = sympathetic trunk
C = ribs
D = intervertbral disc
E = aorta
F = oesophagus
G = right lung
H = azygous vein
Label A-E

A = vagosympathetic trunk nerve
B = vagus nerve
C = cadiac nerve
D = left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Parasympathetic innervation of the thoracic cavity describe the pathway
Vagus nerve from brain -> left and right vagus nerves course near common carotid arteris -> give off left and right recurrent laryngeal nerve -> caudal to root of lung split into dorsal and ventral brach -> left and right ventral = ventral vagal trunk and vice versa (dorsal)
Describe the sympathetic supply of the thorax
Sympathetic trunk -> rami communicantes (between thoracic and lumbar nerves) AND stellate ganglion (cranial end of sympathetic chain) -> vertebral nerve (passes through thoracic inlet) -> ansa subclavia (makes ring around subclavian artery) -> middle cervical ganglion (where sympathetic and parasympathetic (vagus nerve) come together) -> vasosympathetic trunk up the neck
What are the main arteries off the aorta
1) brachiocephalic trunk (first brach) -> left common carotid artery, right common carotid artery and right subclavian
2) left subclavian artery -> second branch
1. vertebral
2. costocervical
3. superficial cervical
4. internal thoracic
Left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves were do they course
- Right – leaves the right vagus and curves around the right subclavian before coursing cranially on the dorsolateral surface of the trachea to the larynx
- Left – leaves the left vagus nerve and courses further caudally around the aorta before returning up the neck on the left side of the larynx
Fill in the labels

A = aorta
LV = left ventricle
RV = right ventrcle
S = left subcalvian artery
L = accessor lobe of right lung
P = left phrenic nerve
SY = sympathetic trunk
V1 = dorsal vagal trunk
V2 = ventral vagal trunk
C = cervicothoracic ganglion
As = ansa subclavia
D = diaphragm
LA = left auricle
O = oesophagus